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Motionjoy + Glovepie

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:07 pm
by Lookforyourhands
Hi ya'll, I'm sure there's a few threads around here about this kind of thing but
seeing how it can be kind of tricky to get Motionjoy and Glovepie working together
depending on your setup, I wanted to try and be as clear as possible. Im hoping someone
out there has run into this issue before or could maybe pass along a tidbit of advice.

I'm using Motionjoy to connect my ps move and navigator controller which works
just fine. Windows sees them as Xbox 360 wireless controllers and I have the buttons
mapped in Xpadder and it works great. I can use them both
in games to walk around and perform actions.

The problem starts when I connect my wiimote to Glovepie (using MS stack and a
separate compatible Bluetooth adapter). The wiimote works great and using a script I
found online gives very accurate control of the mouse with motion plus. In windows testing
all the devices works as expected and buttons react the way I mapped then but when
I go in game suddenly the thumb stick on the navigotor doesn't respond, and the buttons
I mapped are different. Even pressing w,s,a,d on the keyboard
doesn't work and responds the exact same way as the navigator so I know it's not the controller itself.
This is only happens when the wiimote is connected in Glovepie, otherwise I have full control
with the move and navigator controllers.

Is there an extra step I'm missing or something I'm overlooking ?
I would appreciate any input, thanks in advance ya'll ! :)
Happy gaming and Merry Christmas!

Re: Motionjoy + Glovepie

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:41 pm
by Lookforyourhands
Dammit. I figured it out. I guess it was just the script I was using because I finally found
one that works.

Sorry to start a whole new topic, but maybe it will catch someones eye and help them out. Who knows.

Oh yah, here's a video I just made of trying out Left for Dead 2 with the wiimote and motion plus
emulating mouse look for aiming, it's really fun ! :D

Re: Motionjoy + Glovepie

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:57 pm
by cybereality
Cool, glad you got it working.

Re: Motionjoy + Glovepie

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:14 am
by Lookforyourhands
Yeah! Thanks Cybereality. I got it working like 98% I feel...

EDIT: Figured it out !

Ok. Just wanted to document how I got this working.. It's probably
different than some people's setups but it's working perfectly for me. Or
at least good enough for my needs. (Until the Rift comes along lol)

I'll try and keep this short and sweet.
-Using seperate bluetooth adapters.

-I notice I needed to put one in the USB 3 slot or Motionjoy wouldn't
work with it, but once I did that it works great. Full check marks.

-Other bluetooth adapter in USB 2.0 port, Windows see's and uses
default MS stack. Icon should appear in task manager which will
allow you to synch Wiimote.

-Download and Motionjoy, Glovepie, and Xpadder.

-Connect PS move and Navigator controllor via Motionjoy. There are
tutorials around on how to do this. (For me I had to connect Nav first
then the Move or the Glovepie script won't recognize the Nav)

-Connect the wiimote + motion plus to computer. Lights should blink.

-Open GlovePie. Load script. (In this case I am using one Pierreye made for the
PS Navigator and Wiimote and it's incredible. a BIG thanks to that guy.. !!!

(link to the thread with good Glovepie scripts in them) ... &start=225

-Press RUN in Glovepie. (For me the wiimote wouldn't connect unless I pressed, Run, Stop, Run,
really quick.. strange but it works every time..)

-The wiimote should synch and control the mouse.

-Load up Xpadder and Map the buttons on the PS Move. (Not sure if Glovepie is supposed to do
this or not but no matter it works just as well this way).

-Attach all 3 controllers to a PS Sharpshooter controller and strap on your HMD and you're good to go.

The only minor annoyance is having to map keys for different games but once you get it set up you're good to go !

Thank you for this board even existing cause without it I wouldnt have the skills to hack this together myself!
I really appreacite it this place rocks !


Re: Motionjoy + Glovepie

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:00 pm
by adawe
seems like psmove is only for buttons. there's no motion sensing

if we can get motion sensing to work on move, then we can just ditch the wiimote