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Need input for a "non Rift" high res HMD

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:28 am
by Emax
Edit: Just wanted to explain little bit more what the aim of this is:
I do not want to make a Rift clone, since the rift is is totally dependent on software support. The latest information about the Rift implicates, that the Rift developer kits and future consumer version might not even work with standard SBS output, like you find with SAT TV or Youtube (at least not wirhout dedicated software support)
Therefore, I would like to make something that works with the same input sources as e.g. the HMZ-T1 does (with standard 3D movies and 3D games). Just with higher FOV as compared to the HMZ-T1 or even with exchangeable FOV.
Headtracking will also be part of it. The resolution should at least be 1280x768 for both eyes.
I am in the evaluation phase at the moment and hope that people with more experience than me could give me some input so that I can work out my strategy.

Hi everybody,

I wondered if I should maybe really start an own thread now, because I need input on making a „non Rift“ HMD.
When considering Palmers latest information, I even feel more that I should start making an HMD, which is more compatible with current standard feeds. ... 238#p84238

I hope to get some „kind of immersive“ experience with existing hardware and software (Blue ray movies, games with Tridef or Nvidia 3DTV play driver). It might be that it is for nothing, since TriDef could join the rift train any time and other Software solutions might be perfectly supporting everything you might want to do with the Rift. But it might be still fun to do it :-)
I was using a HMZ-T1 for some time, but the lower FOV and the fact that the screen seems to be so far from your eyes was killing the fun (it was supposed to be a cinema simulation anyway).
My HMD shall have higher resolution per eye as the Rift and render in correct aspect ratio without the need of additional software. I might use some video processor box to convert HDMI 1.4a signal to SBS or dual Screen setup.
FOV shall be changeable from about 70° to 100° (with exchangeable optics)
My most urgent questions so far:
Does someone have experience with making a monoscopic HMD (maybe with the Hydis 5.6 inch screen) and then use red/cyan for stereoscopic output? I am not sure which lens to use and if the hydis 256k color screen will give bad ghosting. Please consider that you can pimp the red/cyan with “digital vibration” setting in Nvidia control to reduce ghosting panel and there are LCD optimized red/cyan glasses. I was using such set-up with my first two LCD screens for quite a long time (until a got a polfilter screen this year, and I used shutter with CRT monitors before). Combined with high FOV, it might still be impressive although colors might be underwhelming.
Issues I see:
- Ghosting because of the display quality (256k colors). Anyone tried this yet?

- Low 3D depth, as you are very close to the screen. When pushing 3D Vision or TriDef to 100% depth, you will still get low depth when going 20 cm close to your screen. Any way to get higher depth (registry hack available)?

What is the right lens for that. I was thinking of using an Eschenbach Aspheric II, 3x or 2.8x magnification in square format: ... detail.htm ... detail.htm

Other idea is to use two screens with 4x or 5x aspheric lens or Leep style lenses.
Problem: panels with LVDS interface are too big to get 2 in front of your eyes.
I am looking for an option to use MIPI Screens with HDMI/DVI (looks like nothing is out yet).

Another idea is to use two screens in portrait alignment. I tested some games in portrait and it worked ok. Does anyone have experience with that? It will be hard to get a wide horizontal FOV that way (you might lose a lot of pixels from top and bottom of the screen) and not all games put out correct aspect ratio. Anyone tried to make a HMD like that or has some input?

One could also play with mirrors or prisms, but that sounds all complicated, big and heavy.

Any input on making a HMD with Pico projectors? Who (except for Palmer ;-) ) has done something like that?

Would be great if I could get some input on those ideas.

Re: Need input on some ideas for my HMD, sorting out the way

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:33 am
by Emax
Just found out that I maybe should have posted into "General VR/AR Discussion" instead.
If i am right, could this thread be moved there?


Re: Need input on some ideas for my HMD, sorting out the way

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:06 pm
by cybereality
Hey Emax, this is the correct forum for this question.

Seems like an interesting idea, and I know some people have already made DIY Rifts, so its totally possible.

Re: Need input for a "non Rift" high res HMD

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:50 pm
by Robborboy
The Vuzix Wrap920 has a VGA adapter that auto detects SBS and enables it. If VGA works for you that board may be something to consider.

Though while the input is VGA I believe the output is proprietary. I can't remember if it is pinned or converted to a 3.5mm jack. I have one laying about somewhere though.

If I read your post correctly this would eliminate the need of a game being programmed specifically to support your device.