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Warranty & MTBF

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:06 pm
by TeraBit
Hi Ethan,

Not sure if you're still monitoring here :D

I was wondering about the Tech in the TDVisor HD. What is the light source? LED / Fluorescent / etc.?

Part of the reason for asking is that I was interested in the Warranty that is / will be offered with the TDVisor and what the expected lifespan is of the display / lighting is (MTBF).

It's an expensive thing to go 'ping!' :shock: and it's not like it can be repaired / replaced locally (I'm in the UK). :)

Also, is it going to be possible to 'Daisychain' more than one visor / monitor together (Perhaps by splitter cable / Pass Through)? It would be nice not to have to unplug my lcd / projector each time I want to use the visor.

TDVisor Tech

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:08 pm
by eschur
Hi TeraBit,

The TDVisor uses unique LCOS screens. The great thing about the TDVisor-SD LCOS even at 800x600 is that they have superior pixel density, brightness, contrast, and overall clarity than comparable OLED and LCOS devices. We are using a unique form of LCOS that does not require color sequential LED to provide the color information. That means that the refresh rate can be sustained at high frequencies without flicker.

The light source for the TDVisor are LED. I've been using certain demo units for years now and I have never once seen or heard a "ping". The light engine is stable.

Users can now daisy chain TDVisor with DVI splitters like those from Gefen. In the future I want that tech built into the control box unit so users can daisy-chain multiple units or units to multiple stereoscopic display devices.

The great thing about the dual head design of TDVisor is users can watch in 2D on any 2D display device the same image they are seeing on the TDVisor in 3D.


Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:46 am
by TeraBit
Hi Ethan,

Thanks for the info, it's been very helpful.
We are using a unique form of LCOS that does not require color sequential LED to provide the color information.
I was wondering how you'd get a color wheel in there :wink:

Sounds really cool 8)

Looking forward to the Upcoming TDVisor-HD :D