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hi all

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:36 am
by kbekl
hi all i have just purchased a panasonic 3d tv but i just can get the pc to work with it

the tv is a tx-p50ut50b ... index.html

and the gpu is a 5770 i do have a spare 6450 and could probably get a 6850/550ti gpu if needed

i tried the iz3d but couldnt get the setup completed to out put 3d all i managed was to use the 3d button on the tv which didnt show the content correctly

rest of the pc is
4gb ddr3 ram
1tb hdd
g600 psu
5770 gpu
gigabyte main board
windows 7

any help would be appreciated

Re: hi all

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:43 am
by Likay
Is it installed without any antivirus enabled? Be sure to also choose all outputoptions during install even if you only need a few.

The dx10 feature is sometimes very buggy and is best to turn off (iz3d control panel, driver settings). For me it crashes the dynamic test among others.
Go to the iz3d control panel, status & methods, enable driver and choose a supported outputmode for the tv.
Run the testimage (static test) below the helptab and see if it's show correctly. When all is working try the dynamic test also to see that everything is good.
Checkout the hotkeys for iz3d:
[*] - Toggle stereo on/off
[+] - Increase separation
[-] - Decrease separation
[shift] + [+] - Increase convergence
[shift] + [-] - Decrease convergence
Among others...


Re: hi all

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:06 am
by kbekl
Likay wrote:Is it installed without any antivirus enabled? Be sure to also choose all outputoptions during install even if you only need a few.

The dx10 feature is sometimes very buggy and is best to turn off (iz3d control panel, driver settings). For me it crashes the dynamic test among others.
Go to the iz3d control panel, status & methods, enable driver and choose a supported outputmode for the tv.
Run the testimage (static test) below the helptab and see if it's show correctly. When all is working try the dynamic test also to see that everything is good.
Checkout the hotkeys for iz3d:
[*] - Toggle stereo on/off
[+] - Increase separation
[-] - Decrease separation
[shift] + [+] - Increase convergence
[shift] + [-] - Decrease convergence
Among others...

cheers for that

microsoft security essentials is installed and i dont know how to turn it off

their are no drivers for the tv, windows show the tv as a generic pnp monitor.

the pc runs in dx11

with iz3d i have tried to run the wizzard but the program does not change the screen to 3d leaving it in 2d when i toggle on and off the s-3d

is it because the tv is a new model that their are no drivers for it ? and is that the reason for the non functionality of the 3d ?

would it just be easier to opt for a nvidia card and use the 3d from that ? as according to nvidia's site i can use the tv's glasses instead of the nvidia ones, but my tv isnt listed as compatible but the older versions are

Re: hi all

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:38 pm
by Callezetter
Have you updated your gpu driver to the latest one?

I believe its Catalyst 12.6 atm.

I know my 3d stopped working a wile ago, until i updated the driver.
I use Tridef tho and not iz3d with my 6870 card, but maybe they made something with 3d in 12.6
and broke the old 3d drivers

You can always try Tridef 14day free demo if nothing else, just to check your hardware.

But make sure you have latest catalyst. I bet its that whats wrong.

Re: hi all

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:30 pm
by Neil
What resolution are you trying to run the TV at? If you are connecting via HDMI, change your resolution to 1280X720. If you want to use a high resolution, go with a side by side output (and tell the TV to go into side by side mode via the remote control).

DDD is your best bet long term.


Re: hi all

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:47 am
by kbekl
res is 1920x1080 auto from the hdmi connection to the tv

when using sbs the tv auto selects 3d and also has the otpions to choose

the thing is when using the iz3d drivers the tv wont auto select but then the picture isnt changed into 3d but if i run a sbs video the tv recognises it and works as it should

the amd drivers are uptodate it was last updated about 3 days ago via the pop up screen informing of a new version

would it be because the gpu is only a 1.3 hdmi connection and not a 1.4 althou according to the Catalyst driver page the 5770 should game in s-3d

Re: hi all

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:11 am
by Callezetter
I use both a 5770 and a 6870 in s3d without any issues.
I run them in 720p and using Tridef. Dont have any expeience with iz3d.

Have you tried tridef yet?

Re: hi all

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:08 am
by Likay
I also forgot to add (which everybody else is doing): You should definitely give Tridef a go. Iz3d haven't updated their drivers for over a year now and the development is halted, probably for good.