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New System Build - Opinions Please

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 4:48 pm
by woggle
Hi all, firstly great community site and just what I've been looking for since I decided to upgrade to a 3d system, here is my dilemma/question.
I will be purchasing a full upgrade for my PC in about a week and would like input on the graphics card to purchase. The system I'll be building is as follows

FX-4100 CPU
Asrock 990FX Extreme 3 M/Board
8gb RAM
Xonar DG Sound Card
Samsung S23A700D 23" 3d Ready Monitor
ATI HD 7850 2Gb or Geforce GTX 560 ti 1Gb

My problem is, the monitor comes with tridef (DDD) software included and the recommended graphics route is ATI. However this would lock me out completely if I wanted to use 3D Vision in the future so I could pick up the geforce card instead. What are peoples views on this, is side by side viewing (60hz) that different compared to full HD (120hz) and can I get 3D Vision working through a "crack" without buying more equipment (mixed responses from googling the question)? Can't stretch my budget any further (not a bad £600 build) than I already have so the monitor is already decided and all down to the graphics card.

Re: New System Build - Opinions Please

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:14 pm
by cybereality
Hey, welcome to the board!

I have just built a similar system. It has AMD FX-4100, ASRock 880GM-LE FX, 8GB RAM, and AMD HD 6870. I am using this with an HDMI 1.4a projector (720P). For the price, its not a bad rig. I was playing BF3 on High settings in 2D at around 75FPS and L4D2 in 3D at playable speeds (30-60FPS). Certainly its not high-end, but should be able to run most games at moderate settings, even in 3D.

For that Samsung monitor, it is only designed to work with AMD GPUs. Now there are ways to get Nvidia cards to work, but this is not "officially supported" so there is no guarantee how long this will work for as new drivers come out. Honestly I would recommend sticking with AMD for the least headaches, at least with this particular monitor. If you want to go with Nvidia, there are a ton of 120Hz monitors available that will work exclusively with Nvidia cards. But if you are set on the Samsung monitor, then just get an AMD video card.

In terms of the drivers, I find DDD to have a better 3D effect (more depth) than Nvidia, however Nvidia usually works out-of-box with more games. Still, DDD boasts support of over 600 games, so either way you go support should be fine. Also, its nice to support the underdog sometimes, keeps things interesting.

Re: New System Build - Opinions Please

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:26 pm
by woggle
Thanks for the input cyber, had kinda agreed with you already that ATI was the way to go but wanted a bit of confirmation. Being a long time user of Nvidia I was just a little reluctant to change. The tweaking DDD requires doesn't bother me too much if anything I prefer it (most PC users who custom build like to "tinker" with their settings). I went for the monitor mainly down to the price, 120hz monitor with the 3D included for £200 is a bargain to kickstart my 3D trek and the cheapest Nvidia I found was nearly £50 more without the 3D vision setup.
Will go for the AMD complete system and get testing on some games, hopefully help out a bit with the list of working titles.