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Wicked3D & "pre Nvidia 3D Surround era games"

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:39 pm
by hifidelitygaming
I was curious whether there are any canononical lists about 3d gaming before the current era of Nvidia 3D Surround... including compatibility lists, and things like whether a game worked best with iZ3D or DDD instead of Nvidia, or literally requires the old Nvidia 2007 drivers or even Wicked3D drivers.

I'm a bit of a nut for wanting retro rigs to play older games at max quality possible for the era, and so i'm trying to find lists of games that are NOT compatible with ANY of the following: Nvidia 3D Surround (modern), iZ3d, and Tridef DDD.

I am specifically curious whether the old Nvidia drivers will play EVERYTHING from the Wicked 3D era onwards (and if not which games might be W3D only), as well as games from even older eras that might have used more proprietary setups (just for completeness including HMD's like VFX1 and other interesting hardware) so I know whether in my search for playing any older game at max quality I need more than just the one 2007 era rig i'm planning to build. :P

Re: Wicked3D & "pre Nvidia 3D Surround era games"

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:32 pm
by cybereality
I don't think there is any list like that. But the old Nvidia drivers supported most DirectX7/8/9 games and also OpenGL.