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BluRay 3D/eDimensional wired/CRT??

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:28 pm
by hifidelitygaming
I know I wont be doing 1080p but i'm curious whether there is any workaround way to run a software Bluray 3D player, use eDimensional glasses I already have, and use the CRT I already have (capable of 120hz just at lower resolutions, but even 100hz or 96hz might work and be a fine multiple, hmm) to view a Bluray 3D movie... this includes methods like using the copy protection defeating stuff that forces HDMI output, running on XP (actually preferred if possible), or transcoding to some other format like divx or h264 first.

Re: BluRay 3D/eDimensional wired/CRT??

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:35 pm
by cybereality
You can do this, but you need to rip the Blu-Ray first. DVDFab can do this, and convert it to a side-by-side video. Then you can play in Stereoscopic Player.

Re: BluRay 3D/eDimensional wired/CRT??

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:48 pm
by Zerofool
Stereoscopic Player supports direct .ssif file playback, you don't need to convert anything, only de-crypting of the BD is needed.
Unfortunately, with Stereoscopic Player the only suitable output option is the software page-flipping, which often causes eye switching, and is very annoying. Being in the same situation (CRT + e-Dimensional), I was looking for a solution, and it's pretty straightforward - you need to use AMD HD3D or NVIDIA 3D Vision, depending on your graphics card. The way I did it for my system (AMD HD5870 card, you need HD5xxx-gen or newer card) is to use modified monitor driver, which overrides the EDID of my display, so that the Catalyst driver thinks that I have one of the supported 3D Projectors (using VGA), and I can use HD3D, and all apps that support it (this includes Stereoscopic Player, the latest sView, TotalMedia Theatre, PowerDVD, and the HD3D modes of iZ3D and DDD Tridef (the last of which I haven't tested yet) for gaming).
I used the driver described in this post, but I modified it according to the capabilities of my monitor (I set the native mode to 1280x960@120Hz). If you decide to try it, I'll try to help.
For nvidia cards, it should be the same, but you'll also need the USB dongle emulator.

Re: BluRay 3D/eDimensional wired/CRT??

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:08 am
by hifidelitygaming
..! Modifying a monitor configuration file.. that's brilliant! What is the USB dongle emulator? Would this get around the normal Nvidia blocking of CRT's running 3D Vision modes for the last year? Ie - could I use newer drivers if I modify it accordingly? (Ideally i'd like to get a new 680gtx card but not if it wont run my CRT's in 3D) Like block the recognition but have it pretend it's a 3D Vision ready display somehow, but run a nonnative lower res (for the CRT), or is there some other way it recognizes the display..

I've been wanting to modify a monitor driver for another reason (Nvidia wont recognize the 2048x1536x85hz mode of my monitor on any driver new enough for XP, works fine on my win2000 system though) so this has multiple interests to me if it's applicible there.

My original hope was to play them on an XP system using older 2007 drivers as well - I have more than one pair of the glasses and want to give the gift of 3D away to a few people even if I eventually. :)

Re: BluRay 3D/eDimensional wired/CRT??

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:18 am
by Zerofool
The emulator I was talking about is the "Alexpk's 3D Vision Emitter Script with MS Device Simulation Framework" from this thread. It makes your system think that there's the 3D Vision USB emitter connected to your system.

Yes, in theory it should fool nvidia driver that you have this compatible 3D projector, but I can't say for sure, I don't have a modern nvidia card to test it. If it works on your GTX260, it should work on GTX6x0 as well.

But let's be clear on something - 3D Vision only works on win Vista/7, so you'll have to switch to one of them, or preferably, do a dual-boot setup with XP and 7 (like I did), so if you want to play old games, you turn off your 7, switch your gfx card with 7x00GTx, and boot into XP. And for newer games/video playback - you switch back to your modern card and boot into 7. Plug and Play, my friend :D.

Yes, you could add the 2048x1536x85hz mode in the way I will describe, but you could also try the "add custom resolution" option from the nvidia control panel. I don't know how it currently works, I've only tried it on older drivers/card.

OK, here's the "guide", it's for more experienced users, so if you're not sure, you better don't mess with it. First read the whole thing, and decide if you can do it.

Once you're on Win7 (x64, if you have 4GB RAM or more), do this:
First read the post I linked in my previous post, and follow the link to the nvidia forum, and read the first post there as well, just to get an idea what you'll be doing.

Then install the Acer H5360 .inf file attached in the nvidia forum (from device manager, find your monitor, right click, update driver, browse my computer, let me pick, have disk, and browse the inf).

Now follow the instructions found here: ... rates.html

In step 2, you should chose the Acer display, it sould be called something like ACR0701, or similar, starting with ACR.
Step 5 is the most important one, it's here where you enter the supported modes. Be sure your monitor supports what you're writing there. Here you can add the mentioned 2048x1536x85Hz mode.
Detailed Timing, block 1 is usually the default (native/recommended) mode for the monitor, but better not touch it right now, we'll edit it later. In block 2, these are the specs of the monitor, consult the exact specs of your model (find a pdf or something like user/service manual, in the net) and insert them here.
Now, between steps 11 and 12, we'll do a small modification before proceeding. In MonInfo (Monitor Asset Manager) click Edit-> read-only, to enter editing mode. In the right, find "Video bandwidth..." and replace the number with the max dot clock/pixel clock/pixel rate/bandwidth from the specs of your monitor (Phoenix only allows up to 250MHz, that's why we edit this thing in MonInfo).
For the default (native/recommended) mode, find the lines "Native/preferred timing.." and "Modeline..............." below it.
There are two ways to insert a proper modeline. The first is to copy the modeline from your original monitor driver (in xp or 2k or 98/me... just run MonInfo there, and it should be able to read it, and you can copy it). If it's too much trouble, the second option is to use a modeline calculator, like this one, and copy the resulting lines in MonInfo. For example, in my case, it's like this:

Code: Select all

Native/preferred timing.. 1600x1200p at 85Hz 
    Modeline............... "1600x1200" 229,500 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
Now follow the rest of the steps (12-17), reboot, and it should all work, if the emulator we mentioned is working properly.

Re: BluRay 3D/eDimensional wired/CRT??

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:02 pm
by The_Nephilim
I did it with TMT5 V. it has CRT Support and a blu ray player. I did use a newer vid card but you can use the ED glasses..

Re: BluRay 3D/eDimensional wired/CRT??

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:56 am
by Zerofool
The_Nephilim wrote:I did it with TMT5 V. it has CRT Support and a blu ray player. I did use a newer vid card but you can use the ED glasses..
That's interesting. Actually, it sounds too good to be true :). Can you tell us what option have you selected in the "3D -> Viewing Environment" menu in TMT?

Re: BluRay 3D/eDimensional wired/CRT??

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:17 pm
by hifidelitygaming
I don't mind running Vista or 7... the GTX260's are too new for XP anyway. I just would like to use my old edimensional glasses and CRT to drive my 3d goodness for the time being. Dumping $2000 on new monitors and video cards isn't an option right now. Wanting to triple up older gen 120hz DLP business projectors 1024x768 would be fun eventually though. In the future I plan to have separate XP and 7 systems - i'll never give up my retrogames in 3d or otherwise, and the monitors have dual inputs.

But if I understand this correctly, this convinces Nvidia that proper 3D Vision hardware is attached (even though it isnt) so that it should use normal Nvidia drivers and profiles as well to run it? AKA I might be able to game in triplehead 3D Surround mode without needing any iz3d or ddd bought driver?

Can I still set any desired resolution/refresh rate on the CRT's using this trickery or does it force it to 120hz or something?