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SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:24 pm
by PalmerTech
I know, long delay from CES, please be sympathetic. I worked a 29 hour shift this past week, crazy stuff. :lol:

At CES, I saw a lot of stuff, and the most exciting thing I saw (from a consumer standpoint) was probably the ST1080. I did not see SMD's booth until the end of CES, and was wondering why none of the big gadget sites seemed to be covering it. It ended up being pretty obvious: They were stuck in the Hilton exhibit hall, which is dominated by component vendors, raw hardware developers, and other things in that vein. Not much reason for the average press pass to venture in there, and I think that really hurt their coverage.

I spent most of my time talking to Wally Phillips, the Principle Engineer of SMD. He was a pleasure to talk to, and said that SMD would be paying attention to feedback made on MTBS3D, woo! :)

Comfort: It was good for what it is. They did not clamp your head, stayed on pretty stable, and were lightweight. They do rest the weight on your nose, though, but that is unavoidable with glasses-style HMDs. More comfortable than the VR920, though, which is no small feat considering the weight differential. Us VR nerds might want to mod these into a pair of ski goggles for long term use, but the average person will probably be fine.

Optics: They showed me several different models. One of them was the white ST1080 we all know and love, 10% transparency. On the showroom floor, it seemed a little dim for AR use, but that is probably a good thing. The other one I was was a black model that had effectively no transparency, which I tried out both display Toy Story, and hooked up to a PS3 running Gran Turismo. Truth be told, this is the model I want, being into full immersion VR and all. The optics had a very large exit pupil, much more than I expected! You can shift this thing all over the place, jump up and down, the image is still clearly viewable from edge to edge. It wipes the floor with the HMZ-T1 on exit pupil! The field of view is also really nice for what it is. 45 degrees is still far higher than anything from most consumer HMDs, particularly for a unit this small. I am spoiled by the kind of gear I get to work with, so I am not sure if I can have an objective opinion on FOV anymore. :lol:

Displays: It uses LCOS, and it looks fantastic. No screen door effect at all, you can't discern the pixel structure! Colors seemed a little washed out with the Toy Story demo, but Gran Turismo looked much better for some reason. I need more time with it so I can use all my test patterns, but my initial impression was good. Black levels were not that great, but I am willing to bet a dark environment or light blockers would help with that, based on my other LCOS based HMD, the Cy-Visor. Definitely worlds better than the Emagin Z800, but not as good as the HMZ-T1.

Speaking of the HMZ-T1, the ST1080 is brighter. A LOT brighter. The Sony has great contrast and black levels, but to be honest, there is just not much light coming out of those panels. I was also shown a prototype 3D printed unit that was around 50% transparent, I believe, and even in the bright showroom floor, I was still able to clearly see the image.

Finally, the 4K prototype: AMAZING! It was being driven by 4 HDMI inputs, and it was hard to believe what I was looking at. It was beyond not seeing the pixel structure, it may as well have been a tiny window into a real life scene. The resolution was incredible! I only wish that it was spread out across a 90+ degree FOV, but that is not going to happen with microdisplays. :( I wish I could go on, but it was about the same as the ST1080 in all regards but resolution.

All in all, I am very excited, and am 100% going to be a day 1 pre-order. That is not even including my work, I mean for personal use! This HMD is going to change mobile computing for me, I am tempted to go buy some high end netbook with a cracked screen to dedicate to this.

Any questions, fire away. I took pictures, but they are not nearly as nice as the ones SMD has now put up. I will post them if people still want them for some reason, though. :lol:

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:36 pm
by pierreye
Just a simple question, from the gamer point of view, which HMD would you prefer? HMZ-T1 or ST1080? Exit pupil to me is not an issue with HMZ-T1 once I done the comfort mod.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:57 pm
by cybereality
Sounds good. Thanks for the review.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:00 pm
by brantlew
Thanks Palmer for tracking these guys down. What a nice surprise this company is. How about that - actually making a claim and delivering on it! I was very skeptical, but I'm definitely looking forward to this unit now. I don't even care about about the 1080 resolution - I just like that they paid attention to details like exit-pupil and form factor. I never could get excited about the Sony because of all the obvious flaws. This will likely be my next HMD - the logical upgrade to my Vuzix.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:33 pm
by Synexious
I was already definitely going to preorder the ST1080 on day one, but I was considering holding on to my HMZ-T1 because of the slightly higher FOV, but mainly because people had voiced concern about the image quality of LCoS. I, too, find the HMZ a bit dark, and I can see the pixel grid. The comfort issue annoys me most. I have the Blazin' 3D straps, which are high quality, but make putting the HMD on more difficult, and it's already a cumbersome process for me. I have long hair which always snags on the strap teeth. I won't have that problem with the 1080's single band. There's the possibility of the welder's headband mod, as done on avsforum, but I'd rather just get an ST1080 and wash my hands of all the hassle with the HMZ. I can accept the slight 6° drop in FOV, and maybe there'll be a FOV-increasing lens mod eventually.

I'm glad the ST1080 doesn't have integrated headphones (are the earbuds removable?), because I'd like to use it with surround sound headphones. I'm not sure how I'll wear both in conjunction, though. I might have to snap off the arms (doesn't look hard) and make a custom mount. SMD should take surround sound headphones into consideration for their future designs. Arms made to snap off, with alternate mounts for large earcups, would be excellent. About the different colors - will the black model they ship have the dark coating? And will there be swappable faceplates? That would also be a good idea, to switch between AR and VR.

I'm almost certain I'll sell my HMZ, now that I've heard the image on the ST1080 is both clearer and brighter, and the exit pupil is larger - that'll be especially useful for full 360 DOF VR FPS twitchplay! It looks like I'll even be able to use the ST1080 while on a treadmill or exercise bike, which isn't possible with the HMZ. Thanks alot for the review, Palmer! You've made me even more excited for the ST1080. And I want that 4K HMD for a mobile desktop. I'll use the ST1080 as a desktop replacement until then. I'll be selling my HN274H and HMZ-T1, so I'll easily be able to get the ST1080 for "free." :D

I've seen SMD's pictures, but I'd like to see some "customer" images, even if not fine photography. One point I'm not sure I understand - you said 90° FOV won't happen with microdisplays. Did you mean it won't happen with consumer HMDs? Sensics and other high-end companies have microdisplay HMDs with 90° FOV or greater. I hope to see lens mods bringing the HMZ or ST1080 to 90°, and someday even stock consumer HMDs will be fully panoramic. The SmartGoggles' 64° is a good step.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:47 am
by WiredEarp
I always thought LEEP went to higher than 90 degree FOV with microdisplays... although, i'm getting the feeling i've asked this question before.

I dont really see that it will never happen. If theres a will, theres usually a way. Perhaps the problem was optical distortion, but surely this can be compensated for with electronics nowadays, more easily than optical hardware, and if the problem is chromatic abberation, well, i'd rather have b&w full FOV than color 45 degree FOV!!!

I think I'll buy one of these however just because they sound like a good improvement over the Z800's. But it just seems such a waste having double the resolution of my Z800's, and yet they have the same picture size (and i didn't notice the pixels on my Z800). They should have made it at least 65 degrees :cry:
I've heard that they can only do 3D in 720P, if that is true, that may be why the kept the low FOV?

I will say, these guys really seem to have their act together, I wish them the best of luck. It sounds from that interview as if they know a lot about VR, so i'm again surprised by the low FOV.
When are they taking preorders?

Thanks PalmerTech for another great review!

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:13 am
by Synexious
Currently, the ST1080 will be limited to 720p 3D, since the controller box is HDMI 1.3a. Future models will have HDMI 1.4, and the controller box could be upgraded without having to purchase a new HMD. For now, we can game in 1080p 2D or 720p 3D. I'll be using the full 1080p resolution for Blu-ray, 1080p YouTube videos, and for desktop replacement. This is the first consumer HMD with a high enough resolution for true desktop monitor replacement.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:24 am
Does somebody know if SMD will be at CEBIT in germany? that would be ideal because i could make my mind about what to purchase right there. If they make it uprgadeable to 1080p 3d i'm considering buying it.

And another thing, beeing a newbie with HMD's and optics in general i don't know wich benefit a larger exit pupil gives exactly, would be kewl if someboy could explain this :)

As far as i understand it gives you a bigger sweetspot wearing the HMD and still seeing a clear image.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:31 am
by love2scoot
Thanks very much Palmer, actually I still have a few questions I was hoping you could answer:

* The spec sheet specifies the device at 7 Watts and claims to be powered by USB. USB 1.1/2.0 ports offer a maximum of 500mW per port @ 5V. So in order to the device at 7 Watts, 3 USB ports would be required. Given the discrepancy, how can this unit be powered off a standard USB port?
* Mention is made of 1080P 3D @ 30Hz compatibility. Does this unit support 1080P 3D @ 24Hz?
* The 100:1 system contrast ratio takes into account the brightness of the LEDs used to light the LCoS array devices. If we are in a darkened environment and reduce the brightness of the unit will the perceived system contrast ratio increase?

You mentioned that you have pictures, do you have any shots of the controller? All the pictures / video currently available mainly focus on the HMD itself, but with the new revised controller on hand at CES, I was hoping to get a gander at the port layout, etc.

Again, thanks very much for the review.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:33 am
by brantlew
Keep in mind - until someone creates a good virtual desktop shell for Windows, high FOV and desktop replacement don't go together - regardless of the resolution. At 45 FOV and 1080, this unit makes a sensible desktop replacement. If the FOV were much higher (say 65 degress) you would have to move your eyes so far back and forth that they would tire quickly. I think you would quickly get a headache trying to use a unit like that.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:52 am
by love2scoot
brantlew wrote:Keep in mind - until someone creates a good virtual desktop shell for Windows, high FOV and desktop replacement don't go together - regardless of the resolution. At 45 FOV and 1080, this unit makes a sensible desktop replacement. If the FOV were much higher (say 65 degress) you would have to move your eyes so far back and forth that they would tire quickly. I think you would quickly get a headache trying to use a unit like that.
Looking at this from the other way, the ST1080 is 1080P @ 45deg (~39deg horizontal) which translates to approximately 49 pixels / degree horizontal.

The FOV / resolution I use at my workstation is a 24" monitor @ 2ft = ~47deg horizontal. This translates to approximately 41 pixels per degree (ignoring the fact that the monitor is flat and not conformed to the arc of your vision)

I've used 30" monitors as well, but I usually prefer to have them farther back. For the sake of simplicity, let's say the 30" monitor occupies the same 47deg horizontal FOV that my 24" monitor uses. I find 30" monitors to be at the upper end of the FOV / resolution I'm comfortable with using the default 96DPI setting within Windows. A 30" monitor at ~47deg horizontal yields ~54 pixels/degree.

If SMD decided to use the same viewing angle for their 4K HMD, we would be talking 3840 pixels@~39deg horizontal which yields ~98 pixels / deg horizontal.

Result: The ST1080 fits right in the range where I could use it as a monitor for productivity. If the resolution increases (as in the 4K prototype) one of two things must happen in order to maintain this feature: Windows (or other OS) needs to make the GUI fully scalable or the FOV on the HMD would need to increase to accommodate this increased resolution.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:15 am
by fireslayer26
Thanks for the review palmer! Looking forward to the black model as I have no need for transparency and AR.

Also, are they going to let you be a tester for their unit??

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:25 am
Isn't the black one transparent as well just less? I'd cover the back of the device anyway to get rid of the transparency and enhance the contrast this way.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:00 pm
by brantlew
love2scoot wrote: Result: The ST1080 fits right in the range where I could use it as a monitor for productivity. If the resolution increases (as in the 4K prototype) one of two things must happen in order to maintain this feature: Windows (or other OS) needs to make the GUI fully scalable or the FOV on the HMD would need to increase to accommodate this increased resolution.
Point being - I don't think increasing the FOV is a viable option because of the eye strain it would cause over long periods. A "scalable" desktop is the only sensible option. Two ways come to mind.

- Just shrink the size of the desktop and center it within the screen resolution. Simple but sad because of all those pixels that are going unused.

- The other idea that has been discussed around here is to use a head-tracking device so you can have the desktop at full resolution, but you could move your head instead of your eyes to view different parts of it. This is the more natural way that people use screens anyway and would help avoid eye-strain even on low FOV units. Personally I find it a bit unnatural to use the desktop even on my 35 degree FOV HMD, and it surprises me when people are excited about the prospect of using an HMD for desktop - given the current state of software support.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:42 pm
by Synexious
I don't move my head while using my 27" monitor, and I had no problem using my HMZ to view my desktop, either.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:36 pm
by PalmerTech
pierreye wrote:Just a simple question, from the gamer point of view, which HMD would you prefer? HMZ-T1 or ST1080? Exit pupil to me is not an issue with HMZ-T1 once I done the comfort mod.
I hesitate to say with certainty, since I have not spent very much time with the ST1080. Unmodified, I would go with the ST1080 for sure, but I would need to mess around with both of them side by side to know which is better after modifications.
Synexious wrote:I've seen SMD's pictures, but I'd like to see some "customer" images, even if not fine photography. One point I'm not sure I understand - you said 90° FOV won't happen with microdisplays. Did you mean it won't happen with consumer HMDs? Sensics and other high-end companies have microdisplay HMDs with 90° FOV or greater. I hope to see lens mods bringing the HMZ or ST1080 to 90°, and someday even stock consumer HMDs will be fully panoramic. The SmartGoggles' 64° is a good step.
Alright, will post pictures. As far as microdisplays go: Sensics accomplishes high FOV by using multiple microdisplays, and tiled optics that merge the images together. It works, but it is expensive, hard to drive, and compromises image quality. There is another company that does get 80 degree FOV out of a microdisplay, Nvis, with their SX111. Problem is, it is very heavy, bulky, and has a small exit pupil. With current optics technology, the exit pupil is directly related to the FOV. You increase one, and you increase the other. So yes, I suppose I did mean in consumer HMDs.

I have access to a set of glass optics that can get just under 80 degrees out of the HMZ-T1, and 100 degrees out of the Kopin SXGA displays. They were custom made a number of years ago under a military research contract, and use some very novel technologies to accomplish wide FOV, large exit pupil, and relatively light weight. Problem is, they have quite a bit of distortion, kill contrast, and have low light transmission characteristics, requiring a very bright display. There is no magical lens tech in the near or medium term future that will give us wide FOV out of a microdisplay (Unless you are using contact lenses like Innovega is trying to do).

WiredEarp wrote:I always thought LEEP went to higher than 90 degree FOV with microdisplays... although, i'm getting the feeling i've asked this question before.
LEEP optics do not use microdisplays, they use slightly larger ones, in the 2" to 3" range. The FOV of this is still higher than the Z800, and SMD definitely does know what they are talking about. High FOV = small exit pupil, and SMD had to make a choice. Considering the consumer content that will be displayed, I think they made the right one.
love2scoot wrote:Thanks very much Palmer, actually I still have a few questions I was hoping you could answer:

* The spec sheet specifies the device at 7 Watts and claims to be powered by USB. USB 1.1/2.0 ports offer a maximum of 500mW per port @ 5V. So in order to the device at 7 Watts, 3 USB ports would be required. Given the discrepancy, how can this unit be powered off a standard USB port?
* Mention is made of 1080P 3D @ 30Hz compatibility. Does this unit support 1080P 3D @ 24Hz?
* The 100:1 system contrast ratio takes into account the brightness of the LEDs used to light the LCoS array devices. If we are in a darkened environment and reduce the brightness of the unit will the perceived system contrast ratio increase?

You mentioned that you have pictures, do you have any shots of the controller? All the pictures / video currently available mainly focus on the HMD itself, but with the new revised controller on hand at CES, I was hoping to get a gander at the port layout, etc.

Again, thanks very much for the review.
I am not sure about the USB power. If I had to guess, I would say that they were being cautious with their power draw figures, or that perhaps they have lowered power consumption. On 1080P 3D at 24hz, I believe it should work, considering that the device is supposed to fully support the HDMI 1.4 spec. On contrast, I do not know for certain, but personal experience with my Cy-Visor would suggest the answer is yes. If you would like, I can forward your questions to SMD, or give you an email address to query. I do have some pics of the controller, but sadly, I was not really focusing on it.

fireslayer26 wrote:Also, are they going to let you be a tester for their unit??
Hah, I would love to be a tester, but I do not know if that will happen. Sure would be nice! ;)

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:01 pm
by ERP
The FOV/exit pupil issue is theoretically solvable with holographic wave guides, but it would be with the penalty of a tremendous drop in brightness.
The fact that the technology has been around for over a decade and we are just starting to see commercial displays tends to imply some sort of design/manufacturing/other limitation though.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:36 pm
by PalmerTech
Exactly, which is why they are not a short term solution, and probably not a medium term solution. Getting wide FOV out of a waveguide is hard.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:05 pm
by Johnny-Mnemonic
Very good news, thanks Palmer!
I'l keep my money for ST1080 now, was interested to buy Sony previously, but after some news about ST1080 and Natalia I decided to wait a little :)
True Full-HD in glasses-format sounds great, actually I like the Idea of 10% transparency, could be interesting to use.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:14 pm
by mellott124
In the CES interview video they said the device was HDMI 1.3a compliant, NOT 1.4. Which means no HMDI 3D.
This contradicts what's in their spec sheet.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:17 pm
by cybereality
mellott124 wrote:In the CES interview video they said the device was HDMI 1.3a compliant, NOT 1.4. Which means no HMDI 3D.
This contradicts what's in their spec sheet.
I'm thinking that had to be a mix-up. Surely it supports 3D, which they alluded to in the same video.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:24 pm
by mellott124
Nope, it's very clearly HDMI 1.3a. They state the next generation will be 1.4.
It's specifically asked by the interviewer. Go ahead and watch it again." onclick=";return false;

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:26 pm
by mellott124
Right at 2:58 in the video he states it's HDMI 1.3a.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:10 pm
by PalmerTech
Thanks for pointing that out, I will put that on my list of questions I am going to be sending them.

On a side note, are you Kevin Mellott? If so, wanted to say I love your VR page, lots of useful information there. :)

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:42 pm
by mellott124
Yep, that's me.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:07 pm
by WiredEarp
LEEP optics do not use microdisplays, they use slightly larger ones, in the 2" to 3" range.
Oh, yep, thats what you told me before. Howeve (and i'm speaking from an optically naive point of view) couldn't these microdisplays be 'blown up' by rear projecting them or using another lens in the mix to bring the apparent size up to 2-3", then use LEEP optics to display it? Perhaps weight or bulk would be too much for commercial systems though?
have access to a set of glass optics that can get just under 80 degrees out of the HMZ-T1, and 100 degrees out of the Kopin SXGA displays. They were custom made a number of years ago under a military research contract, and use some very novel technologies to accomplish wide FOV, large exit pupil, and relatively light weight. Problem is, they have quite a bit of distortion, kill contrast, and have low light transmission characteristics, requiring a very bright display.
Those sound great. Distortion can be dealt with by predistorting the image. The low contrast and brightness could be an issue, but since displays are getting brighter and brighter, I'd expect this to not be such an issue in the future.

If waveguides are a solution whose time has come, it may well be that a tiled HMD using multiple wave guides is released at some point.

@ brantlew:
Point being - I don't think increasing the FOV is a viable option because of the eye strain it would cause over long periods. A "scalable" desktop is the only sensible option. Two ways come to mind.
I don't think the FOV being high causes eyestrain, more the optics used to achieve it. For example, i've seen IMAX and ULTRAMAX movies with really big FOV without issues, and the real world is high FOV. However, when I used the virtuality system it DID cause my eyes to water - although I get this in non VR games due to wearing contacts and not blinking when concentrating...
- Just shrink the size of the desktop and center it within the screen resolution. Simple but sad because of all those pixels that are going unused.
That was the same thing I was thinking of, they could have gone with greater FOV and used 720P for the desktop resolution.

However, despite all this talk about 'monitor substitutes', just seems like a rather small market at this point. Even with this device, which is USB powered, I don't really see how big the market is going to be for monitor replacement VR. Once we all have smartphones with USB and HDMI out, it could be a big hit, but currently there are probably few phones that could power this AND output HDMI at the same time. If you were using a PC or notebook, I fail to see much benefit over using a normal screen. Then again, i'd never put on a headset to watch a movie either, yet it seems LOTS of people bought the HMZ for this very reason. I guess my opinions are colored by the fact that I've experienced high FOV and everything less seems inadequate for immersion.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:29 pm
by brantlew
WiredEarp wrote:I don't think the FOV being high causes eyestrain, more the optics used to achieve it. For example, i've seen IMAX and ULTRAMAX movies with really big FOV without issues, and the real world is high FOV.
The majority of the important content in movies is large and in the middle of the screen so you can gently focus on the center region of the IMAX.

Now try this: Stick your face about 6 inches in front of your monitor. Now using only your eyes, look over to the Start menu and type something in the Search or Run box. Now go change your volume using the tray icon in the lower right of your taskbar. Now imagine trying to do things like that all day long. Ouch!

Help me out Palmer. You use high FOV units all the time. Is it realistic to use one of those as a desktop replacement?

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:22 am
by mellott124
I see your point Brant. The same happens when you're in a flight simulator running on Windows with multiple screens merged as a single screen.
We run a large three panel tiled simulator and it's a pain looking from the far left screen to the far right screen when I'm looking for desktop icons.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:19 am
by WiredEarp
Now try this: Stick your face about 6 inches in front of your monitor. Now using only your eyes, look over to the Start menu and type something in the Search or Run box. Now go change your volume using the tray icon in the lower right of your taskbar. Now imagine trying to do things like that all day long. Ouch!
Yep - but my point was that I don't really WANT to use a VR headset to view Windows. To me, its just not of much value at this point of time. Other people probably have different needs, but for myself I HAVE monitors already connected to my VR box, so I don't need another one. I just need a wide FOV HMD.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:50 am
mellott124 wrote:I see your point Brant. The same happens when you're in a flight simulator running on Windows with multiple screens merged as a single screen.
We run a large three panel tiled simulator and it's a pain looking from the far left screen to the far right screen when I'm looking for desktop icons.
Afaik with the new eyefinity2 wich is introduced with the AMD 7xxx Cards you can place the taskbar freely where you want :)

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:01 am
by 3dvison
brantlew wrote:
WiredEarp wrote:I don't think the FOV being high causes eyestrain, more the optics used to achieve it. For example, i've seen IMAX and ULTRAMAX movies with really big FOV without issues, and the real world is high FOV.
The majority of the important content in movies is large and in the middle of the screen so you can gently focus on the center region of the IMAX.

Now try this: Stick your face about 6 inches in front of your monitor. Now using only your eyes, look over to the Start menu and type something in the Search or Run box. Now go change your volume using the tray icon in the lower right of your taskbar. Now imagine trying to do things like that all day long. Ouch!

Help me out Palmer. You use high FOV units all the time. Is it realistic to use one of those as a desktop replacement?
If you were going to use a large fov display for desktop work, you would need to be able to move your head to look around the screen.
So it's not the large FOV it's not having a headtracker so you can move your head around like you would in real life, that would cause the problem.
If I had a wall size screen in the real world, I would not just move my eyes to look around the desktop, I would move my head also. It's not the large fov that gives you eye strain, its acting like you have no neck to swivel your head on that causes eye strain.
Now you would have neck strain from using too large a display for windows desktop computing, but again, that would not be the large fov's fault either...

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:33 am
by brantlew
Got to give Synexious a shout-out for this great find!
Synexious wrote:Infinite Screen for a scrolling virtual desktop of infinite resolution on Windows 7. Combine with a headtracker on an HMD for total immersion in a huge desktop environment.
I think low resolution units in particular could benefit from this. Why not use a 800x600 HMD with tracker to view virtual 4K resolution desktop? Sure it doesn't make sense for gaming, but it could work for desktop usage.

Edit: The main problem I see is that if you use head tracker mouse emulation then your head and hand are going to be fighting for control of the mouse. I guess you could just use the mouse only and not include head tracking. Or if the software accepted a different signal then you would have independence between head tracking and mouse. It's freeware so I'll contact the author and see if they are interested in incorporating a feature like that.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:05 pm
by brantlew
The Infinite Screen product is not as good as I had hoped. :(

I had imagined a true virtual desktop where all your windows, icons, and taskbar would be located within a space and you could move your viewport around this space. Not exactly true. It basically only works with application windows. So yes you can create windows and position them off screen and then use this product view those windows. But the background image, icons, and taskbar all stay in their normal locations so it doesn't look like your are moving your viewport around. It looks like you are moving all your windows around (which of course you are).

Still it does potentially help some of the problems associated with low res/low FOV HMDs. Just not as comprehensively as I would like, and it doesn't solve the problem with high FOV HMDs where you can't easily use the taskbar.

Sadly still wishing for a real virtual shell.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:42 am
by ancjob
Kudos for such a nice review ! Palmer :)

now i am fairly certain that i will get the 'BLACK' version
my dream to have a usb-powered 1080p HMD with hdmi input ....looks like is almost being fulfilled

now the question - are they going to start pre-orders at all and it was just a showbiz gimmick [remember TDvisor]

st1080 if mass produced will challange sony unless Sony makes drastic changes to ergonomics of their HMZ

palmer - i hope it's possible to cover the 'white' version with black tape to achieve 0% transparency - is not it ? if that's possible then we can have befinits of both world AR+VR i think so ??

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:33 pm
by PalmerTech
Yes, using black tape is definitely possible. The best kind to use is called "Gaffer's Tape", it is flexible, good looking, and durable. Most importantly, though, it is specifically designed to leave no sticky residue when you pull it off!

Here are some of the pictures I took at the booth. They are just cellphone pics, but hopefully you get the idea. Remember, taking pictures of HMD images through optics is iffy at best, so remember that it looks better in real life!





Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 6:34 pm
by cybereality
Wow! That looks really good (taking into account you can't really photograph HMDs well). Actually, quite amazing.

Maybe a dumb question, but it was in 3D, right?

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 6:37 pm
by PalmerTech
Yes, it was. Not exactly the best content choice, considering how flat the 3D is in most movies, but it showed off the resolution really well.

Wish I had taken pictures of GT5, but I was too busy playing it. :lol:

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:43 pm
by 3dvison

Just from the fact you could take such a good picture with your cell phone, makes me think the exit pupil/viewing angle must be pretty good. I mean if you did not take a long time or try too hard to take them and they still look that good, you would think viewing with your eyes would be very easy and easy on your eyes.

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:35 am
by android78
Thanks for the pics palmer... these really look promising.
one thing that concerns me is the reflections off the casing at the top. Did you find it as noticeable when wearing them?
Also, if you were to compare it to your average computer LCD screen these days, how would you rate it in terms of the contrast and colors? Is it almost as good, as good, or better?

Re: SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080 - Short CES Review

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:48 pm
by PalmerTech
I don't remember any kind of reflection at all, actually. I think the camera makes it a lot worse, and if it were a problem, matte black model paint is an easy fix.

The display was about as good or better than the display in my Asus G51 laptop, which is admittedly rather low end. It cannot stand up to any of my IPS/MVA desktop monitors, but it was satisfactory.