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New to 3d and want to avoid as many mistakes as possible!

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:11 pm
by Pantheraleo
Hi everyone! I've been pouring over hundreds of forum posts both here and on other sites, and right now I think I know what I want.
However a thought occurred to me that I havent taken into consideration and could be a game changer.
Basically I'm planning on buying a 3d tv either the LG 450 U or Samsung UE32D6530. I am planning on using this as a monitor for 3d gaming and media streaming, 360 gaming, and in the future ps3 gaming, and the obligatory 3d blu rays :lol:

Now my questions are, Is this possible? if so are there any major drawbacks to be aware of? (I'm aware of input lag on the lg but I've heard it can be reduced by renaming the input as PC) Also would the samsung play nicely with my pc (I have a radeon 6950)

I'm not planning on buying anything until the new year, I'm just trying to be as clued up as I can so I'll be able to enjoy 3-d with as little stress as possible.

Thanks in advance

Re: New to 3d and want to avoid as many mistakes as possible

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:32 pm
by cybereality
I believe both of those models support HDMI 1.4a, so you should be able to use them with AMD HD 3D no problem. That LG is a passive set, which means the resolution is split between the eyes. The Samsung should be full HD, though. However, when playing games on the PC you will be limited to 720P anyway due to a limitation of current HDMI chipsets. You should still be able to watch 3D Blu-Ray in 1080P however. The passive sets also suffer from small viewing angles, which limit how you can view them. Personally I would probably get the Samsung, but thats just me. They are both probably decent.

Re: New to 3d and want to avoid as many mistakes as possible

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:42 pm
by android78
I have a samsung plasma, and to be honest, I'm not really happy with it. The processing of the image seems to introduce some terrible artifacts. I have upgraded the firmware several times, but no firmware seems to fix it.
This may be that I got a dodgy panel, or maybe it's just with plasma, but I'd just be careful if you go samsung.
I would like to try out the LG to see how the viewing angle is, because I feel that the shutter glasses are a pain. They degrade the picture terribly and tend to go out of sync when the scene changes, or there are bright flashes from the TV picture. Even with the halved resolution of passive, if the viewing angle wasn't too bad and the ghosting is on par with active, I'd probably go the passive.
One other thing to think about is sound. I believe that neither of these sets have particularly good sound, so you will probably need a surround receiver. Make sure you get one that supports HDMI 1.4a as a minimum. This will save you a whole lot of trouble. Even though you can get the audio signal from the TV and connect that to a surround, at least with the samsung, it is only stereo.
I'd suggest going to a few stores and trying a lot out first. And remember that you will be even more fussy about any imperfections when you get home. ;)
Let us know how the hunt goes.