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Watched the videos and I'm still confused!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:01 pm
by gr0bd4
Hello I think I want to purchase Zalman monitor, but I'm still not clear on many issues.

1) 3d drivers - will all 3 3d drivers support Nvidia cards or nvidia drivers are only for nvidia cards and TriDef & iZ3D is only for AMD?

2) Will all 3 drivers require additional cost to use? Or is there free permanent solution?

3) Resolution on Zalman is interlaced does that mean that quality of textures suffers, is it more jagged? How does 3d looks compared to 2d in general? Does 3d = 3d effect at lower resolution and 2d = flat but in all it's glory?

That's it for now off top of my head, I know I got more questions.

Re: Watched the videos and I'm still confused!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:33 pm
by cybereality
1) Zalman should work with Nvidia drivers but its not clear if that will last forever. It does definitely work with IZ3D and DDD with any type of video card.

2) Nvidia driver is free (but you need an Nvidia card of course). IZ3D and DDD drivers cost about $40. You gotta pay to play (but there are free trials).

3) Because Zalman is interlaced, you do get a softer image with some aliasing artifacts (jaggies). The 3D effect itself looks great, but the overal picture quality is a little below what you expect in 2D. Still looks decent, though, and you won't notice too much after playing a game for a bit.

Re: Watched the videos and I'm still confused!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:08 pm
by gr0bd4
Thx for the quick replay.
Just additional clarification regarding question #1 Are you saying that all 3 types of drivers work with Zalman monitor or that all 3 drivers work with any type of video card, Or that any video card works with Zalman monitor? Because I'm still not sure.

Now in regard to #3 let me understand what's happening with GPU, resolution and 3d. Does it work something like this: I set let's say resolution of 1920x1200 (or which ever is correct, this is just an example resolution) so then basicaly GPU renders resolution of 3840x1200 then adds interlacing, meaning divides vertical res by 2 and finally outputs 1920x600? Is that what I'm seeing then? Or is the whole process completly different?

1 additional question. Can Zalman monitor be used with PS3 or XBOX 360 via hdmi to dvi cable? I read in the specs that it supports HDCP, is that what's necessary to display 3d with PS3/X360 or does it HAVE to be hdmi 1.4?

Re: Watched the videos and I'm still confused!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:16 pm
by cybereality
Zalman works with all 3 drivers. But Nvidia driver only works with Nvidia cards. Iz3d or DDD work with AMD or Nvidia. So basically you want an Nvidia card if you have Zalman. If you have an AMD card, then its still OK, but you can only use IZ3D or DDD.

Basically what the game does it render the normal resolution (say 1920 x 1080) but with 2 frames (one for each eye). Then it interleaves the frames together, throwing out half of the pixels (ever other line) from each frame. So you end up with one single 1920x1080 image, with both left/right frames mixed together. Or another way to look at it, is that you see 1920x540 per eye in 3D.

Zalman can be used with consoles, but it won't be 3D. For PS3 you need an HDMI 1.4a display. Xbox uses side-by-side, but that only works on 3D HDTVs. So Zalman is basically PC only.

Re: Watched the videos and I'm still confused!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:18 pm
by gr0bd4
Now all is clear, thx a lot!