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TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:34 am
by PIZZA117
Sorry if this seems like a silly question, but can I use the TriDef drivers with the iZ3D monitor? Or am I forced to only use the iZ3D drivers? Thanks in advanced 8-)

Btw, I don't currently own a iZ3D monitor and thus my reason for asking. I'm looking at buying one in the near future :D

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:53 am
by Likay
Tridef doesn't at this moment and since they don't even have stereomirror outputs i don't think they will implement the iz3doutput later on.
The softwares that do support the iz3d-monitor is the iz3d-driver, "old school nvidiadrivers (Neurok option), stereoscopic player and sview.

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:26 am
by Freke1
I've never had an iZ3D monitor, but didn't they have a BIG ghosting problem?
I remember seeing some very disturbing ghosttest pictures a while back.

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:46 am
by Likay
Yes, it does.
I have some images posted some while ago HERE.
I'm searching the specific ghosting images and add these if i find.

Edit: Ghostingtests HERE and HERE.

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:56 am
by cybereality
The IZ3D monitor is only going to work with the iZ3D driver for 3D gaming.

Although I've never seen the IZ3D in person, I have heard horror stories of the quality. It is supposedly haunted by ghosts. Unless you are getting a really good deal on one, its probably best to get something newer. Though I do see some cheap ones on eBay, so I can understand your interest. For a little more money you could get the LG D2342P-PN, which is around $300. That is also a passive display, and also has some ghosting, but I imagine it looks a lot better than IZ3D.

For a bit more, around $450, you can get the ASUS VG236H w/ Nvidia glasses which is what I'm using currently. The ASUS has the advantage of having full quality 1080P resolution, unlike the cheaper solutions. Ghosting is still there, but within reasonable limits. You could also take a look at the Planar SA2311W, which is around $500 w/ the glasses. That is supposed to be one of the best 120Hz 3D Vision monitors. But I guess that is costing a lot more than iz3D.

EDIT: Actually, after seeing some of those pictures Likay posted, it doesn't look THAT bad. Probably worth $150-200 or whatever they are going for on eBay now.

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:22 pm
by PIZZA117
That's disappointing to hear. I've been testing out iZ3D drivers and TriDef drivers using the cross-eye method, and my personal prefrence I'd have to say is the TriDef. Mostly due to less gun and HUD seperation. That's just my personal opinion however.

Tell me if I'm just being stubborn and should drop this, but is there someway to trick the TriDef into working with the iZ3D monitor ? I don't happen to own an iZ3D monitor, but I imagine if you tried the side-by-side option it'd just show the two images side-by-side on just one of iZ3D's two screens, right? Would using XP's span mode or a TripleHead2Go make the iZ3D's two screens appear as one big screen and allow TriDef side-by-side to stretch across both screens? I tried testing it by trying to get the side-by-side image to stretch across two of my monitors using softth (I'm in Win7, no span mode :( ), but it just stayed on the one monitor; That is the reasoning for my suggesting using XP's span mode or a TripleHead2Go (neither of which I have at the moment). I'm not terribly familiar with the way the iZ3D's polarizing works, so maybe this won't work at all idk. That's why I'm asking the smart men and women of the MTBS3D community :)

EDIT: Sorry cybereality I didn't see you're post till after I posted this. Thank you for the suggestions. I am however on a pretty tight budget. NewEgg is selling the iZ3D for $150 and is one of the cheapest 3d solutions I can find (except maybe some old eDemensional glasses on eBay and a CRT :lol: ). I'm kind of a passive fan and would prefer a polarized display over nVidia's (expensive) offering. The LG D2342P-PN does look like a very promising display, perhaps worth the wait (for me to save up). I'll definitely take that one into consideration. From what I've heard, the iZ3D display does still have some ghosting issues, though significantly lessened since initial release thanks to the new drivers and glasses, and is comparable to the ghosting in other solutions. Or so I've heard. I truly am liking the sound of the LG though (works with TriDef! :D ), thank you for the input cybereality. Oh and one more thing, is the LG's polarization linear?

EDIT (again): I've done some research on the LG D2342P-PN. I do believe it's linearly polarized from what I've seen. After reading a number of reviews however, it seems more people complain about ghosting on this monitor than even the iZ3D. While it is a great 3d monitor in my opinion, I just don't know if it's worth spending twice the money. Whatever I get I'll only be using it for about 7 months, so I'm thinking the iZ3D will be the best option for me for now. I just hope there's a way to get tri-def to work on it...

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:19 pm
by PalmerTech
You will not be able to get Tridef to work on it. The IZ3D panel is not as simple as inputting two views, one of the panels handles polarization control.

I would suggest not getting one, with IZ3D not putting out updates, it will just be wasted money. The LG definitely ghosts less than the IZ3D, the only reason you do not see people complaining as much about the IZ3D is because there was not much to compare it to years and years ago when it came out.

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:39 pm
by Likay
I have to agree with Palmertech. Getting an iz3d at this moment is also very timelimited regarding good support too. As he also explains there are two panels in the iz3d. One panel (back) which emitts the two views "merged" together and the other panel (front) which regulates the amount of light that goes to each eye. The process is an ingenious find but unfortunately not optimal regarding 3d (ghosting). There are also a quite limited amount of softwares that support this kind of displays.
Without seeing the LG i'm inspite of that quite certain it ghosts less that the iz3d. Besides you should be able to run it with both iz3d as well as tridef and maybe even 3d-tv play from nvidia.

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:42 pm
by PIZZA117
Alright, that makes sense with the iZ3D not working with TriDef now. I just wasn't quite sure how it worked until Likay's explanation. I think I'm fully convinced now that the LG is gonna be worth the extra money. Slim form-factor, hdmi, less ghosting, large software compatibility, works with cheap Real-D glasses, slightly larger display, TruMotion 120Hz, 1920x1080 res... The list of advantages goes on. I'd like to thank everyone for their input and quick responses, you can bet I'm stickin with this community. Meanwhile, I'll be saving for that pretty-looking LG :D Thanks again all!

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:58 pm
by PalmerTech
Post back with a review when you get one! I have seen LG 3D monitors go as low as $250 new on Amazon, prices fluctuate a lot.

Oh, and just to clarify: I am a big IZ3D fan, and I own TWO of their monitors, one with considerable modifications. The ghosting still bugs me. :P

Re: TriDef Drivers With iZ3D Monitor?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:08 pm
by PIZZA117
Thanks for the personal experience PalmerTech, that makes me feel better about my decision to get the LG. I've already been doing some price checking, and so far the cheapest new one I've seen was $280. Not too bad I guess :) I'll be sure to come back with a thorough review for the MTBS3DD community 8-) Thanks all!