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Hello (solved Acer H5360 3d Proj and ATI 5(6)870 DDD/IZ3D)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:19 pm
by Soulreape
Hi guys,

Found this site while browsing t'internet. Have recently (attempted to) become a member of the 3D revolution and I have a few questions if you dont mind me asking ? :)

I have just bought an Acer H5360 720p 3D projector and have upgraded (sidegraded) my old 5870 / 5850 crossfire combo to a 6870 crossfire setup which arrived today, I have installed these and purchased the Tridef drivers (half price with the new ATI Cards) , thinking that I would be able to just plug straight in and go, however I have now confused the hell out of myself and instilled panic by reading a 100 million opinions online and am now not sure if the above combo will work, I cant test it at the moment as my DLP Link glasses have not arrived yet. Although I have set it to AMD 3D option and it does "page flip" I think from side to side when viewing without glasses.

Anyone know if this will all work, in my panic I have sent a mail to the company I bought the cards from saying I want to return them as it seems to be a hell of a hassle just to get them up and running and I think its false advertising advising that it works with 3D projectors as it doesnt seem to straight out of the box. However have not yet received a response.

I am pretty tech savvy , having built PC's for about 22 years since I was about 11 and worked in IT support since I was 19, so I should really know better lol !

Anyway , what a hello huh ? I promise to try and not prattle on in a state of mild panic all the time :)



(Just had a thought, can someone explain what it would look like without the glasses on and I can check to see if it does look like that ? )

Re: Hello ! and Help !

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:03 pm
by Fredz
Without glasses you should see two images of the same scene shifted by some inches on the screen. You should wait for your DLP-Link glasses before doing anything I think, that would be the only way to be sure if it does work or not.

Re: Hello ! and Help !

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:38 pm
by cybereality
That projector is designed to work with Nvidia 3D Vision, so using an Nvidia GPU is the most compatible option. Obviously, that might be something of a hassle if you just bought AMD, I understand. I don't think it will work with the DDD driver. However, I have heard of users getting this to work with the IZ3D driver. There is a 30 day trial, so you can test it out. I believe the 120Hz display mode was what people were using, but there is a new beta driver with IZ3D Shutter mode, which also may work. Its still in the experimental stages, so there is not guarantee it will work like with Nvidia. But there is a good chance you can get it to work.

Re: Hello ! and Help !

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:39 pm
by Soulreape
Hi Guys,

Just a quick heads up, sorry for the delay, after receiving the glasses, I managed to get it up and running with no problems at all on both tridef ddd and iz3d, selecting the ATI HD3D option and running from there, I actually returned the 6870 crossfire as it was no real improvement over my 5870 crossfire setup. I have since purchased a single card solution as with both of these drivers, neither support crossfire or SLI, so have gone with NVIDIA again, I wont miss crossfire to be honest a pain in the rear for most things, and performance is not all its cracked up to be. I have went for a 570 superclocked, had a greenligght to buy the GTX 580, but couldnt justify the extra £100 minimum for a few FPS.

Later on down the line I plan on buying another 570 to SLI together and also move toward the 3D vision side of things, as you say my projector supports this.

Anyway, thanks for the replies guys, appreciated and hope the above helps out.



p.s. if anyone needs help with the above set up let me know, it works great on some games and poorly on others, but thats not the particular setup problem its an inherent problem with the drivers it would seem (mainly 2d objects in a 3d world - really messes with your eyes lol)