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Need help from any MTBS3D member in Florida!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:46 am
by PalmerTech
Hey guys! I have a bit of a favor to ask.

Recently, I bought a Fakespace Boom 3C, a boom mounted display with a resolution of 1280x1024, and optics that are either 140 degree FOV, or 40 degree (I know, big difference, but I am really, REALLY hoping that my unit uses the 140 optics, and from what I can tell, the 40 degree version was possibly only sold as a medical viewer).

Considering it was originally run from an SGI Onyx, I have absolutely no idea how in the world I would run it off of a modern PC. :? Either way, for the price I got it, I would be happy if the only thing I could salvage from it is the optics.

That said, I have an issue: The seller refuses to ship the entire item, saying that it is too large for them to ship. I asked if they could ship just the display unit and the control box, but no idea if they will do that, especially since it would mean some mechanical work on their end.

That is where I need help! Are there any trustworthy MTBS3D members in Boca Raton, Florida, or near there? I would be thrilled if anybody could help me out and pick it up, then ship via UPS to me, and I will definitely give you some money for your time! And if the boom is too much trouble to ship, then I would much rather someone on this forum get to keep it for DIY project or something than for the seller to just throw it out after sending me the parts I want. :(

I know some people that could help me, but they live more than three hours away, and are busy all the time. I really hope someone can help me out!

Re: Need help from any MTBS3D member in Florida!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:48 pm
by cybereality
Wish I could help but I neither live in Florida nor do I own a car.

Re: Need help from any MTBS3D member in Florida!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:22 pm
by grif
You need to call a freight company and organize a pickup.