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Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:54 am
by krayzie
I just bought red/cyan anaglyph glasses and tried them out. Cyan is perfect, but red eye gets horrible ghosting. I suspect, that my monitor is calibrated incorrectly. I have a very old CRT monitor, and there is no way to calibrate it by hand. I've tried to adjust settings in nVidia control panel, but ghosting became even worse. What should I do?

Apologies for my bad english. :)

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:00 am
by BlackShark
Unfortunately, you cannot calibrate your monitor for glasses, because colour does not work the same way between the two.

Filters manage colour by wavelength
Monitors have fixed red green and blue channels with fixed wavelength, they manage colour by using more or less brightness in each individual RGB channel.

If you want to find which filters are required, you'll need some serious scientific calibration instruments. You'll need a spectrometer to find out which wavelengths of light are produced by each channel of the monitor, and then select the anaglyph filters accordingly.
This is something you can't really do at a consumer level and glasses manufacturers don't publish the wavelength characteristics of their glasses.

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:46 pm
by cybereality
Well you are going to get some ghosting with anaglyph, that is unavoidable. Different monitors may work better than others to this effect. Different glasses also have different properties. I recommend trying the Pro-Ana anaglyph glasses. They seem to have the least ghosting out of everything I've tried.

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:39 pm
by BlackShark
I've got a pair of pro-ana anaglyph glasses and the results vary depending on the monitor I'm using. I've got two of them, on one the pro-ana give worse ghosting than cardboard glasses, on the other screen both give about the same amount of ghosting, but overall, whenever I need to use anaglyph, I grab the pro-ana, just because they have a solid frame : when I'm not careful I often fold or tear my cardboard glasses.

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:21 pm
by android78
Just kidding. Like others on here, I think it really depends on how well the filter matches the light that is produced by the monitor. The best results I have found are actually the cardboard glasses that came with 'Journey to the center of the earth' (anaglyph version) and my samsung LCD. There is still a bit of ghosting, but fairly minimal.

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:40 pm
by cybereality
Well, I guess it all depends then. I know I have had good success with Pro-Ana on the Zalman. With my Samsung HDTV the Ana-Chrome actually seem to work better.

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:46 am
by AntiCatalyst
yeah, it all depends on what wavelengts of light your monitor uses for its primaries.
It's not standardized, and some very-high-end LCD screens even have more primary colors than just the usual red-green-blue, like yellow and cyan or something.

i think my optoma hd65 has this type of coloring, too.

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:46 am
by babylonx

I am new here.

I bought some colorcode 3d glasses and they arrived today. I have some side-by-side clips but if I try to play them with stereoscopic player with it yellow-blue options there is always some ghosting.

On the other hand, the video clips and images on the colorcode 3d site are perfectly filtered and there is no ghosting at all! So I guess there is some diffrence between colorcode 3d and yellow-blue anaglyph.

Is there anything I can do to reduce ghosting with stereoscopic player? Maybe another player?

Thank you!

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:43 am
by AntiCatalyst
that's very strange babylonx! your results should be exactly the same regardless of the player being used.

Here's what you can do;
start Paint up and draw 3 things, one red, one bright green and one blue. then put the glasses on and close one eye.

red and green should be percieved as black by your right eye, and blue should be black to your left.
if either the red(unlikely) or the green one is visible through the blue lens, you can do a quick fix by pulling down that color in your monitor settings. you'll lose some colour fidelity, but you'll also get rid of the ghosts.

If they're both visible, or you can see the blue one with your left eye, there's not much to do.. just get used to it or try a different kind of anaglyphs.

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:01 pm
by cybereality
ColorCode is not exactly the same as yellow/blue. They have a proprietary formula. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like you can buy actual yellow/blue glasses, and none of the common 3D applications support ColorCode. But yellow-blue should work good enough.

Re: Anaglyph horrible ghosting plz help!

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:21 pm
by 2umind
Well I see the person who posted this hasn't been back in to check on this, but if you do show up, please post what software you're using to create the 3D. Nvidia 3D, iZ3D, Tridef, etc? Or are you just watching a 3D movie? Because 3D movies could just be encoded in a way that screws up the colors or you might be using a program like iZ3D which can have bad ghosting if you don't make a custom anaglyph type. Let me know if you need help with that.