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Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:45 am
by Silversurfer

After polling the U.S. a few months ago, Nielsen conducted a worldwide poll to gauge interest in 3DTV displays. SPOILER ALERT: less than 10 percent of those asked said they'll buy a 3D television in the next year.

Another 15 percent polled said they might buy a 3DTV, but that's not so promising when over 60 percent said they they definitely won't buy a 3DTV. And when only narrowed down to North America, just 3 percent of North Americans say they plan to buy a 3D set in the next year. As far as 3D in the home goes, GigaOm is all doom and gloom, declaring 3DTV to be dead on arrival, and it's tough to disagree. I sure as hell don't want to deal with the glasses, especially when more than one person is in the room. Someday, when glasses-less displays arrive, maybe we can try this grand 3D experiment again, yeah? [Nielsen via GigaOm] ... Gizmodo%29" onclick=";return false;

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:23 pm
by android78
I wonder if the same survey also asked how many people were planning to buy a new TV next year.
For example, if only 10% of consumers surveyed said they would buy a new TV next year, and 3% of people said that they would opt for 3D, that means that 30% of sales would be 3D.
Whoever conducted the survey sure has $#!T for brains!
In the current economic climate, I wouldn't be surprised if less then 10% of consumers were planning on buying a new TV next year.

P.S. did we all read the comment by jnemesh? lol

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:30 pm
by Likay
Add to that a relatively recent introduction of hdtv's and then it's quite obvious that many people are reluctant to upgrade once again....

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:30 pm
by yuriythebest
** throws 3d display out of window**

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:49 pm
by android78
yuriythebest wrote:** throws 3d display out of window**
:lol: - Is that because you hate 3D so much, or have you just upgraded to a new 3D display for the 10th time this year though?

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:33 pm
by tritosine5G
Let' s just sum it up
too small & too pricey & ghosts too.

oh & its dark

-maybe the consumer is right. :lol:

Are DLP RPTV's considered 3DTV at all in US? Or just some legacy leftover ?

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:01 pm
by cybereality
I don't know, I think you can spin it either way. For example, look at the original graph:


Lets just work with the global average here as not to complicate matters. So we have 33% that said they flat-out won't buy into 3D. OK. And another 19% that probably won't. So that is 52% that are not particularly interested in 3D. But if we look at the other side, we have 4% of people that already own 3D TVs, 9% that are definitely purchasing, and 15% that will probably buy one. That's 28% interested in 3D. 21% of people were undecided. I don't think those are horrible numbers if you think about it. That means over 1 out of 4 people will likely buy a 3D TV in 2011. If we extrapolate this survey to the world population that would include 1,929,060,000 (almost 2 billion) people that are somewhat interested in buying a 3D display in 2011. That is a whole lot of people. Hardly the "death knell" for 3D these blogs make it out to be.

I am not under any delusions. 3D is still very much a niche market. It is gaining a lot of popularity and press, but its still niche. I don't expect it to go mainstream over-night. These things take time. I think having 28% of the people surveyed interested in 3D is huge progress. A couple of years ago I would be surprised if even 10% of people KNEW 3D EXISTED!!! Forget about being ready to drop $2,000 dollars on a 3D display. We are making major progress here. Not sure what all these so-called "tech-blogs" have against the technology. Unless there is some secret organization pulling all the strings, hell-bent on seeing 3D fail. I think they are called the illumina-2D...

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:55 pm
by Zerofool
cybereality wrote:That's 28% interested in 3D. 21% of people were undecided. I don't think those are horrible numbers if you think about it. That means over 1 out of 4 people will likely buy a 3D TV in 2011. If we extrapolate this survey to the world population that would include 1,929,060,000 (almost 2 billion) people that are somewhat interested in buying a 3D display in 2011. That is a whole lot of people.
I admire your optimism, but let's get realistic here. Unfortunately we don't live in an utopic world where 100% of the population on earth is civilized, educated, live in normal environment and conditions. Very far from it. Just think about the poverty in Africa, all the brainwashed taliban folks and the rest of the uneducated eastern world (no offence to anyone), think about all these images in your head of Chinese people raising rice, the African buses and trains, crowded with people (even on their rooftops) and so on.
Now take a look here, here or here and consider just 10% (pretty optimistic btw) of China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria and so on as.. capable buyers (the rest of them have more important things to spare they money for than TVs, like food and other things important for basic survival :)) and now do the math again ;). That's the sad truth. The majority of people on earth are not (lucky) like us, they probably don't even know what satellite television, or High Definition or computer is.. or they have only heard of it ;). So I suppose just 1/4-1/3 of the number you suggested (about 500-650 mill) sounds realistic at best.

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:34 pm
by cybereality
Ok, you got me. I did do the math, but figured I might as well go for some pro-3D sensationalism. The fact of the matter is that 28% of respondents indicated that they had a strong interest in buying a 3DTV in 2011. To put this number into perspective, in 2007 the US HDTV adoption rate had just reached 25% ( ... lidays.php" onclick=";return false; ). I don't think anyone would have argued 3 years ago that since "only" 25% of people owned an HDTV that the format was destined to fail. It would have been ridiculous. So if those 28% of people in this Nielsen survey actually do buy a 3DTV in 2011 (or already own one), then that would be more people than had HDTV in 2007. What does that say?

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:47 pm
by android78
cybereality wrote:Ok, you got me. I did do the math, but figured I might as well go for some pro-3D sensationalism.
Good to counter the sensational headline of the article. I still go with my original statement. and are more then 24% of people worldwide looking at buying a tv next year?

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:41 pm
by BlackShark
Die ! 3D please die ! these stupid blogs must say.

I wonder what would happen if you were to compare the adoption of 3D with the adoption of home-cinema surround sound systems... you know the thing where you have to put speakers behind the couch and have wires everywhere.

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:52 pm
by Likay
BlackShark wrote:Die ! 3D please die ! these stupid blogs must say.

I wonder what would happen if you were to compare the adoption of 3D with the adoption of home-cinema surround sound systems... you know the thing where you have to put speakers behind the couch and have wires everywhere.
Surround sound does not have the "nerdstamp" all over. Even though it's ridiculous getting 5+1 "shoebox speakers" when a two speaker config sounds soo much better for the same money. But then i'm almost deaf and not really authorized to make such judgements...
I wonder why 3d still has such a negative nerdstamp... :?

Re: Survey Says: We All Hate 3DTV!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:08 pm
by android78
Likay wrote:Surround sound does not have the "nerdstamp" all over. Even though it's ridiculous getting 5+1 "shoebox speakers" when a two speaker config sounds soo much better for the same money.
I love my surround setup. I think it depends on how much you are willing to spend though. The cheap setups where each tiny speaker plugs directly into a DVD or Blu-ray player sound no better (and often worse) then the speakers in TVs. If you have a dedicated amp and proper speakers, then you can get really good sound... the only problem is that you're paying 5-10 times as much.
Likay wrote:I wonder why 3d still has such a negative nerdstamp... :?
Probably because the initial solutions were plagued with issues, difficult to setup and not very good. This perception I think is slowly changing though. We'll win in the end. ;-)