Viewsonic introduces 3DV5 3D pocket camcorder

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Viewsonic introduces 3DV5 3D pocket camcorder

Post by yuriythebest »

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There's a good chance this 3D bandwagon may never stop rolling, so rather than maintaining that bitter beer face for yet another day, you may as well embrace the next dimension. Viewsonic's newest pocket camcorder just so happens to fit into that segment, as the 3DV5 is a 720p shooter with a 2.4-inch autosterescopic display, not dislike that found on Nintendo's 3DS. According to the company, there's a one-touch function to switch between 2D and 3D recording modes, and once they've logged the latter, they can either plug it directly into a 3D HDTV (via HDMI) or watch it on-screen without any 3D glasses. Users can also throw these up on YouTube's 3D channel if they'd rather rather with a set of anaglyph spectacles, but you'd probably budget for an SD card -- you know, considering that the 10MB of internal storage space won't exactly hold a masterpiece. Is this guy really worth £150 ($238)? Can you really live another day without the ability to create 3D content?
wow, looks like the boss from viewsonic saw the aiptek i2 and was like "yeah, one of those..."

the stereobase seems a tad smaller than the i2's, and this is 49$ more expensive (the aiptek is 199$)
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Re: Viewsonic introduces 3DV5 3D pocket camcorder

Post by Silversurfer »

ViewSonic is a better name brand for me so I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
at least were starting to have a choice, healthy competition is good for us punters.
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Re: Viewsonic introduces 3DV5 3D pocket camcorder

Post by cybereality »

Looks cool, but I wonder if it is an original product or just a rebadge of the aiptek. Looks really similar. If it is a new model, it might be interesting. Hopefully its at least acceptable quality, the price ain't shabby.
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