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Magnetic Air Pressure Data Gloves

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:52 pm
by Dom
Is there any data gloves out that can replicate matter physics from a video game? Since the Microsoft Kinect is going to be out for sale and use, but instead of having a dead air take on controlling the games why don't Sony or a 3rd party company make some Data Glove Accessories for matter?

What we need in a data glove is something that fits snug like spandex. Also manipulating weapons and objects in game sounds far fetched given there is nothing to touch that has friction and weight. So the only way to replicate this would be to insert air pressure and a light to heavy weight system that uses electricty to perform those functions. Given pressure can make things lighter and a chemical mixed with pressure or less pressure can give weight this Artificial Matter could be mapped with a camera and a wireless signal to a computer or console system.

So to my understanding is that in this therory the end user will have a simliar feeling to that of holding your hands together fingertip to fingertip and gently moving them up and down making it feel like there is an invisible plate between them.
Also adding in a electromagnetic fingers in the gloves will give the user a feel of where objects are roughly. Cause without this holding a virtual gun or bat would not feel right.
If done right this VR data glove thats probably already been researched on would give the sense of weight, volume and friction in the sense thats what I think is needed to replicate matter sensation.
I hope its agreeable to some that this will help with the VR living room and along with stereo3d would make for some really cool virtual fights or sports like holding a hockeystick or baseball bat ect..

Re: Magnetic Air Pressure Data Gloves

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:28 pm
by cybereality
I remember they used to have these haptic data-gloves that basically had these spider-like legs around your fingers and provider force-feedback. Like it would seem like you were holding a ball (they would restrict it so you could not close your hand). I found the cybergrasp (" onclick=";return false; ) but I believe there were others. Of course they were wildly expensive and only really useful for like science or military applications (who else has that kinda money?). Would love to see more progress in this field but I haven't seen too much recently. The only thing that even seem close was this:" onclick=";return false; , but it is unclear how much feedback it is even capable of. Still, could be cool.

Re: Magnetic Air Pressure Data Gloves

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:57 am
by Dom
Yeah thats right Cybereality the "Haptic" gloves but it seems theres gotta be a cheaper and more efficient way to reproduce the matter effect. I just think that if theres some kind of pressure on your hands along with some computer maipulated weight system in the glove it would be alot streamlimed that those bulky haptic systems they have now. Hopefully something can happen with more VR stuff cause I really feel like getting more into it than just some half basic stuff. Maybe I will work on this idea I have more and email a few companies that are interested.