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Converting Coraline from anaglyph to stereo 3D

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:49 am
by typhoon
Hi all,
i'm trying to Convert my Coraline Blu-ray, that includes both 2d and 3d anaglyph versions.

First of all i've discovered that the 2d version is not always the left view but it jumps between left and right, so in order to get a proper 3d always working (not all scenes are 3d btw) i have to swap left or right depending from the scene.

Apart of this problem i'm currently stuck with Stereo Movie Maker.
what i've done:

-Opened 3d movie in SMM as anaglyph and saved the left right black/white movies as separated files.
-I've saved as Xvid CQ 1.00 without VOB frames to achieve maximum quality

SMM has created several 2Gb files (total 30Gb)

I would like to join those files and get a big avi, so i can reopen it in SMM and sync with the 2d movie and then save again in one step.

I've tried appending segmented files in VirtualDub and save a big 30gb avi, and it works everywhere except SMM, wich loads it but i see all black frames.
I've tried using an avisynth script with the SegmentedAviSource command referring directly to segmented files, same results...
tried also loading the big avi using avisynth, no luck :/

Does anyone knows how to create a proper avi bigger than 2GB that works with SMM?

Strange thing the original AVI ripped from the blu-ray is 15GB and SMM manages it without problems (and without avisynth) :(

any idea ? thanks

Re: Converting Coraline from anaglyph to stereo 3D

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:48 pm
by Gae43
I've tried appending segmented files in VirtualDub and save a big 30gb avi, and it works everywhere except SMM, wich loads it but i see all black frames.
Have you tried waiting a few minutes? SMM doesn't like working with huge files so I'm surprised it managed to open the 15GB file. I've converted Coraline (the DVD version) and as well as the sides swapping, some of the scenes need realigning too. In the past with SMM, I have had to wait quite a long time while opening a large file. It starts by just displaying a black screen but when the movie has loaded the window frames/taskbars will appear.
Another phenomenon I've discovered with SMM is that it doesn't like files that have been compressed with the Xvid codec. It will play the sound but you will get a black image. Saving it using the Microsoft MPEG 4 codec usually brings the image back.
Have you tried working with compressed files instead? I think you can do a couple of runs before the quality is severely diminished.
One more tip in SMM. If you save the film as interlaced the colour is transferred to the black and white side. The B & W side has to be on the left i think and it only works when saved as a compressed file. Sometimes the colour transfer is very good, whereas other times there is an overlap or smudging, especially in scenes with a wider parallax where the objects don't match. I discovered this other phenomen in SMM while doing loads of different conversions including Coraline.
One did you rip the Blu-Ray? I've been thinking of getting a Blu-Ray drive especially now that more Blu-Ray 3D discs are coming out. Now if they could be ripped could convert them into a side by side avi file that would play in Stereoscopic Player and with your current 3D set-up. Personally, I can't afford a 3D TV at the moment.


Re: Converting Coraline from anaglyph to stereo 3D

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:03 pm
by typhoon
HI, i have 3d vision with a 22 inch monitor, so even if i buy the new 3d blue rays, i have to reconvert them in order to watch on my samsung monitor, cause 3d blue ray is not supported with 22 inches display with 3d vision.

About Coraline i've seen the new 3d blu-ray that will be released soon, so i'm just trying for fun but i'll buy the 3d blu-ray once is out and available for eveyone (it looks it will be on a tv bundle at first)

The conversion is a real pain, i see many scenes not aligned, i mean vertical align, in addition to the swapping stereo from the 2d one... too bad..

i've ripped the blu-ray with MakeMKV, and then extracted the AVI with MKVextractGUI (a GUI for mkvtoolnix)

i had some issue opening the ripped avi from the blu-ray at first, SMM won't open it, i have used the ffdshow vfw codec (i had to activate the right codec manually under ffdshow VFW configuration panel)..

I've tried waiting in SMM but no chance, just constant black screen on the big avi (xvid).
As a workaround i've converted the AVI to mpeg2, right now i'm interlacing both left and right views in order to get colors from the 2d movie.
After that i'll re-open in SMM and do the color correction to get even more quality.
I'll save the resulting movie as splitted stereo again, the reason is that i will use the coloured left and right, so i'll get a perfect stereo, and i'll drop the 2d version, basically i use the 2d version only to get the right colors using the interlace trick.

i know already about the interlace trick, i've tried on a sample clip and it works very well, can't wait to see the results on the whole movie

It's not the best solution for sure, but editing every scene singularly it's too time consuming.
Let's see how the final result will be after so many conversion steps.

route: original -> xvid splitted BW -> mpeg2 BW(for joining)-> xvid interlaced first colorizing -> xvid splitted second colorizing -> Xvid side-by-side (final).

thanks for the hint about the xvid, i'm using this cause i'm used to it, i'll try to use microsoft one next time, hoping there is a constant quality option or a huge bitrate in those codecs, let's see if i can skip the mpeg2 recompression using that..

i'll be back soon once the movie is ready.. :)