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DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:33 pm
by ShaneW
Hi everyone,
Myself and a few other engineering students on my "team" have been given the task to build a high-resolution HMD as part of our senior project. From my initial research and alot of reading here (lots of good info here, thanks guys), I've determined the following:

HMD's are available for $150-$500, but the resolution barrier on these seems to be at about 640x480.
HMD's for higher resolution are available, but the price jumps way up when talking in the XGA+ range ~$8000-10,000

What we are looking to do is build an XGA (min 1024x768) stereo (2-display) HMD that functions for under $2000. There is quite abit more to go with this project, but I won't talk about any of that quite yet. An alternative may be to use one larger display as some here have done if the 2-small display option doesn't seem possible.

We've been looking into various microdisplays; OLED's and Micro LCD's. OLED's and driver boards seem to be available from a few companies but are a little on the expensive side. The micro- LCD's in LCD projectors also seem like a viable option, although some type of backlighting would have to be fabbed up to get them to work I'd assume.

And then theres the optics portion, this is something we need to research alot more. We'll be purchasing some cheaper HMD's to take apart and see how they work to help us along with this.

I'd like anyones thoughts and opinions on this, does it sound do-able? Any suggestions?


Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:09 pm
by cybereality
Not sure how hard this project will be, but I wish you the best of luck. There really is a real lack of any decent HMDs available for reasonable prices.

Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:27 pm
by zacherynuk
ShaneW wrote:Hi everyone,
Myself and a few other engineering students on my "team" have been given the task to build a high-resolution HMD as part of our senior project. From my initial research and alot of reading here (lots of good info here, thanks guys), I've determined the following:

HMD's are available for $150-$500, but the resolution barrier on these seems to be at about 640x480.
HMD's for higher resolution are available, but the price jumps way up when talking in the XGA+ range ~$8000-10,000

What we are looking to do is build an XGA (min 1024x768) stereo (2-display) HMD that functions for under $2000. There is quite abit more to go with this project, but I won't talk about any of that quite yet. An alternative may be to use one larger display as some here have done if the 2-small display option doesn't seem possible.

We've been looking into various microdisplays; OLED's and Micro LCD's. OLED's and driver boards seem to be available from a few companies but are a little on the expensive side. The micro- LCD's in LCD projectors also seem like a viable option, although some type of backlighting would have to be fabbed up to get them to work I'd assume.

And then theres the optics portion, this is something we need to research alot more. We'll be purchasing some cheaper HMD's to take apart and see how they work to help us along with this.

I'd like anyones thoughts and opinions on this, does it sound do-able? Any suggestions?

"The micro- LCD's in LCD projectors also seem like a viable option" you are obviously very early on in your research! ;) - They don't use transmissive - only the KOPIN displays do, really; they use, for the most part TI DLP's

The big killer for you project, is finding high resolution displays - they simply don't exist for the price you would expect or in the format that you want.

I have talked to pretty much every western front for AMLCD, FLCOS, DLP, OLED and similar technologies - as well as their Chinese fab-plant counterparts and have been hit by a massive ' no'.

To get SXGA resolution, you are pretty much look at a minimum of £5K (GBP) per eye - and that's shopping about, and or buying 5 unit minimum. Even aiming for, say, SVGA Oled is harder than you would think.

Hence I went for pico's in my project - but have learned alot from that, which I may be able to share. If, like you, I was starting from scratch, and knew what I know now - I would be thinking about doing a single screen, high resolution HMD, which could incorporate LCD shutter glasses, rather than a true twin-screen rig.

Bare in mind, although this comment sounds like cowardice, within an HMD you would have cart-blanch to optimise the shutter glasses light leakage, contrast and other notorious bad-points.

Just saying-like....

Good luck - do keep us updated!


Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:47 pm
by robert135
Kopin 800x600 displays +backlight+ic only cost a few hundred dollars.

Their completely put together solution costs more. I have not priced their 1280x1024 displays yet, but just call them to find out the price.

Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:15 am
by ShaneW
Thanks for the response guys. We have been doing a lot of research and have discovered a few things...Pretty much everything you've said zacherynuk is what we have found thus far- but I'd love to hear more about your research and what ideas you have regarding a single screen high resolution HMD.

I've talked to many microdisplay manufacturers and anything over 800x600 seems to be very expensive. Most companies want us to purchase a "development kit" which is usually around $5k for anything XGA and above. (This includes microdisplay, driver IC, some sort of backlight solution, software, etc...) We've found the company Holoeye produces a WXGA Microdisplay that they can provide for around $500 (sample price for 1 unit). Unfortunately, in order to get a driver board from them, a "development kit" must be purchased ($4.5k). Kopin and Emagin have similiar price points once the driver ICs are factored in.

robert135, did you talk to Kopin? I did talk with them on the phone and they wanted well over $1k even for a complete 800x600 setup.

One thing I've been looking into are using some of the internals from microprojectors that use single Lcos panels. I'm aware now that regular home/business projectors tend to either use DLP technology, or a 3-monochrome LCD setup with a series of filters and prisms. Neither of these are really feasible for our design. The smaller micro projectors however tend to use a single Lcos (reflective) display and and LED light source. I've bought a few cheap 640x480 resolution units, and they do in fact have a single reflective .45" microdisplay inside. (actually picked up 2 for parts, although they both worked fine, for $25 on ebay).

After talking with some chinese companies, I did find one or two that claim to have LED micro-projectors that contain single Lcos panels with a native XGA 1024x768 resolution. Sample price for these projectors was around $350. If this is true this could be a great find? zacherynuk, maybe you've already went down this road and could give some insight. (I was reading your project blog and very cool!) These displays are reflective Lcos, so some sort of light source would have to be implemented to illuminate the display. This is what I'm currently playing around with using the low-res microdisplays I have. Again this method is removing the "projection" portion and pretty much scrapping the projector for use of its driver electronics and microdisplays.

As far as a single screen rig goes, that is one option that is also on the table. We disassembled a Headplay HMD which has a similiar setup (a single 120hz 800x600 display mirrored to both eyes-but optics in this one were a bit complex for us)...or are you talking about a larger, non-microdisplay HMD? We did order a 1024x800 5.6" display to play around with (a simple fresnel lens would be used on this one). Although none of the smaller regular LCDs we've found thus far have a refresh rate too much more than 60hz. I guess its logical as there really is no market anyway for a small lcd like this with a refresh rate ~120hz.... Shutterglasses are something else we've been putting some research into.

Right now we'd like to try and make a few different prototypes of different designs, starting first with the simpler low resolution designs (to prove concept) and then start moving up.

Interested in any info about anything that I can get my hands on! Any ideas and assistance is always appreciated here!


Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:25 am
by PalmerTech
I was going to reply earlier, but I was too busy at the time, and I forgot. How typical of me. :lol:

The 5.6" panel you got is the Hydis panel from Vitrolight, yes? Which controller board did you get with it?

You are correct in that getting microdisplays in low quantities is going to be somewhere near impossible at a reasonable price. Really a shame. :(

Could you link to those LCOS 1024x768 units? I thought that those were only available in DLP light engines, so a single LCOS panel would be a huge breakthrough.

I made an HMD using the Hydis panel for a member here called Ido. It had some flaws, but I know how to fix all of them. Want me to post a thread on it? I have been procrastinating, and I tend to need a swift kick in the rear to go into my backlog and document something. :P I used a single aspheric magnifier, a fresnel lens wastes a bit of the quality.

I would post more, but I am very tired. Sorry for writing such short sentences. :P I am going to try and help you as best I can!

Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:16 am
by ShaneW
Yes, we ordered the 5.6" panel from Vitrolight with the 7-in-1 driver board. We did some research on other smaller 4.5-6" displays and this seemed to be the best option. I have a list of other panels I've compiled that are feasibile, but for most driver electronics would have to be sourced or custom made as they are notebook/other specialty panels. They do have an LVDS interface but from what I've seen the universal LVDS driver boards aren't generally compatible with such small panels.

I thought the same regarding the microprojectors as most of the ones over 640x480 use DLP. The company I've been in contact with is Walsoon-Tech. I've asked and my contact spoke to an engineer at the company and he claims that this unit uses a single Lcos display and the resolution is the native resolution of the panel. (He sent me a spreadsheet as well that has all their projectors and what technology (dlp or lcos) they use, they do have some XGA units that use DLP as well) That unit he said would be $350 for 1pc, and a similiar projector they have that contains a 800x600 lcos panel is around $250/1pc. Looks like I will have to order 1 or 2 and see whats inside... ... &Itemid=82" onclick=";return false;

I've found these picoprojectors to be rather simple inside, once the display optics and light engine are removed all that remains really is a functional lcos display and driver board. The ones I've been playing around with are the Gigaware VGA 10 Lumen units that are about $90 from radioshack brand new. Much simpler and more compact than the big 3-LCD conventional projector I took apart...

Palmer, Would definitely like to see some info on that build when you get some free time to post it up, and any fixes for those "flaws."


Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:41 pm
by zacherynuk
ShaneW wrote:Yes, we ordered the 5.6" panel from Vitrolight with the 7-in-1 driver board. We did some research on other smaller 4.5-6" displays and this seemed to be the best option. I have a list of other panels I've compiled that are feasibile, but for most driver electronics would have to be sourced or custom made as they are notebook/other specialty panels. They do have an LVDS interface but from what I've seen the universal LVDS driver boards aren't generally compatible with such small panels.

I thought the same regarding the microprojectors as most of the ones over 640x480 use DLP. The company I've been in contact with is Walsoon-Tech. I've asked and my contact spoke to an engineer at the company and he claims that this unit uses a single Lcos display and the resolution is the native resolution of the panel. (He sent me a spreadsheet as well that has all their projectors and what technology (dlp or lcos) they use, they do have some XGA units that use DLP as well) That unit he said would be $350 for 1pc, and a similiar projector they have that contains a 800x600 lcos panel is around $250/1pc. Looks like I will have to order 1 or 2 and see whats inside... ... &Itemid=82" onclick=";return false;

I've found these picoprojectors to be rather simple inside, once the display optics and light engine are removed all that remains really is a functional lcos display and driver board. The ones I've been playing around with are the Gigaware VGA 10 Lumen units that are about $90 from radioshack brand new. Much simpler and more compact than the big 3-LCD conventional projector I took apart...

Palmer, Would definitely like to see some info on that build when you get some free time to post it up, and any fixes for those "flaws."

The little PICO TI based DLP's are very compact and light and run pretty cool - I am currently trying to find the PCB connectors to see how long an umbilical I can make, so that only the light engine need be on the display.

Those single element projectors look good - the trick is having a lightweight (and cool enough) light source - all the cheap single panel ones I have seen have used colour wheels ... Blah. Be lovely to see the guts of the ones you stripped :)

The real issue with MicroDisplays in general, whether reflective (DLP / LCOS) or transmissive (AMLCD) is getting a decent sized image, without ruining the exit pupil or eye relief - this, I think, Is the real reason most modern headsets using microdisplays have narrow FOV. I'll PM you a link.

Regarding alternate HMD designs, I was considering a creating a triple-head configuration using LCD panels like these ones: ... panel_.htm" onclick=";return false;

I'll be updating my build log soonish (probably sunday evening) I gone off ina bit of a tangent, but I have a whole heap of research worth posting, including a couple teardowns... which may give you some more ideas.

If momentum keeps up, we might actually get something out of this in the end! :)

Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:21 pm
by ShaneW
Thanks for the PM zach, great info! Definitely looking forward to reading more on your project log when you update it.
Here are a few pics of one of the Gigaware projectors I took apart, I figure the higher resolution ones probably have similiar internals if they are using an LED for a light source and an Lcos display.

Parts of the light engine, looks to be just a simple GenIII LED/or Luxeon Star type unit



We took some parts from a broken 15" lcd and rigged up a uniform lightsource to light up the microdisplay. Heres my desktop at 640x480 on the display.

Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:01 pm
by PalmerTech

Palmer, Would definitely like to see some info on that build when you get some free time to post it up, and any fixes for those "flaws."[/quote]" onclick=";return false;


Think you might be able to post some pics of the internals of the Headplay? Looks like mine is not going to get here until February. :(

Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:23 am
by zacherynuk
Hi Shane, how are you getting on ?

I'm still struggling to find an extension cable for my pico units :(

I have also ordered a load of fresnel lenses and curved surfaces, to see if I can make those micro displays bigger!

Also another little project coming along with Palmer, involving some ProView (vista) headsets, which we'll write up properly, but if you look at the proview specifications, they claim 'non exit pupil forming' optics - which sounds exciting.

Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:44 pm
by ShaneW
Not too bad, sorry it took a few days to get back to you...
We've been putting together a monoscopic unit with the 5.6" lcd we've got, not that exciting, but pretty cool nonetheless.

Haven't done too much else with the pico's I took apart, we tried a bunch of the lenses and magnifiers we had laying around and didn't really get anywhere. I did notice that AAXA now just recently has a XGA LCoS microprojector for $360, that would be a cheap route to go for high res. panels instead of the Chinese company I had mentioned. (About the same price though)

Hopefully you can find some extensions for those somewhere! I'll have to look into the Proview when I get some time later...


Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:51 pm
by 3DHMDGuy
Hi Shane,

I read you are struggling with optics. Have you read seen this article?" onclick=";return false;

If you get a good design with some high res high FOV HMD, please let me know. I am director of a large company that would sell your HMD as part of a bundle. We would want up to 5000+ units per year, but have no RnD resources at the moment.

I think headplay did good by keeping there costs down with one display. Our product bundle is consumer based to price point is key. Hopefully sub $1000

If anyone has any solutions ideas please PM or write to me here.



Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:34 am
by thedevilyoudont
I remember hearing (now this is MANY years ago) when they were first coming up with the concept of a HMD computer screen, that they were tinkering with the idea of using a primitive kind of fibre optic deal hooked via a series of lenses to a "miniature" CRT screen (like a 10 inch screen or so) would it not be possible to use something similar but utilizing a small (rather than tiny) LCD perhaps mounting it on the shoulder blade; Maybe with a series of lenses and leading to a parascope type rig (both mirrors facing at opposing angles similar to the "see behind " spy scope toys I.E. / _\ with _being the screen) and corrected by a custom lens exaggerated slightly at one side to correct any distortion (if you decide to place the mirrors at an extreme angle to keep the design a bit more compact)...

There is also the possibility of doing a RGB laser diode setup. perhaps something similar to the whole colorwheel or LED not sure how practical either of these concepts are but hey maybe they will give you an idea... the RGB laser display was mentioned in popular science a few years ago but I believe there is some sort of kit at

anyway best of luck I look forward to seeing how this project turns out

Re: DIY High Resolution HMD Project

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:52 am
by roguethunder
Hello there folks! Been lurking watching the exchanges herearounds especially in this thread.... well pretty much as long as they existed. Finally registered an account so I could poke in my nose a little farther ;3

ShaneW, yer officially a bastard for getting those microprojectors so cheap >.> Since ya posted saying ya got them Ive been periodically skimming ebay for any cheap deals on "damaged" or as-is micro/pico projectors and sheeesh. I'd swear they don't exist. :P
If they ever need a new home, I'd be glad to see what I can manage to do with them. (I'd be playing with them for a HMD design of course. Not that I have any specific designs. Just a lot of ideas that I'd want to test in real world conditions...)

Anyway. The whole 5.6in thing seems... Rather impractical to me but I guess each to their own experiments :3... Then again, I don't like bulky. Someone without that dislike 5.6in might be doable XD...
Jebus tracking down a good high res, small LCD is hard isn't it. You have no idea how many companies in china I've poked. Okay, maybe you do... Not many even bother responding. *sighs* and the few that do either want enormous quantities (100ct was the lowest I can recall) for parts or enormous $$$(lol...).
Silly, considering the projection market proving these parts cannot be THAT expensive...