Sharp to launch glasses-free 3D smartphone with 3D camera

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Sharp to launch glasses-free 3D smartphone with 3D camera

Post by yuriythebest »

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Can't say we didn't see this coming. After wooing us with a number of glasses-free 3D displays -- including the one that gives Nintendo 3DS its magic -- and 3D HD cameras for mobile devices, the company has finally laid down the gauntlet. It's promising to release a smartphone with such an autostereoscopic screen and 3D camera, just like we always wanted, before New Year's Day 2011. It certainly wouldn't be the first 3D phone in the market -- Hitachi touted one early last year for Japanese carrier KDDI, and NTT docomo has had a prototype 3D display -- but a Sharp spokeswoman said that this 3D smartphone would be going international. The more the merrier, we say. Now, how about some more details and a pretty picture or two, eh Sharp?
excellent news! the stereobase on the camera seems a tad low though...
Oculus Rift / 3d Sucks - 2D FTW!!!
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