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Stereo panorama rig

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:50 pm
by mediavr
Here is a rig I have been using for shooting action stereo panoramas." onclick=";return false;
Regular 360 panoramas only need 3 or 4 shots with a fisheye lens to make a spherical
panorama but that is with the camera rotating on its "No Parallax Point". For stereo panoramas
you need at least 50 shots otherwise the parallax difference from shot to shot is too great.
For interiors etc you need many more. So if you want to capture action stereo panoramas
you have to take a lot of shots very quickly. So I was happy when I found that two Canon 5DMkII
will sync in continuous mode (3.8fps) with spliced cable releases (it works fine in single shot node
too). They will shoot indefinitely in sync at this rate in M Jpeg (for Raw you need to use sRaw1 or sRaw2 and
shoot no faster than about 2 fps for long bursts.)

Here is a sidebyside stereo panorama from it ... 7/sizes/o/" onclick=";return false;
(this looks good on an interlaced or shutter glass display if you use Stereophoto Maker and the P and I options in View to make it
scroll continuously). Stereo panoramas are interesting to look at too in HMDs. Ive tried them with a Z800.

The other main way of making stereo panoramas is the single camera, single rotation method -- used for example
by the Sony Nex3/5 with its latest firmware update -- where off-axis slices are assembled and blended from each
frame from a rotating off-centre sweep. This is great method for static scenes but no good for action, windy places etc.
You still need a lot of shots sometimes -- 240 for an airline cabin I was shooting recently.


Re: Stereo panorama rig

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:44 pm
by 3dreal
Great peter to view your methods here.
Did you use the nex 5-cam to shoot the interiors using the 3dsweep-method?
couldnt be since for interiors or low-light one needs the shoot-stop-shooting-method using longer exposures which is not (yet) possible with sonys method.
What lens and rotating axis did you use for the airliner-interiors? I starting using the spm-method in diagonal-mode)larger vertical angle than in standard-vertical-mode. had to stop since i dont have not yet a precise panhead/cameraholder.
3Dpans have the advnatage of quicker loading time over 3dvideos. One can make a "video" out of a pan anyway.
In august i will test sony nex 6 with C/Y-Nex-adapter using my zeiss 18 up to 135mm plus other exotic lenses, e.g. zeiss pc-distagon 35/2.8. zoerk has produced a new collar for and not the lens. its the rear-shift-adapter-180 euro. maybe this could help when using the strip-method. stitching matches perfectly. newer version will not touch focussing-ring. alternative shift-lens is affordable arsat 35 shift of shift/tilt-version.