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Company of Heroes

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:37 am
by nathansteinke
The stereo effect exists, but isn't so convincing in the Omaha beach opening.

In the tutorial, the buildings look good, though the location of the cursor is hard to track on the screen for selecting units and directing them to where they should go.

Please let me know if you disagree or find ways to improve this. So far it isn't playable for me in stereo3d.


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:50 pm
by Neil
Hi Nathan,

I didn't have any trouble with this game. Is it in the tutorial you have trouble? Everywhere in the game?

All I did was use CTRL F5/F6 to control the interface, and went crazy on the Separation.

I'll play some more later.

Neil 8)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:19 pm
by nathansteinke
I'd be interested to know your resolution, refresh rate, and level of detail (need to go and look again to see what names they give for shader quality, and other options).

It was in the Normandy Invasion (first of the career mode) where I was noticing. I'll try it some more and let you know when I get a chance.
Thanks for testing it out!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:47 pm
by nathansteinke
The mini map shifts with F5/F6. Do you experience this? I tried using Ctrl F10 to increase screen depth, so the mini map wouldn't have any separation, but that didn't work. I'm still struggling with getting this to look good. I was trying it in the tutorial section.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:50 am
by Neil
Hi Nathan,

I played through the game, and I see what you are talking about.

1. You can't do much with the convergence. You will need to get the interface to match up with CTRL-F5/F6 to avoid the overlap.

2. You can only separate with this game to get the depth effect, but because of the map limitation, you won't be able to get much pop-out.

Unfortunately, the cursor is rendered at the same depth as the interface, not the playing field. I didn't notice it until I hit CTRL-T to see where it points to in 2D versus 3D.

Just put the cursor to the left of where you want to point, and you should be fine. Things highlight when you go over them with the cursor, so that should help.


Solution & New Problem

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:48 pm
by Neil
Hi Nathan,

I have some good news, and some really, really bad news here.

The good news is if you force HW T&L OFF in the stereoscopic compatibility settings, that interface problem you are having will go away!

Just hit CTRL-F10 after you get the convergence you want, and the interface will single up again.

Now the bad news. By forcing HW T&L off, the CPU is doing all the work. This means your game performance will seriously drop.

Can you test it out and tell me what settings you use to get decent performance - if any?

Thanks in advance,
Neil 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:52 pm
by nathansteinke
Hi Neil,

I'll try it out and let you know. Where do you turn off T&L? Is it in one of the in-game menus?

I tried again a couple days ago, using F5/F6 to get the HUD to be one image and turning down level of detail, and the effect was there, but not so great.

I'll try the T&L like you said and let you know.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:03 pm
by Neil
It's in the stereo compatibility settings in the Foreceware drivers. You should reboot once you select it to activate the feature to get it working.


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:50 am
by nathansteinke
I tried disabling HW T&L and the game was stuttering, so I'm pretty confident that the setting took. But still the stereo 3d effect doesn't really look all that great, definitely not near how good AOE III looks. It doesn't seem to look any better than before having disabled it either.

I tried F3/F4 and see the separation. Then I used F5/F6 to adjust the HUD. Then hit Ctrl F10 (I need to reread the documentation to see what that is exactly supposed to do).

Maybe I'm doing it wrong/not correctly duplicating the steps you took.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:08 am
by Neil
Try this:

Get into the game.

1. Hit CTRL-F4 to separate a bit.
2. Hit CTRL-F6 - the interface should split.
3. Hold down CTRL-F10 - the interface will snap into place!

Now, zoom into a soldier.

Hold down CTRL-F6 and you should see the images start off split, unite, and split again. When it is split again, it means you have established the pop-out effect.

COH is just as good as AOE as far as the stereo settings are concerned. It's the T&L that sucks!

Neil 8)

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:33 am
by nathansteinke
Get into the game.

1. Hit CTRL-F4 to separate a bit.

This worked.

2. Hit CTRL-F6 - the interface should split.

This worked.

3. Hold down CTRL-F10 - the interface will snap into place!

This worked.

Now, zoom into a soldier.

Hold down CTRL-F6 and you should see the images start off split, unite, and split again. When it is split again, it means you have established the pop-out effect.

I'm not sure this worked like it was supposed to. The effect is pretty good, but still not as good as AOE III. I'll try again, spending some more time on this step.

I played a game of AOE III last night, but 1:1 against the computer, and it was excellent. Even my wife was impressed, which is the first time this happened. She didn't seem all that interested when looking at GTR 2 or Far Cry.



Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:16 pm
by Neil
Hi Nate,

It should be just as good as AOE 3.

Do you have a scroll wheel on your mouse?

In a best case scenario, when you are zoomed out, the image should be split.

As you zoom in, the images should narrow, unite, and split again.

If they never fully unite and split - even just a little, you won't get the pop-out effect.

Neil :roll:

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:00 am
by Duckey
Some of the game profiles (like maby three), such as Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2, have a value called MixedTnL and its set to 1. It might do nothing but I haven't tested it yet.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:29 am
by Neil
Tried it on a couple of games. Didn't seem to do anything. Thanks for the heads up though!

Neil 8)

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:29 pm
by Slimmoo
I had some problems with this also, so i started playing around.

What I did was turn post processing off once I did this I started getting 3d, It seems to get a little slower but still playable

Hope this helps

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:14 pm
by Jahun
My 2 cents:

In the end, the effect is there, good and very playable. Interface spot on, just follow the little to do list by Neill a few posts up. Works like a charm. It isn't a full 100% perfect like AOE3 but pretty close. (has more to do with how areas are made in CoH)

Just make sure you have HW T&L off in the Nvidia panel, and postprocessing off in the game and then all goes more or less. I have it at high shaders but with some other things low (textures etc) to keep it playable. It will stutter otherwise but that is to be expected.

Great game, if I got time I'll play it again in S-3d! :P