Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

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Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by yuriythebest »

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Earlier today I reported on the unlikelihood that the next Batman movie will be in 3D. But is that a fluke or part of a trend? If box office numbers are any indication, it's definitely the latter.

Since the high-water mark of Avatar, where 71% of the revenue came from 3D screenings, numbers for big-budget 3D movies have plummeted to less than 50%.

Obviously Avatar was a unique case in that it was basically sold as a 3D "experience," so if you saw it in 2D you were missing out. But then three months later the animated How to Train Your Dragon pulled in 68% of its revenue from 3D screens, hardly a significant drop-off.

Fast forward a mere four months and you have Despicable Me, another 3D animated kids movie, pulling in 45% of its revenue from 3D screens. As you can see by The Wrap's chart below, it's a pretty clear trend.

Is 3D Already Dying?What's this mean? It means that now that people have had a chance to experience 3D in theaters, they're opting to spend $10 on a 2D screening rather than $15 on a 3D screening when given the option.

It's not great news for Hollywood studios that have sunk boatloads of money into 3D cameras and tech, but it's much, much worse news for consumer electronics companies such as Sony and Panasonic who are betting the farm on people wanting to upgrade two-year-old HDTVs to 3D HDTVs. But if Hollywood finds that making 3D movies isn't as profitable as they thought, they'll stop doing it. And without that content, no one will have any reason to buy a 3D TV.

Sucks for them, but it's good news for consumers who are voting with their wallets. No more inflated ticket prices and no need to buy a new TV for a feature no one ever really wanted? Sounds good to me.
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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by tritosine5G »

-well everywhere I read they bash 3d. "Fake" etc. IDK what th hell do they want, since they talk bout holograms, starwars laserswords and bullshit like that.

Anyway Im happy with my mickey mouse 3d™ , too bad the games are not up to it , yet . ;)
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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by WheatstoneHolmes »

3D 4ever!

I came here to chew bubblegum and to see 3D...and I'm all out of bubblegum!
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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by Fredz »

Funny how they didn't mention the percentage for Clash of the Titans (52%) or older movies like Monsters vs. Aliens (56%) or G-Force (56%) for which numbers are easily found on the Web.
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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by Neil »

This is a whole lotta poo!

Here is out analysis complete with comments thread attached: ... 7&catid=35" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by yuriythebest »

Neil wrote:This is a whole lotta poo!

Here is out analysis complete with comments thread attached: ... 7&catid=35" onclick=";return false;

oo someone got riled up :)
3D is Dying! Dying I tell you! **shouts on the corner waving a bible**
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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by Dom »

Well they are only right for the conversions to die and lose sales but gizmodo is like TMZ or Entertainment Tonight when all you get is the harassment feeds and not the true human side of the matter, Spectical.

The whole reason behind the new stereo3d technology is to change and evolve a diluted view of boring 2d cinematography into a realer 3d simulation experience. So heres the timescale B/W television - Color Television / High definition Television - 3D stereoscopic Television - Autostereoscopic Television - Multiscopic3D/Auto Television - Holograghic Television - Portable Holograghic Television - Physics Weather simulation holographics - Holographics Sound - Holoemitters holoprojection matter - Portable holographic computers for vehicles ect.. Patent database executables.....

Please don't ruin this technology for the greed of money its more for human learning and computing than for a distaste for your beer drunkenness in front of the news or hockeygame. Which have you. :P My System specs In HTML


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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by cybereality »

3D: the technology everyone loves to hate.
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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by Okta »

Isnt Gizmodod every comment on 3d negative? I'll bet the site is run by people with retarded eyes that cant see 3d properly and are campaigning its downfall. They troll 3d pretty hard.
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Re: Gizmodo: Is 3D Already Dying?

Post by Addict3d »

The only gimmick is the marketing of increased ticket prices and studios cashing in on the name of 3D. Only a few films so far have actually tried to use 3D as an immersive experience. Everything else being produced is preventing 3D from being taken seriously and becoming an actual part of cinema. That includes uninspiring horror flicks and 3D films with no foresight. As nice as 3D films from the 50s to the 80s were, they rarely were able to make use of the effectiveness 3D can bring to a viewer. I don't believe 3D ever died or can die. It's an element that's evolving like all other aspects to film and hasn't been able to be properly or practically used until now.
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