tomshardware: nvidia 3D Vision Surround - Mega review!

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tomshardware: nvidia 3D Vision Surround - Mega review!

Post by Silversurfer »

Nvidia 3D Vision Surround: Is This The Future Of Gaming?
02:10 - Tuesday 29 June 2010 by Chris Angelin


Rendering to a single display

Surround (2D) with two GPUs

3D Vision Surround mode


.........Just Cause 2
Another 3D Vision-ready title, Just Cause 2 can be summed up in one word: sick. This was the game I showed to visitors who wanted to see what 3D Vision Surround was all about. It’s bright enough to diminish the effects of losing light to the shutter glasses, and the effects had my guests bobbing and ducking as if they were in danger of bonking their heads on a palm tree. “This is what I want for Christmas,” one friend quipped to his wife. “How much?” she asked. I patted him on the back. “Wishful thinking, man.”..........

Benchmark Results: Just Cause 2
02:10 - Tuesday 29 June 2010 by Chris Angelini


Just like Battlefield, Just Cause 2 is 3D Vision-ready, meaning you can play it sans compromise. Because this is another demanding DirectX 11-class title, that probably means downshifting from a native 5760x1080 to 4800x900 in order to maintain acceptable frame rates. The lower res is worthwhile, though. Rather that turning certain features off, Just Cause runs with everything on—just as it would in 2D mode—but with the benefit of 3D. If ever there comes a time where all games could look like this in 3D, you’ll see this tech get its own Editor’s Choice award.......

MORE of the 10 page review HERE: ... 31935.html" onclick=";return false;

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