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3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:08 pm
by tornadog
I have the choice of getting Nvidia's 3d vision kit w/ the Acer 24" monitor, or go for the iz3d monitor. While the price is definitely in favor of iz3d, there is a question of support and future proof. Do you think nvidia with its infinite resources can support 3d better than an independent developer like iz3d? Especially since nvidia is now bringing 3d to online sports streaming and maybe 3d bluray support in future?

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:15 pm
by Likay
You can still get the iz3d monitor which works on the nvidiarig (if the card has dual outputs). However nvidia doesn't support the iz3d display and vice versa. I think you can try both nvidia as well as the iz3d in anaglyph for free to get a feel for the systems though.

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:30 pm
by Neil
That's a loaded question. Let me give you a loaded answer:

While there are advantages for sure, it has nothing to do with how big or how small a company is.

The companies that will last long-term in this field are the ones that support and implement non-proprietary stereoscopic 3D standards. Ask around to see who is doing that without restriction, and you will have your answer.

GPUs have standards through DirectX.
Mobile GPUs have standards through OpenGL.
Why does it make sense for 3D gaming be any different (on purpose!)? Doesn't make sense to me.

Proprietary compatibility is a weakness, not a strength. In my opinion, this branded stuff is just flash in the pan for everyone. The future are standards, or a niche market 3D plateau for everyone. Still, ask around to get the company mindsets.

The only decision that you need to make today is which display will give you better visual results and compatibility for what you need? I leave that to the members to discuss. I don't think Blu-Ray will be a problem if you have the right player, and the game developers I know are supportive of working with everyone. While we wish Nvidia the best, don't buy all the hype at face value - they have a product to sell! :shutter


Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:40 pm
by tornadog
thats most definitely a more loaded answer than my question was...but I have been encouraged at iz3d's efforts over the past few years to keep suporting the games as they come out. I have the whole nvidia kit and monitor coming in from tigerdirect tomorrow, and I think I am gonna refuse that package and make an order for the iz3d monitor instead. Do secondhand iz3d monitors have access to the drivers or do I have to pay for licence?

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:54 pm
by cybereality
There are pros or cons to both, and I haven't seen either of them, so its hard to say whats better. Both Nvidia and iz3d have very good support for modern games, although some titles will work better on one driver vs. the other. For the most part the drivers are comparable. In terms of hardware I'd like to think the 3D Vision is the better product but I haven't seen it with my own eyes. However based on numerous reviews I have read I would probably go with Nvidia. Iz3d is supposed to have bad ghosting. While the Nvidia has ghosting too, I think its within an acceptable limit. The Acer also have a better resolution (1080P), support for BluRay (iz3d doesn't have HDCP), better for 2D due to 120Hz, and of course an extra 2". Overall I think the Acer is the clear choice, if I were you I would keep that package you have coming.

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:34 pm
by Neil
Hi Tornadog,

I wasn't suggesting you do that. The moral of the story was just pick the display and software you would be happy with. I was in no way suggesting a preference of one product over the other. I personally use the iZ3D, Nvidia, Zalman - they all have their pluses and minuses.

The original question you had was more about long term survival than product quality. I feel badly that my words impacted you this way. I'm sure you will be happy with whatever you get. Best to get feedback from members, though.


Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:38 am
by BlackShark
If Durability, or future-proofing is what you are looking for, then you'd better stick to 2D. None of the current hardware is futureproof.

The iZ3D 22" monitor is old (2007), has slow response time, average colour at best, and ghosts a lot, you'll want to change for a better product whenever you can. It was great when it was alone in the market, but right now it's a niche market (get it if you absolutely refuse shutter glasses, want full resolution and don't have enough money/space for a dual projector setup)

Nvidia 3D vision is a closed and proprietary system that has been rejected by most of the TV industry, does not work with ATI GPUs, consoles or stand alone BluRay players and Nvidia heavily pushes developers to not making their games compatible with anything else (which most developers refuse unless they are desperate for subsidies). 3D vision will slowly die out of lack of exclusivity, but that won't happen before at least 2 or 3 years.

Texas instrument DLP3D shot itself a bullet in the foot by releasing the DLP-link glasses, which is a compatibility fiasco and confuses consumers that used to have a perfectly working, stable and compatible system (old DLP 3DTVs).

New 3DTVs use standard inputs (hdmi1.4) but aren't future-proof due to these TVs not supporting fullHD 3D at anything more than 24fps : they use the strict minimum Hdmi3D specs, not the full thing (no Full 3D 1080p TV or gaming) and by purposely not implementing a standard VESA 3D sync port to prevent users from using universal 3D shutter glasses.

Whatever you buy, you'll want to change it within the next 2 to 3 years. So keep that in mind when choosing whether to keep or return your 3D vision package.

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:34 pm
by tornadog
your reply couldnt have come at a more opportune moment. I was sitting reading it and generally agreeing to your points, when UPS knocked on my door to deliver the nvidia vision kit + Acer monitor. I told him sorry and refused the package.

I will wait n watch the scene till next year when I will have the budget to make big tv purchase, and then re-evaluate what I need.

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:58 pm
by tritosine5G
Agreed.Not sure tho, what'd happen to 3d displays in 2011 that'd make a whole lot of difference.

Im so biased my only alternatives would be short throw, or long throw DLP projector?! :lol:

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:32 pm
by Neil
Quick question...who here plays games on a GPU that's over three years old? Do LCD shutter glasses last that long?


Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:42 am
by crim3
Good point, Neil

tornadog, are you saying that you were just minuts away from experiencing 3D gaming and refused it? :O aaaargh!

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:01 am
by BlackShark
3D is an expensive hobby, some people don't have that much money to throw away just for entertainment and want long term investments so they have to make sure every dollar is worth it.
Hell yes I know that ! I'm about to spend 4000€ into a dual projector setup ;)

Although I do not approve staying with 2D display, I understand your decision Tornadog.
I wish you good luck for the future and stay around, you may get interested into an other 3D product some day !

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:01 am
by MykC
The way I see it panning out (if I had to put money down) the current PC offerings will not survive (3D vision, DDD, iz3D). What will probably happen is the PC market will follow the console market. The PC monitor and TV market have been slowly converging (such as supporting similar inputs HDMI and aspect ratios 16:9) the direction the console / TV market goes in is what the PC market will follow.

With that said Nvidia solutions currently have the most support from what I can find via marketing and support from developers.

Re: 3d pc gaming direction

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:57 pm
by WheatstoneHolmes
Neil wrote:Quick question...who here plays games on a GPU that's over three years old? Do LCD shutter glasses last that long?

I used to use an ATI 2600 HD Pro card, but just recently upgraded.

Build a Stereo mirror rig, get some paper linear polarized glasses and buy whatever 3D driver you'd like! :)

If things change, you'd still have 2 working computer monitors ;)
