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World of Warcraft 3D!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:41 pm
by PressBot
We have a special treat for you today!


Recostar, one of our valued members, created a special stereoscopic 3D game review of World of Warcraft.  It took him a long time to put this 3D video together, and his hard work clearly paid off!
Read full article...

Re: World of Warcraft 3D!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:57 am
by Recostar
There a is a couple of things I would like to add for why i made this video.

At one point Warcraft ran Perfectly in S3D, and I mean perfectly. No interface, Map or chat bar Anomaly's, Flicker was non-existent. It was absolutely Glorious playing Warcraft in S3D and even though I have to do some adjusting before jumping into a game it still is. The first time I played WOW in S3D I was speechless , awesome "pop out" effect and great "Depth". It's sad that Warcraft is some what under the scope at the moment because the game is Fantastic in S3D and feel that People need to see it for themselves. Yes, atm there are issues but I'm hoping that with the overwhelming interest in S3D right now the issues will be fixed relatively soon.

This video was all captured on Nvidias 3D Vision bundle and if you notice in the video I have left the Anomalys in tack so you can see them for yourself. As for the flickering all hardware issues do not effect the games rating and is mentioned only for your convenience. This is to be fair to the developers of the game.

I did this video for 4 reasons

1. I love Warcraft
2. I want people to experience the game by seeing it in S3D so they can make there own assessments.
3. For S3D advocacy in the community.
4. For the Admins : I think this is a great way to bring information to there attention. They need our feedback, help and support in order to solve problems and i hope this video provides some to them.

This was my first S3D Video review on any game and I tried to be as thorough as i could, I put my heart into this for us S3D Gamers, I hope you enjoy it

Re: World of Warcraft 3D!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:44 pm
by Neil
Absolutely brilliant work!

Just the encoding alone is a testament to the effort you put into this. I was immediately impressed.


Re: World of Warcraft 3D!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:43 pm
by Recostar
Neil wrote:Absolutely brilliant work!

Just the encoding alone is a testament to the effort you put into this. I was immediately impressed.


Thanks Neil :D

World of Warcraft 3D!

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:37 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

We have a special treat for you today!

Recostar, one of our valued members, created a special stereoscopic 3D game review of World of Warcraft.  It took him a long time to put this 3D video together, and his hard work clearly paid off!