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3D Guides Section, MTBS TeamSpeak Server

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:43 am
by PressBot
Some updates for you today!

First, MTBS has updated its 3D Guides section so that it is easier to find valuable information for new and advanced users alike.  We are also pleased to share some new submissions from Anton Belev who has been having the time of his life hacking away with his NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision glasses.

We would very much like to add user submitted guides from DDD and iZ3D users as well.  Surely S-3D gamers have ideas on how to get the most out of these solutions too!


Last but not least, special thanks go out to TeamSpeak for letting us use their TeamSpeak server, complete with the potential of 512 slots!
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3D Guides Section, MTBS TeamSpeak Server

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:39 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

MTBS has updated its 3D Guides section so that it is easier to find valuable information for new and advanced users alike.  We are also pleased to share some new submissions from Anton Belev who has been having the time of his life hacking away with his NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision glasses.

We would very much like to add user submitted guides from DDD and iZ3D users as well.  Surely S-3D gamers have ideas on how to get the most out of these solutions too!

TeamSpeak Server

Last but not least, special thanks go out to TeamSpeak for letting us use their TeamSpeak server, complete with the potential of 512 slots!