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Shrek Viewing Preempted By Required TV Viewing

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:46 am
by PressBot

Heartfelt apologies go out to Jeffrey Katzenberg and the Dreamworks Animation team.  While we congratulate you for the well earned $71.25 million dollars earned on your box office opening weekend, we had to hold off seeing Shrek Forever After until later this week.  Why, you ask?

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Re: Shrek Viewing Preempted By Required TV Viewing

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:51 am
by lnrrgb
Well, though they tickled us all with beautiful sentiment, the writers really had painted themselves into a corner.... and I really thought that there is where it ended. They tied up most of the major loose ends (the easy ones), they made a beautiful bow, then jumped out of that corner..leaving a beautiful, unopened present, ...given to no one ... daring each of us to jump over the wet paint with our own imagination.

And how many times have you seen that story before - the last moments of dying soul that mysteriously stretch a few seconds into six frustrating years!!! Remember the Last tempation of Christ? It's basically the same, but with wacky sidekicks, a dog, and a polar bear (which I might add, was never touched upon! tsk tsk... was the polar bear the man in black? polar bear(s) go to hell? was Jack a P.E.T.A donater?)

I guess I was waiting to see how they handled selling truths to the less informed, and they didn't sell a one. There were no pearls of wisdom being accidentally, or intentionally tossed around for those with eyes to see/ears to hear - which six years of well manicured juxtiposition seemed to hint toward.

all that for a happy ending?? - I feel cheated! Satisfied, but undernourished. A six year long happy meal... and they forgot to include a toy surprise! Typical!

Shrek Viewing Preempted By Required TV Viewing

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:39 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Shrek Image

Heartfelt apologies go out to Jeffrey Katzenberg and the Dreamworks Animation team.  While we congratulate you for the $71.25 million dollars of revenue earned on your box office opening weekend, we had to hold off seeing Shrek Forever After until later this week.  Why, you ask?