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eDimensional or what?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:16 pm
by Robit
Hi! After reading alot of threads hear(which have been a great help) & on the web, I think the eDimensional 3D shutter glasses could be for me. My system has a ASUS 60Hz monitor,MSI GTX260 with an AMD 940 @ 3.6Mhz.I use Flight Sim X with about an average FPS of about 35-45. I would also like to play some DVD movies. The only problem I've read about is the Hz rate being cut by 50%. If I average let say 30 FPS,would that mean my rate would be 15 FPS? Also Nvidia 3D shows FSX as a 3D game,but I haven't seen any posts that show actual FSX performance in 3D. I'm just get-in into to this, so I'm looking to learn as much as possible from people that are in the know. Thanks :)

Re: eDimensional or what?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:05 am
by Okta
The short answer- active glasses with 60hz lcd do not work, at all.

Re: eDimensional or what?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 9:25 am
by Robit
Hi OKTA! I was afraid this could be the answer! Thought I'd give it a shot (not buying the eD, but asking the question)! I'll have to wait & get the 3D Monitor (Aces looks good) & the nVidia 3D set-up. $400.00 monitor + $200.00 glasses - Kind a large $$$$! Thanks for the advise! :D

Re: eDimensional or what?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:58 pm
by cybereality
Unfortunately shutter glasses and LCD, for the most part, don't work. Certainly not a 60Hz screen. Edimensional claims 70Hz or greater LCDs work but I seriously doubt this. I think maybe one person in history claimed to get this to work but they didn't stick around for long enough to explain how (or did they work for ED?). So its a good 99% chance it wont work. Another option would be to get the Zalman Trimon 22" 3D monitor. You can find them for under $300 these days and the quality is pretty good. Thats what I use and I am happy with it. If that is too much money then I recommend getting a pair of Pro-Ana anaglyph glasses for under $10 and using your existing display. Although anaglyph is low-quality in comparison to a real 3D screen, its still better than nothing. Hope that helps.

Re: eDimensional or what?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:15 pm
by Fredz
Or if you still want something better than anaglyph but at a low price, just buy an old 120Hz CRT monitor (around $40) and a pair of eDim on ebay ($20). You won't be able to play FSX but you still could watch 3D movies.

And with an older GeForce ($40), you could even play ancient games using the old 3D NVIDIA driver.

Re: eDimensional or what?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:27 am
by yuriythebest
Fredz wrote:Or if you still want something better than anaglyph but at a low price, just buy an old 120Hz CRT monitor (around $40) and a pair of eDim on ebay ($20). You won't be able to play FSX but you still could watch 3D movies.

And with an older GeForce ($40), you could even play ancient games using the old 3D NVIDIA driver.
yup - when buying the edimensional glasses you'll need an ancient graphics card and play ancient games on a CRT. IF you want something decent get a zalman + iz3d drivers or an iz3d display

Re: eDimensional or what?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:58 am
by Fredz
yuriythebest wrote:IF you want something decent get a zalman + iz3d drivers or an iz3d display
Depends on how much money he does want to invest in S3D, but considering the future of S3D doesn't lie in 22" LCD monitors, I won't advice him to throw $300 at one when he could have a similar experience at one fifth of the cost. Better keep money for when S3D really lits off with big 3D TV screens or projectors.

I didn't have the chance to look at a Zalman or iZ3D monitor yet, is the image quality that good compared to a CRT monitor, considering the lower color fidelity, half resolution, limited view angles and the fact that polarization seems to generate more ghosting than shutters ?

Re: eDimensional or what?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 10:55 am
by Robit
Thanks all! Doesn't it make you think that one should wait just a little longer for more improvements in 3D hardware................ I think I'll go with the nVidia glasses & 3D monitor, again the Acer looks good @ a good price, but you know I'll wait before making that purchase! Thanks again for all your valuable advise :D .