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50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:08 am
by PressBot

According to Ubisoft, 50% of games will be 3D compliant by 2012, and 15% to 20% of games will have stereoscopic 3D support by next year.  While these are very exciting numbers, not all game developers are equally enthusiastic.
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Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:36 am
by tritosine5G
The games I want are s3d, and I trust nVidia, ubi stinks.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:35 pm
by BlackShark
I wouldn't spit that much on Ubisoft.
Most of their recent games look gorgeous in S3D throughout all drivers : Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, not forgetting the first major broadly native 3D multi-platform game (Avatar)

The only problem is that good execs sometimes make bad decisions, and the new Ubisoft DRM scheme is probably the worst decision Ubisoft ever made.
I just wish they get back on the right track so that we can enjoy their new games again.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:11 pm
by tritosine5G
nVidia has ties to russian developers, console devs wont go for s3d. Metro2033 is such a prime example. BTW ubisoft had the il-2 games but they failed something because they wont publish the sequel. Also that silent hunter series is such a heap of ridicoulus dreck.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:51 pm
by Neil
nVidia has ties to russian developers, console devs wont go for s3d. Metro2033 is such a prime example. BTW ubisoft had the il-2 games but they failed something because they wont publish the sequel. Also that silent hunter series is such a heap of ridicoulus dreck.
I'm sorry, you aren't making any sense:" onclick=";return false; ... eview.html" onclick=";return false;

Metro2033 is an example of what, exactly?


Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 5:47 pm
by cybereality
50% by 2012, I don't buy it. That would mean a good percentage of the games in development now would be made for 3d (since games take 2-3 years to make). I don't know about that. The only way I could see is if the Nintendo 3DS is a runaway success but, even then, 50% is a big number.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:23 am
by craylon
looking only at the pc market I would have hoped for even higher numbers.
considdering that nowadays there are only around 10 Top AAA games per year 5-8 games/year in perfect S-3D isn't that much.

also I agree with BlackShark. Ubis early TombRaider was the best S-3D I played with my ELSA Revalater glasses waaays back and still to this date tons of Ubi (Price of Persia, Assasin Creed, Avatar, Tomb Raider) games work great with the Nvidia Vision Set. As far as beeing readdy for S-3D I would even go so far that Ubi comes to my mind on top of all other companies in that area.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:03 am
by tritosine5G
Too many oldgen games with cut expenses. Whereas nvidia is out there in the field helping developers, so we have 3d vision ready label, which is great. Ubisoft also screwed up with the developers of RTS games. They have their inhouse shilent hunter developer team which I guess is grossly underpaid and thats all. Whereas ex -USSR 1c has the most advanced flight model and developer teams can license their stuff around, for example il-2 flight code and AI goes into naval simulation. BTW they surely make an MMO for PC, DX11. Huge content therre, and nvidia helps develop for dx11. So the prevgen games willbe dx9, cheap ubisoft alike console games, whereas on the other side we get 3d ready. Ubisoft wont be at the epicenter of anything serious. They are cutting expenses where they can, whereas 1C company has russian president on visit, and goverment rubles.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:17 am
by tritosine5G
Oh, and Since when Tomb Raider is an ubisoft game all it was is eidos. And that bono guy or something.

I should check that game out since Ian Livingstone wrote it who also wrote the late fighting fantasy books. :o

BTW eidos given up on eidos Hungary so no more battlestations midway on consoles. At least they got paid.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:53 am
by tritosine5G
BTW now both unreal engine and cryengine includes native s3d. It takes no millions of dollars for those who use these. And since s3d adds about 80% immersion, (on a pj at least) , why wouldn't they include unless its a console exclusive? Well if it s a mass effect with the fake cartoonic skintone and stuff then I understand. Too many console games I dont care about and I come thru ignorant I guess. But im not , look how good unreal engine looks in batman, its nearly good enough. Crytek stuff going to be interesting. Haha they too had affair with UBI...

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:44 am
by Likay
tritosine wrote:Haha they too had affair with UBI...
You mean farcry2? I believe UBIsoft bought the name for farcry2. The "real" Farccry2 is actually Crysis (Crytek as devs similar to farcry 1). Regardless developers both are awesome games though.

Call me a newb but what's the fuzz about nvidia vs ubi? I don't get it because ubi sells/developes games and nvidia makes computerhardwares... o.O

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:51 am
by craylon
tritosine wrote:Oh, and Since when Tomb Raider is an ubisoft game all it was is eidos. And that bono guy or something.

I should check that game out since Ian Livingstone wrote it who also wrote the late fighting fantasy books. :o

BTW eidos given up on eidos Hungary so no more battlestations midway on consoles. At least they got paid.
gahh I stand corrected, my memory is crap :(

still when I think of Ubi I think of games like Assassin Creed and Price of Persia with little to no GUI witch is always a plus in my book...

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:56 am
by tritosine5G
50% games to support s3d means

50% prevgen dx9 games. nVidia / ATI is out there to help serious developers with dx11, also EPIC is upgrading their unreal engine like crazies. So that remaining 50% dx9 game either supports 3d to a degree or absolutely not because its console exclusive or something, they surely dont get money from the publisher to make it any better when it comes to 3d.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:00 pm
by Likay
I hope more for native support of games. Not related to what the reality brings though. If 3d hits then 50% is a very realistic figure. If not then we still need to rely on stereodrivers for 3d. No doubt natively stereo-3d supported games looks far better in 3d than games ran through stereodrivers. Better performance and no visual anomalies.
Regarding Nvidia i don't trust them a penny regarding 3d. Their former history in s-3d clearly shows it. I'm pretty certain (just speculating but still very certain) that if zalman wasn't paying nvidia for stereodrivers there wouldn't be any 3d-vision today. They were "so to say" freeriding on them. However that even nvidia lately hooked up on 3d is good i think. ;)

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:39 am
by tritosine5G
Well people wait for quadro stuff coming down the pipes. Edge blending would be cool and inevitable after all that mess with 3 monitors and they can't get it to work anyway.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:34 am
by cirk2
That are some optimistic numbers...

lets hope that not to much of these games are from ubisoft.

I want to buy a game, not rent it... And especially register it with my real name! Ubi DRM sucks hard.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:40 am
by fReAq
I believe it. Bad Company 2, Resident Evil 5 and Call of Duty MW2 were perfect s3d games with some of the best graphics yet.
All we need is for some good mmo's and space faring games to come to the party.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:42 pm
by DmitryKo
Well, looks like game studios in general are far more optmistic about stereo 3D support than hardware companies, and I guess this is a good thing because content comes first. Unfortunately at the current state of standardization, PC games mostly support 3D TV sets with half-res formats, not specialized computer stereo3D monitors (which cost significantly less and have the potential to last longer). Hopefully 3D display makers will soon wake up and 120 Hz displays will be featuring DisplayPort and built-in VESA sync ports, that would make life much easier...

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 2:56 am
by crim3
In my opinion, what you lose when only one frame is presented to one eye at a time is worst than the partial lost of half resolution (like zalman, I mean).

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 3:45 am
by tritosine5G
What would be lost ? The same frames are presented either way.

Ubisoft making you many dx9 games,while ex -ussr comes with dx11, then maybe something 's lost there in the process, ask them :roll: .

Also 720p is the bare minimum for 3d imho. And with 2 720p pj's you can go for true native res polarizer any day.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:40 am
by crim3
If there is any movement in the scene (and it's 100% probable when gaming), from frame to frame there are differences. With shutter-glasses, each eye always sees a frame that is different to the frame that sees the other. At least that's how nvidia's stereo driver has always worked. The result is a low frame rate feeling even with high frame rates.

When buying the zalman, my biggest concern was the resolution issue. But after the first test with a game, the intense smoothness feeling that I perceived opened my eyes. I was shocked because it was the first time that I was using a 3D solution where both eyes are seeing the same instant of the scene. And it makes a difference! That's what you lose with shutter-glasses.

The post was made in reference to the idea posted above that a 120Hz monitor with shutter-glasses is a complete 3d solution whereas checkerboard or zalman are only temporary solutions. Being coherent, I'd put 120Hz in the same category than half-resolution solutions and leave dual head polarized projectors as the only complete 3d solutions.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:09 am
by tritosine5G
Doesn't look like there will be 3d vision sorround with 2 pj's anyway so I see no reason to stay with nV. They fail if they won't support 2 pj's... At least someone should do something with those linux drivers edge blending stuff not that hard...
Commenting on your previous experience with 3d vision, Im sure there was no amount of light comparable to what we want to do with a torus screen
Imagine how your LCD screen would look like with a 500watt lamp in front of it . :lol: And Im goin g further.
Next building around here surely going to have a wall thats a huge 3 pj torus for edge blending :mrgreen:

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:02 am
by tritosine5G
Man too many console dx9 console games , with guido characters for guido gamers. Damn.

Re: 50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 1:10 pm
by Likay
Agree about nvidia support for s-3d. I hope they carry on their race and it goes well (actually...). In a future they might support even other solutions if they earn enough. The most scary scenario would be them dropping all support for s-3d, even the 3d-vision. :(
Thanks for showing this btw!!! The torus screen got me really interested. Looking up solutions involving vacuum or pressured air and an enough strong rubbermaterial to build on. Fiberglass and polyester will do good. Let's see what happens but you got me really curious now! Still there's an issue with viewing angle but i think just curving the screen a little will do wonder and even go up in gain (3 or so) even if more people are watching. Dang it... Hands and fingers are scratching... I need room to make the thing...

50% of Games To Support S-3D by 2012

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:39 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

[caption id="attachment_15745" align="alignnone" width="514"]Avatar: The Game in 3DAvatar: The Game in 3D[/caption]

According to Ubisoft, 50% of games will be 3D compliant by 2012, and 15% to 20% of games will have stereoscopic 3D support by next year.  While these are very exciting numbers, not all game developers are equally enthusiastic.