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Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:02 am
by sharky
hi mel! youre right sorry, ther eis an explanation to that. obviously i dont know hundreds of quizes so ther eis a source where i get them. based on how long it took to resolve them i select the rating, and translate them to english. i do not change the content so sometimes i dont know to wich "paths" somebody could go trough.. :) anyway sorry again.. :) just keep it fun we are here to play.. ;)


Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:52 am
by LukePC1
Ok maybe Sharky should get minus points for wrong posted quizes and plus points for working ones :wink:

Ok now I have to post my answer again, because I think it's right.

So Everything gets pulled to the front, if the trailer - including the Air and the ballon.
But because the Air is heavier than the Ballon the air 'falls' to the front and the Ballon kind of 'floats' on the Air in front of the trailer --> it moves backwards.

It's a bit like half the trailor is filled with water and a Ball floating on the surface. The water moves to the front, but the ball keeps floating on it, so doesn't move to the front...

--> the ballon moves to the BACK of the trailor

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:15 am
by sharky
good luke!

here is the new one.. this is very easy so 1 point if correct -2 if wrong!

a guy comes out of a pub after some hours and some beers, all the lights are off, and in the sky you cant see the moon. but, anyway the guy can see the clock on the church tower. (wich also is not enlighted) and is 150 m away.

how is tat possible? :?:

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:49 am
by LukePC1
This sounds tricky first :)

But might it be possible that it's morning or day again/still?
So its sunny and no lights are needed. Because it's too bright you can't see the moon - or it's at the wrong angle (other side of earth).

That is a possible answer, so please no minus points :P

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:29 pm
by sharky
ahahah its not only possible, it is also correct! :D

good job!

ok this one is difficult! wich words are sensual? you can ask questions, to understand, i will reply, you can ask if certain words are sensual or not,

if correct 4 points if wrong -2!


non sensual words? ok: GIRL, CAR, SEXY, GAME, LASER

what determinates if a word is sensual or not?! :D

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:33 pm
by LukePC1
ok here are the words you posted:

see ---> very sensual
touch ---> not sensual
feel ---> not shure about this one
hear ---> not sensual
smell ---> not sensual
taste --->not sensual
Monitor ---> sensual
3D-Display ---> not sensual
Head mounted display (hmd) ---> not sensual
Keyboard ---> sensual
Mouse ---> sensual
air ---> not shure about this one
gas ---> not shure about this one
space ---> sensual
vacuum ---> not sensual
universe ---> not shure about this one

hehe.. :D have fun. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:01 pm
by sharky
sorry luke i erroneously clicked on the edit button instead of the quote button! (late, time to go to bed) check your post to have teh answer of your question. for who didnt read trough the post, he basicly said that it seems that nobody has an idea on this, and asked words of 3 different groups: senes (because fo sensual i think) hardware, and non material things...

in the post ABOVE this you see the answer.


Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:57 am
by sharky
hey guys come on.. :D lot of points for this one.. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:06 am
by Likay
You're not sure about every words Luke posted? Does that mean that every words there is cannot be classified as sensual or non-sensual?

Ps: Read wrong with the helium balloon quiz. Had the impression that the balloon was filled with so much helium that it weights the same as the surrounding air and was floating around in the middle. Strange how things can be when written in another language. :D


Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:14 am
by sharky
nope, every word can be classified, but not everybody can classify them.. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:38 am
by sharky
it seems to be to difficult for you.. :D so i decided to give you a little hint:


after this one the max score is 3.5!



Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:20 pm
by sharky
omg.. still nothing.. here another group of sensual and non sensual words:

light, hot, good, wave, color

non sensual:
sad, red, blue, green, bad, wall

come on guys its not that difficult.. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:41 pm
by sharky
ok i think its too difficult so i give you the last BIG hint, and drop the max points you can gain to 2...

wich words are SENSual?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:45 am
by A.J.
Sorry, I still don't get it :)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:24 am
by sharky
ok last one if this also doesnt help then ill give the answer...


Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:27 pm
by sharky
ok so its time for the answer.. :D it really wasnt that difficult.. :D

sensual words, are words wich change the meaning depending on the sentence. wich have different senses.
some examples of sensual words:

tooth ---> the one in the mouth, or the one on the circular saw
female ---> sex, or used for various cable connection (male/female)
light ----> what you see, and difficulty level
hot ---> a girl, or the tempreature
good ---> the taste, a positive action
wave ---> the one on the see, the one in audio signals, the action "to wave"
color ---> color of the wall, color of the voice

non sensual words:
sad --- sad
red --- red
blue --- blue
bad --- bad
wall --- wall

ok here is the new one submitted by likay.. if correct 2 points if wrong -1

if you have 4 balls and a table, can you have the same distance between all the balls? if yes how? if no why?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:27 pm
by LukePC1
I've got two wrong Ideas:

The words depend on letters -> you musst not use S, E, N, and other in sensual/non sensual words.
--> can't be true, because words are mixed to much. There are some with: Not shure status...

So next:
Maybe the words are supposed to make different sense in different context like 'to wave' and 'the wave' (of the sea). But there are also things against that.

Maybe the words have to stand on a special list?
Sense has very many translation options. There are too many possibilities to find the correct answer :oops:

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:28 pm
by sharky
haha luke, 5 secodns too late with your post.. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:35 pm
by sharky
hey luke, we posted at the same time, but you were a lil moment late.. so i think that i should give you at least one point for that.. :) its the half of the maximum reacheable.. :) good work

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:11 am
by LukePC1
And I thougt, that would be wrong :oops:

Hm to Likay's riddle:
If the balls don't have to lie on the table (in one plane):
Put the first 3 in a triangle with same sides/distances (synchronistic).
The forth one has to be either floating or lieing on top of them (or below).

The Aim is to get a tetrahedron (Pyramid with all edges of equal length.

None of them has to float, if you just push the first 3 together, so they tuch. Now put the last on on top --> all balls no distance to each other :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:17 pm
by sharky
hey luke youre amazing! :D

here is the next one.. this is the most difficult i have posted up to now. the solution can be made with paint, and described! 5 points if correct -2 if wrong

i have a triangle, the summ of the sides is known (a+b+c=100 for example)
alpha is 27?
beta is 43?

how can this be designed using ONLY construction tools? (rulers and similars... )
you only have to describe the steps with the help of a paint jpg.


have fun


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:41 pm
by sharky
come on ! nobody is trying on this? it took me some hours to solve it, but i did it.. :D cant belive that you arent able too.. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:20 am
by LukePC1
Hm no mathematics alowed???
How am I supposed to solve it?
Not even a+b+c? To see, if It is 100?

You need two 'set squares' (lineal with ability to measure angles), a normal ruler/straightedge, a tape measure (or a 100 units long cord).

With the straightedge you can begin. Place it anywhere on the area. Measure with a set square the first angle from it and with the other one the second angle on the other side.
Now you can rezise your triangle without changing the angles. Yust pull one of the set squares a little away or closer.

To measure if you're right you have the cord/tape measure. Just lay it around the created triangle. In theory this is no problem, but practically...

If you measured 100 youre finisched...
I hope it's understandable.

If you can add values you can read the values of each side on the set squares and add them to 100...

I hope we get an easyer one next

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:03 pm
by sharky
you can measure angles or lenghts.. obviously.. what i meant with no mathematics is not to use cos tan cotan sin and so on to solve it.. :) no trigonometry.. :D

only basic geometry

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:08 pm
by sharky
it seems to be too difficult so here is the answer..


and her eis the new one:

i have 2 girlfriends. noone knows of the other. every day i go to one of my girlfriends, on a random selection. i simply go to the station and the first train wich arrives is the one i take. both trains start in intervals of 10 minutes (meaning that the same train starts again after 10 minutes) and i change randomly the time i go there every day. but for a strange reason 9 days out of 10 i go to the first one. (bigger b**bs :lol: joking)

can somebody explain this?

2 points if correct -1 if wrong



Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:25 pm
by Likay
it's ten minutes between the launches. but one train might arrive 1 minute after the other one. then probably you most certain will take that one 9 times of 10 since one train will always be one minute after the other one..

or it might be a subsence that controls you to take that train because of the bigger b***s :D


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:42 pm
by sharky
hehe good answer.. and correct.. it was pretty easy...

here is another one easy again. 1 point if correct -0.5 if wrong.

there is a 5 km bridge wich can hold exactly 5000 kg. (personally i wouldnt go on that bridge but thats not the point now.. :D ) the ingeneurs claim that it will crash at 5000.1 kg. to test it they send a robotized (appeartentlz there are others who dont want to step on the bridge) truck on the bridge with the wheight of 4999,9999 kg. as soon as the truck reaches the middle fo the bridge, a bird flys near the truck and when it is posing itself on the truck all begin to scream, thinking that the bridge will be destroyed. will it? why?



Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:02 pm
by sharky
come on guys! post your answers... there will be a little prize for the winner.. the contest ends january 31.. :)

yeah! a prize! ill post the answer of this one tomorrow!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:41 am
by LukePC1
Well the Bridge won't break - at least not directly. Maybe it will some days later.
The Weight of the Bird pushes equally hard on the Truck - and the bridge, no matter if it pushes the Air down on the bridge, or sits directly on the bridge/the truck.

On top of that: does a/the bird weight 100g? Depending on the sice it could be much lighter :P

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:38 pm
by sharky
wrong answer

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:17 pm
by mastRmind
The bridge will break because the force of the bird on the truck will transfer through truck onto the bridge causing the force on the bridge to be more than 5000 kg. (unless of course you have a really light bird or the engineers were wrong as it is impossible to design anything to hold an exact weight)

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:06 am
by sharky
wtong answer again.... one of you obviously gave teh correct answer but with the wrong explnation...

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:06 pm
by Likay
Are the engineers able to see the bird at 2.5 kilometers away? ;)

Edit: Actually this question was my answer: If the engineers can see the bird it means that they're obviously standing on the bridge thus making it break. :D
Of course they may have a boat, heli or whatever it takes to see the middle of it but....


Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:35 pm
by sharky
i post the answer.. the bridge will NOT break. the wheight of the truck is not constant.. you are burning gasoline (average 1 liter/km ) so you have a bonus of 2.5 kg when the truck is in the middle..

if some of you know some to post please pm me!

here is the new one.. you have two long paperstripes. those paperstripes neeed exactly one hour to burn. but they dont burn at a constant speed. this means that in minute five they could burn faster than in min 16.. but you need to isolate 15 minutes from this stripes. any idea on how to do it?

2 points if correct -0.5 if wrong

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:50 pm
by mastRmind
sharky wrote:i post the answer.. the bridge will NOT break. the wheight of the truck is not constant.. you are burning gasoline (average 1 liter/km ) so you have a bonus of 2.5 kg when the truck is in the middle..
:x no-one told me the truck ran on gasoline :cry:

Onto the next riddle:

-First light the two ends of one paper strip and one end of the other.
-After 30 minutes, one paper strip will be completely burned and there will be 30 minutes remaining on the other strip of paper. light the other end of the paper that has 30 minutes remaining.
-From the time you have lit both ends of the paper strip with 30 minutes remaining till the paper is completely burned will be 15 minutes

Hopefully I got the right answer this time


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:39 am
by sharky
how does your truck run? hamster inside? :D

anyway good, correct answer!

ok here is the new one.. 2 pts if correct -1 if wrong

there is a small town, "idiotown"... this town has only ONE main streeton this street there are the same ammount of shops like inhabitants. the inhabitants are all stupid and all use the car. they are not able to share it. every shop has one single parking place. (yes i know it is a wired city.) this means that the parking places are also exactly the same like the inhabitants of the town. now, there is a problem. the family schneider, has some friends from another town. its sunday morning, all shops are open, family schneider, friends and all the other inhabitants go shopping. how can everybody park if intown there are more people than parking places? (who goes for shopping, will NOT use a bicicly since they have to bring the thing home.. so dont come with "they go with the bicicle".. :D )



Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:12 am
by LukePC1
sharky wrote:how does your truck run? hamster inside? :D
A good engeneer would use a Robot run by electricity. I think it doesn't get realy much lighter :roll:

1) is Family Schneider more intelligent (are they able to share a car)? I suppose not. Maybe the don't even have a car...
2) Where do the vendors of the shops park?

Possible answers (depending on Situation)
a) If the vendors have their own parking places, there might be enough
b) Some people are allways on the street, driving from one shop to the next.

They go by foot with big Rucksacks *jokingly*

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:09 am
by sharky
hehe familz schneider is absolutely normal doesnt share the car (even if the schneider we know is not normal) the vendors do not have theyrown parkings,.. the answer is in the text read carefully!



Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:42 am
by Neil
As a Schneider, it would be inappropriate for me to give away the answer.


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:45 am
by sharky
i bet you know the city! :D