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Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:45 am
by laast
geekmaster wrote:
QUESTION: Where are all the European Rifters who were whining about Virtuix Omni shipping costs making them decide to NOT support the Virtuix Omni? Why aren't they supporting this European kickstarter campaign? Do they need more convincing "WizDish inside VR" (not in a CAVE) videos too?
No, personally I'm waiting for a Virtuix Omni-like in Europe. WizDish is not an Omni.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:58 am
by museumsteve
QUESTION: Where are all the European Rifters who were whining about Virtuix Omni shipping costs making them decide to NOT support the Virtuix Omni? Why aren't they supporting this European kickstarter campaign? Do they need more convincing "WizDish inside VR" (not in a CAVE) videos too?'s not a Virtuix Omni in any respect :roll:

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:02 pm
by Zoide
I think they're just different classes of products, with their own pros and cons. I see the still to be revealed Viiwok as a more direct competitor to the Omni.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:25 pm
by OutatimeTV
I wanted to back the Omni but the shipping+taxes killed this for me.
I think I will go for the Viiwok if it's worth it or a DIY omni out of wood (like we have seen here).

The WizDish has never really cought my attention as an option.
Maybe as a small portable solution for under $150 but not for the actual costs. Sorry.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:36 pm
by NightlHlawk
I think a lot of people were very underwhelmed by the presentation of this Kickstarter. Another big thing is a lot Kickstarters sell their products (or to-be-made products) at a lower price than what it would retail for later on. I might be getting the wrong impression, but was this promised at a lower price than what the Kickstarter project is asking for? Either way, it looks like it's more money than people expected this to be and there is no discount for pledging to this project. Overall, it makes the product a hard choice to buy into.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:52 pm
by Moriarty
I'm a fan of the Omni too, it's very ambitious. It might very well be true that there are all sorts of issues like muscle strain and convenience etc that will only show up when people start using the new ODT's but right now Virtuix is selling "the dream" and that is extremely alluring. :) The Omni also has the benefit of being very photogenic. This helps for a Kickstarter campaign.

The Wizdish might increase the feeling of immersion a lot, but it looks rather strange at first. Many people will probably need to try it to really experience the full effect it has, when used in a game. I hope that the WizDish will reach it's target. If VR really takes of with the Rift then the market will be big enough for all kinds of solutions and every device has different positives and negatives (Wizdish : mobile, easy to transport,maybe less muscle fatigue, easy to set up,...) Here are some random ideas for the Kickstarter, I don't know how feasible or desirable they are, just brainstorming :

-Try to organize some new public demo's/interviews. Reactions are always fun to watch.

-Can't have enough good Rift + Wizdish videos with an experienced user, make videos with all kinds of games,a gaming website might pick up on one of those and give you free publicity.

-Make a good video with the crash mat showing something that for the moment only the WizDish can do : transitions. You will need a game that has driving/walking/shooting. Battlefield 3 is an option, if you want to use it in the Rift you will need to talk to VorpX. Start with the player sitting down and driving a car or maybe even a motorcycle (the expansion pack "End Game" has motorcycles you can ride in first person view) :

leave your vehicle behind and engage the enemy on foot, get on the Wizdish and start moving. "Run" towards a rock or wall and crouch behind it for cover,get up shoot and kill the opponent. "Walk" back to your vehicle, sit down and relax...ride away in the sunset. If you can film and edit this in a smooth and exciting way, you can make this scenario look very cool. :)
It also might convince someone to buy the crash mat.

-Maybe have a DIY tier in the Kickstarter with just the unmolded patented low friction material and the WizShoes it might attract some people of the hack&mod community with ideas. Call it the "Wish"Dish-pack "Build the ODT of your dreams"

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:09 pm
by geekmaster
I have a "gut feeling" that if it had more videos that already answered our questions (especially with a Rift), and a lower price with (sufficiently large) early backer tiers of $179USD and $199USD, plus some more lower "supporter" tiers with posters and models and such, and perhaps autographed VR books, it may well have reached its goal on the first day.

But those (perhaps essential) options were never offered. Too many unanswered questions. Too much money for many people (especially when compared to the competition). International shipping for the majority of Rift owners (who live in the USA). Bad timing (probably more backers if it happened BEFORE the Omni kickstarter). Insufficient media attention. Bad planning. Negative consequences.

We can only "hope" that it finds a benefactor for the highest tiers (none yet).

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:10 pm
by Parallaxis
geekmaster wrote:
Mystify wrote:As far as the trends go, considering that the initial spike normally accounts for a large portion of the funds, I think any naive trend will be overestimating the final result.
There was no initial spike, because there was no "loss leader" tier for early backers. I would have bought one if the price was $179USD, but over $200 goes over a perceptual value pricepoint for many people, including me. Although cybereality did end up backing this (but not right away), he posted before the kickstarter that he could back it if it was under $200, which seems to both of us as a fair price for everybody, and perhaps a little cheaper for early backers.

As it was presented, it really missed the mark, and the early videos were lacking substantial convincing reasons to spend out hard-earned money too. And even yet, the videos do not show enough "inside the game" video to overcome (currently appropriate) FUD.

If this kickstarter fails to reach its goal, perhaps it can be restarted with an attention-grabbing early backer tier that will have people waiting in line pounding their page refresh keys. To bad that opportunity was lost on this attempt. And can a kickstarter sequel gain sufficient momentum after the prime-time premier failed to gain sufficient audience participation (and woefully inadequate media attention)?

If I was able to actually test one of these myself, and it was acceptable to my knees, I would still get one. But I have not had such an opportunity, so I cannot make such a decision at this time. If it is "almost there" on the last day, I may get one anyway, just to push it over the edge into a successful campaign. But for now, just "wait and see"...

QUESTION: Where are all the European Rifters who were whining about Virtuix Omni shipping costs making them decide to NOT support the Virtuix Omni? Why aren't they supporting this European kickstarter campaign? Do they need more convincing "WizDish inside VR" (not in a CAVE) videos too?
Omni looks pretty good. This just look like the bucket I use to clean the grate for my kettle grill. That cost's $7.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:18 pm
by Zoide
Parallaxis wrote:This just look like the bucket I use to clean the grate for my kettle grill. That cost's $7.
That's unfair. How come you're not already using your kettle grill grate for VR locomotion? :roll:

Tweaking the size and slope of the dish, the exact materials, the relative friction of the surfaces, etc. is not trivial.

I agree that the Kickstarter could have been handled better, and the price is too high for me. But it's unfair to dismiss the product so crassly.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:19 pm
by colocolo
the problem is, that the Omni is a really, really, almost perfect ODT. i mean what have we thought
as we for the first time saw Jan on it running in every direction? :o
Thats quiet unbeatable.
Anyway the Wizdish will still be an option for many people AND what if you are making holidays?
Put it into your baggage and enjoy VR everywhere in the case you are not satisfied with your trip.
Its basically a very portable ODT.

EDIT: What if some folks want to make a big LAN party or two friends want to play a game in Coop Mode togther?
I can even imagine the Wizdish as a fitness device for school. VR sports. :lol:

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:40 pm
by Mystify
geekmaster wrote:
Mystify wrote:As far as the trends go, considering that the initial spike normally accounts for a large portion of the funds, I think any naive trend will be overestimating the final result.
There was no initial spike, because there was no "loss leader" tier for early backers.
Initial spikes have nothing to do with that, they just accentuate them. The normal pattern for kickstarters is an initial spike when it comes out, due to it being novel and new, and many people who will support it at first sight, being waiting for the kickstarter to happen, an just generally capturing the bulk of people who are enthusiastic about it. Then the middle stretch of a campaign is slow, with a few people stumbling into it and backing, and then another spike at the end as people decide to squeeze in at the last minute, or who see that it has succeeded and with all the stretch goals present will support it, the deadline forcing people who were on the fence to make a decision, and the common publicity spike near the end.
I think there was an initial spike, and it was just really pathetic, and that bodes poorly for the rest of the kickstarter.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:15 pm
by geekmaster
It just got two more backers (now 20), so it is now trending toward 81-percent of goal (it was 88-percent earlier today): ... -treadmill

It looks like we may have to wait for a last-minute spike (or a generous benefactor) to see if this can succeed.

The apparent lack of initial general interest in this kickstarter campaign makes one wonder whether it was worth going through all the hassle of getting a patent (needing to challenge all those "patent rejection final notices" and what not). There are some VERY INTERESTING comments in some of those rejection notices, which you can read at, if that sort of thing interests you. Prepare for a long evening if you go there...

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:32 pm
by shiva
geekmaster wrote:Too many unanswered questions. Too much money for many people (especially when compared to the competition). International shipping for the majority of Rift owners (who live in the USA). Bad timing (probably more backers if it happened BEFORE the Omni kickstarter). Insufficient media attention. Bad planning. Negative consequences.
Everything around this kickstarter really looks like a desperate reaction against the Omni and a last attempt to grab some quick cash before vanishing. I'm not usually this harsch, but that's really how it looks. And I'm still convinced this thing is dangerous and will break more than a few bones.
we don't believe a frame is necessary, and in fact many who have used the WizDish tell us that they don't want a frame!
Yeah. That's not security R&D, that's a gamble. And a bad one.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:01 pm
by Zoide
shiva wrote:Everything around this kickstarter really looks like a desperate reaction against the Omni and a last attempt to grab some quick cash before vanishing.
It's not like they came up with the idea of the WizDish last week, though. The guy's been working on it since before Jan started researching the Omni. At one point it was Jan asking Flassan for advice.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:06 am
by museumsteve
geekmaster wrote:
The apparent lack of initial general interest in this kickstarter campaign makes one wonder whether it was worth going through all the hassle of getting a patent (needing to challenge all those "patent rejection final notices" and what not). There are some VERY INTERESTING comments in some of those rejection notices, which you can read at, if that sort of thing interests you. Prepare for a long evening if you go there...
I really do put the price as the problem. It's £150 in the UK for what is essentially a shiny disc and a pair of cheap trainers that have something on the bottom, then £45 for extra trainers. Any R&D costs are irrelevant to the consumer, they come under start up costs ;)

Personally I wouldn't have one because I really don't understand it. I cannot fathom not picking your feet up to walk. To me it would be like sitting in my race sim and using a controller instead of my wheel. On top of that I don't want to use a kinect as that restricts where I could have the wizdish and mean it has to have line of sight.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:06 pm
by mm0zct
At £215 I'm trying to justify it to myself, but I would really like to try out the motion first (sadly London is a bit far to travel from Edinburgh, even if you offered people to come and try it, for the cost of the train I might as well just order it). Also the shoe sizes are a little akward for both myself and my girlfriend (I'm an 8 1/2 -9, she's a 6-7) but I understand that you think the 11 would be fine for me, and I'm sure the 6 would fit her.

Also the motion looks a lot like cross country skiing, which while perhaps feeling like a natural forward propelling motion (by all means a cross country skying simulator would work well), does not look particularly close to what my brain expects for wandering around the uneven landscape of skyrim - I'd like to be able to pick my feet off the ground so I don't trip up.

The major reasons to get the WizDish are simply:
Locality (I'm in the UK, so much more reasonable shipping costs)
Noise (because I can't lift my foot in the first place, I can't put it back down noisily)

I don't think I'd want to have to buy a kinect just to use it, but I think using optical trackers like cheap mice sensors on the toes could work well enough. Idealy a game would have to have analogue motion inputs that are abolute rather than just indicate acceleration with a joystick to feel correct though.

Sorry if these comments aren't constructive to the conversation, I just wanted to put in my couple of pennies of thought while I debated it with myself. I'll arrive at a decision probably closer to the end of the campaign.

(I'd just like to point out that the Omni is a rediculous £400 for us UK backers, which is considerably more than the Rift cost)

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:26 pm
by blazespinnaker
My guess is that if they sold this at a lower price point, they'd sell a lot more but the odds of getting some naive user using it and hurting himself would increase.

It's a balancing act.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:45 am
by Okta
For me it was 100% price. The wizdish can be tucked away when not in use so its very practicle where as the Omni will quickly become an eye sore. And if the price was right I wouldn't feel so bad if i didnt end up using it much, maybe make an omni clone out of it later.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:55 am
by squibbfire
Too bad the wizdish kickstarter couldn't have been started before e3...then word might have gotten around there..

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:44 am
by hast
I find all the negativity in here kind of misplaced.

Sure, it's not the same as an Omni. But then again as a EU backer this thing costs less that the shipping on the Omni. (I've backed both, but only minimal on the Omni since it's waaaay too expensive to import for me.)

We are still in the early stages of "in place locomotion" in the home. And just like with the Rift I feel like these are only the first steps towards a fully functioning device in the home. In other words, I expect that all of these products will be supplanted with something a lot better fairly soon if they take off.

So in that manner it makes more sense to get something that's fairly cheap and small so I don't feel bad when I get the "next version" in the future.

I was kind of worried about falling in this as well at first. But looking closer at it from what I can see you never lift your feet. So I bet that makes it a lot more stable than the Omni.

And for the record I though the Omni looked pretty horrendous. Something like that would be great for a "VR Arcade", but having it in my apartment would be kind of hard to motivate.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:42 pm
by npole
I'm tempted to buy one just only to sue the guy because of my broken head.. :D

On a serious matter (but related): there no way that you could sell this thing over here, it won't pass the sec certification. Someone have compared it to a treadmill.. well I have a treadmill, it's not like being on ice, it has a unidirectional predictive movement (you can anticipate it), it's not like skating. I'm not sure why there ppl defending this thing, I recognize that we should reward the creativity, but this thing "as is" is broken bone magnet. I wouldn't like to see this thing sold to kids to be honest.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:54 pm
by Zoide
npole: How would selling the WizDish be any different from selling a skateboard, rollerskates, or a bicycle?

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:40 pm
by TheHolyChicken
npole wrote:I'm tempted to buy one just only to sue the guy because of my broken head.. :D

On a serious matter (but related): there no way that you could sell this thing over here, it won't pass the sec certification. Someone have compared it to a treadmill.. well I have a treadmill, it's not like being on ice, it has a unidirectional predictive movement (you can anticipate it), it's not like skating. I'm not sure why there ppl defending this thing, I recognize that we should reward the creativity, but this thing "as is" is broken bone magnet. I wouldn't like to see this thing sold to kids to be honest.
Well, I was "defending it" because I've actually tried it and didn't feel at risk of falling, plus I found it more satisfying to move around using my legs than an analogue stick.

To play devil's advocate though, I'm pretty good at balance-related sports and I'm also able to confidently stand up during the rollercoaster demo. I'm sure there is a certain amount of risk involved, but as Zoide said, I don't really see the issue with this as there's plenty of entertainment/sports we do that are non-zero risk too. Just look at kids today - it's rare to see one walking as opposed to zooming around on a scooter.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:04 pm
by geekmaster
Zoide wrote:npole: How would selling the WizDish be any different from selling a skateboard, rollerskates, or a bicycle?
All of those devices have forward momentum, which your body is designed to deal with even without thinking. A bicycle has the additional property of gyroscopic stabilization. Try riding a bicycle with no hands, then try sitting on one with no hands while it is not moving. After you pick yourself up off the pavement, see if you can notice a difference between dynamic forward motion and just attempted static balance with insufficient base stabilization.

Now, watch a youtube video where people attempting the medieval roller coaster start to fall over even while standing on a flat stable high friction surface, and imagine that as a slipper curved surface, with slippery-soled shoes, and extra slippery lubrication, trying to not fall over while "standing" on the medieval roller coaster ride... Better have that "crash pad" handy, or at least move the sharp coffee table corners beyond reach of your head.

All it takes is one owner out of thousands, and a hungry ambulance chaser lawyer, and the remaining WizDish supporters will have a long wait before they have the opportunity to crack their noggin in the same fashion.

But of course, nobody is dumb enough to not bother with adequate safety precautions. We are all responsible adults here, right?

That said, those of us who LOVED roller skating (including myself) may very well love the WizDish experience ourselves. We just need to use it responsibly, unlike those "other" people who do stupid stuff and then have their lawyer buddy ruin it for the rest of us. It is just a tool, and we need to learn how to use it, and no matter WHAT kind of motion simulator it is (walking, skating, skiing, or just sliding your feet), it looks like it could increase immersion just by giving us a reason to get off our behinds and move in RL and VR.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:00 pm
by cybereality
I'm actually surprised at all the negativity in this thread. While the WizDish may not be the ultimate locomotion device, it's still a step in the right direction. We should be supporting the inventors of innovative projects like this. If you don't want it, or don't have the money, that's fine. But don't bash the product or the inventor, especially if you've never used it yourself.

It just reminds me of the comments you see on mainstream blogs about the Rift where they say: "wake me up when it's the holodeck" and stuff like that. It's not the holodeck, but then again, it's better than using a mouse/keyboard/gamepad so it's still progress.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:30 pm
by geekmaster
I am already overbudget, but I will probably support it anyway if I can help push it over the wire near the end of the deadline. I just wish I could test it first to see now my knees can handle it. As flassan said, we just need to be responsible and exercise safety precautions, and for PUBLIC use (for liablility issues) that crash pad would or something similar would be important.

I loved rollerskating, and watching people on this strongly reminds me of that. Like I said, even if it does not EXACTLY model anything but sliding your feet, that would still be a lot more immersive that sitting on your behind, or trying to jog in place while wearing a Rift.

I think some of the negativity comes from inadequate videos showing people "doing stuff" while in VR with their eyes covered. Concerns about potential safety issues need to be addressed, but it does help to hear testimonials from people who have actually tried it. I, like others, really want to experience it ourselves before commiting that much money (including international shipping.

I really do like the lightweight portability and underbed storability of this though, and I think those two things need to be STRONGLY stressed as selling points for this device. Limited early backer tiers would have helped get some momentum going too.

As is,I want to see this succeed, but with no way to "try it before you buy it", I am in "wait and see" mode for awhile.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:41 pm
by museumsteve
cybereality wrote:I'm actually surprised at all the negativity in this thread. While the WizDish may not be the ultimate locomotion device, it's still a step in the right direction. We should be supporting the inventors of innovative projects like this. If you don't want it, or don't have the money, that's fine. But don't bash the product or the inventor, especially if you've never used it yourself.

It just reminds me of the comments you see on mainstream blogs about the Rift where they say: "wake me up when it's the holodeck" and stuff like that. It's not the holodeck, but then again, it's better than using a mouse/keyboard/gamepad so it's still progress.
That's pretty unfair. I'm fairly new here but wouldn't want to stick around a forum where you're expected to be positive or keep quiet.
My points are perfectly viable and my honest option and it seems I'm not the only one. I thought public forums were for public opinions :roll:

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:06 pm
by cybereality
Well, yes. You are entitled to your opinion.

I was just saying I was surprised by the response.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:55 pm
by Fredz
cybereality wrote:I'm actually surprised at all the negativity in this thread. While the WizDish may not be the ultimate locomotion device, it's still a step in the right direction.
I'm not sure of that. And looking at the kickstarter page it seems not a lot of people are either.
cybereality wrote:It just reminds me of the comments you see on mainstream blogs about the Rift where they say: "wake me up when it's the holodeck" and stuff like that.
The difference being that most people here are not morons who don't know anything about the subject, and that they often have good arguments to defend their opinion. That's what I like in this forum, and I hope it'll stay the same.
cybereality wrote:It's not the holodeck, but then again, it's better than using a mouse/keyboard/gamepad so it's still progress.
That's your opinion and it's respectable, but it seems a lot of persons don't think it's a progress.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:23 pm
by blazespinnaker
cybereality wrote:I'm actually surprised at all the negativity in this thread. While the WizDish may not be the ultimate locomotion device, it's still a step in the right direction. We should be supporting the inventors of innovative projects like this. If you don't want it, or don't have the money, that's fine. But don't bash the product or the inventor, especially if you've never used it yourself.

It just reminds me of the comments you see on mainstream blogs about the Rift where they say: "wake me up when it's the holodeck" and stuff like that. It's not the holodeck, but then again, it's better than using a mouse/keyboard/gamepad so it's still progress.
Cyberreality, I'm not so sure about this.

Palmer said it best, the VR movement in the '90s imploded because expectation != reality. People expected the matrix, but got low rez / high latency neck strain.

I'm not sure the wizdish (or the omni, frankly) is doing a very good job at managing expectations.

To quote Julian himself,
Flassan wrote:We would much rather people are delighted when they've owned one long enough to fully appreciate it than that they feel underwhelmed at that stage. VR has been plagued all along by snake-oil salesmen in the past with "buy now or miss out" offers

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:36 pm
by cybereality
Well I'm just a sucker for anything VR, even the cheesy gimmicks. So maybe I'm not the best person to talk to.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:41 pm
by blazespinnaker
I also think clearly commercial products that are filing for patent protection should be held to a higher standard than community based good faith efforts.

Because patents are anti-progress as far as I can see. You end up spending so much time and legal nonsense rather than real R&D because of it.

Open source / community efforts are all 100% progress.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:27 pm
by Flassan
These comments continue to be very useful and we are giving a great deal of thought to them. There are a number of things we could maybe have done differently but I think it might help if I was to provide a bit of background.
We've been accused of copying the Omni. The WizDish project started in 2001 with a patent applied for in 2003 while I was lucky enough to be living and working in the USA. Last year we decided to put a couple of YouTube videos up to see if others were interested in VR. A Belgian man called from Texas and wanted to buy one so badly we sold him one for less than cost as he couldn't afford more. He posed as a customer and enthusiast asking for help.
Something most people don't understand about inventing and developing is that it costs you a massive amount (hence the need for protection). I've spent almost as much as my mortgage. 11 years of graft and passion aren't usually a get-rich-quick plan of which I've also been accused here. All of this means that its hard for a genuine inventor to finance expensive videos and marketing campaigns - they've simply spent it all on development. Unfortunately that means we’re also not really in a position to provide loss leaders. The money we are trying to raise is to cover the full cost of production and in no way goes anywhere towards recouping the R&D costs.
When crowd-funding began it was to let the little guy, the artist, artisan, inventor finally have a chance. It's even been described as democratic. Previously if you wanted to get angel investment they would begin by asking if you have a patent? does anyone else have the patent? and if so have you had dealing with the IP owner?
Some are talking about low friction concave platforms as if they've been used forever. It took us a decade of hard work, stress and painful expense to achieve. Granted it’s easy to copy once you prove it can be done. Those that do have the benefit of not having incurred the debts and favours of bringing the invention to life.
Cybereality (thanks BTW) has already said in this thread how awesome free-standing is. The Rift might not eclipse one or more HD monitors for sit down driving games, but it has a major advantage when standing up. If you prefer walking in place you have absolutely every right to do that. Each method has its pros and cons. Personally I find that running on the spot becomes tedious. The WizDish was designed to be easy and fun and keep you in the same spot. Some have said wearing the Rift is like a blindfold but that’s not actually true. It provides a very good idea of where the ground is and with positional tracking balancing should become extremely easy.
One of the problems we have is explaining to you what it feels like, because that’s all that matters in VR. It’s a bit like trying to explain piano playing to someone who’s only seen pictures of them. I believe the only way to find out and explore the real value and potential of this technology is to get one. Another point I would like to raise is that while it’s important to prevent harm to people who use a device recklessly or without attention to guidelines it’s even more vital to ensure that normal use doesn’t cause injury. That is why we are going to be performing very thorough tests at a university Bio-mechanical lab and the physiotherapy department of a top London teaching hospital.
Moving on, a nice lady from the New Scientist wrote an article about the WizDish which is on page 22 of this week’s edition (it quite fairly mentions the omni). It explains vection and you might find this interesting: ... n_illusion

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:51 pm
by geekmaster
cybereality wrote:Well I'm just a sucker for anything VR, even the cheesy gimmicks. So maybe I'm not the best person to talk to.
Anything VR and anything 3D too, in my case. But these days my knees have a say in ODT purchases...

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:17 pm
by Zoide
I think what the WizDish needs is to have demo units sent to well-known reviewers on the Internet (including forum members), together with a "roadshow" where regular people can try it out. I know there are a few videos of it here and there, but most of them are with the older version of the WizDish.

It would be nice to have long, detailed videos of the newest version, similar to the Virtuix Omni videos with the guy from LinusTechTips, Paul Miller from The Verge, and Chris Pirillo from LockerGnome.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:46 pm
by wileythecoyote
I think both of this and virtuix omni are quite cumbersome to operate and make terrible racket in operation.
I'd like to see something that does not rely on cameras to track your feet. Maybe a magnetic sensing of sorts to track your feet.
I like the idea in virtuix omni that you have support so you can go all out on your moves.
Maybe the noise issue could be solvet by using some kind of dampening material on the soles. Maybe felt or something similar. That should be sufficiently slippery if they made the other surface out of nylon.
Maybe the support strut could be retractable and spring loaded so you could crouch as well.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:05 am
by blazespinnaker
I am not sure that the wizdish is noisy or cumbersome. In fact I think the advantage of it is that it's neither noisy or cumbersome. Easy to store, transport, etc.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:36 am
by hast
blazespinnaker wrote:I am not sure that the wizdish is noisy or cumbersome. In fact I think the advantage of it is that it's neither noisy or cumbersome. Easy to store, transport, etc.
All these things are why I find the concept more interesting than the Omni.

To be honest, when I saw videos of the Omni in use it did not seem like something I would want in my apartment. I can see using it if you have a house or garage, but in an apartment it would make it very annoying for anyone else in there with you.

That said, I think some of the things they got right in their movies was to focus on people in VR environments instead of general "playing around" video footage.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:13 am
by baggyg
Flassan wrote:A Belgian man called from Texas and wanted to buy one so badly we sold him one for less than cost as he couldn't afford more. He posed as a customer and enthusiast asking for help.
Firstly I'd like to say that I think the Omni and WizDish are completely different approaches. I am sure both have their strengths. I am confused by you statement above. To me it seems to suggest that JanVR bought a wizdish from you and there is an insinuation that your patent was somehow copied. To be honest I hate to see this type of thing on MTBS3D forums. I am a backer of the WizDish and have picked it because of several factors. There are some people who will write lazy responses about one project copies another, but I would expect both parties to sell their product based upon its strengths alone. The KS isn't going super well at the moment, but this type of thing does not help at all. If there is a genuine complaint it should be handled in the proper manner.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding your comment and if that is the case I apologise but I struggle to see what else you are suggesting.

Re: WizDish Kickstarter begins Tuesday 18 June

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:47 am
by geekmaster
Zoide wrote:I think what the WizDish needs is to have demo units sent to well-known reviewers on the Internet (including forum members), together with a "roadshow" where regular people can try it out. I know there are a few videos of it here and there, but most of them are with the older version of the WizDish.

It would be nice to have long, detailed videos of the newest version, similar to the Virtuix Omni videos with the guy from LinusTechTips, Paul Miller from The Verge, and Chris Pirillo from LockerGnome.
That is EXACTLY what made the Oculus Rift such a big sensation. You just cannot understand it until you actually try it. Words alone do not suffice.

I think the WizDish experience may very well be exactly like that, also requiring more public "try before you buy" opportunities for many more people. I know I very much want to try this. However, if it were cheaper (say, $179) I would buy it without needing to test it first. But above that price I really need to see how well it fits my needs in advance.

And I think that a LOT of Americans have that same price limit between impulse purchases and investments, and an even bigger hurdle at $199. In the USA, prices that end in '9' are extremely important, after a lifetime of exposure to such subtle marketting gimmicks. Although $179.99 would be just as effective, from a marketing perspective. America is a consumer economy, and we have been trained to be hyper-sensitive to such pricing tiers.

Without being able to try it ourselves before buying, it will take a LOT of what OculusVR did to get our attention. Those Rift videos full of gaping grins (RiftAwe) helped a lot, and so did having glittering testimonials from our gaming gurus. The WizDish needs this same presentation.