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Re: Walking on the spot trackers

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:49 pm
by Zoide
Flassan: By the way, any news about the WizDish?


Re: Walking on the spot trackers

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:19 am
by Flassan
Hi Zoide
We have recently made very good progress on several fronts so I'm hoping to bring you news within the next few weeks.
Getting it perfect is a long and expensive job but it's going well and we should be there very soon.

To answer the above question about Nyko I've just filmed a couple of tests.

The first one shows that the optimum distance from the unmodified original Kinect to someone on the WizDish is about 6 to 7 feet (2 metres). I'm about 6 ft so if you're shorter it might be closer:

The second one has the Nyko attached and demonstrates that while it can kind of work I had to stand about 10 feet from it and walk towards before the Kinect recognised a body shape. I filled the height of the screen at about 4 ft but the skeletal joints jumped around a lot and often disappeared altogether:

So the good news is that you only have to be 2 metres from the Kinect when used by itself.

To answer Luucid's question you could control a character facing forward or to 45 degrees or more each way (I confirmed this with Garry's Mod). However we can detect walking quite easily through 360 degrees with Kinect so envisage it being used for first person.

I hope this helps.

Re: Walking on the spot trackers

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:50 am
by Okta
Flassan: In light of JanVR's demo, have you considered a collapsible waist surround integrated into/or an addon for the wizdish?

Re: Walking on the spot trackers

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:00 am
by Flassan
Hi Otka
That's a very good question. No one who has tried it has said they need support and we feel it's a major new engineering challenge to achieve that, so for the moment we want to concentrate on getting the part we invented and patented, the low friction dish and shoes, to function as well as possible. There also seem to be significant health benefits in using it as-is according to some physiology experts that have tried it.
If someone wants to make an after market frame for nervous users we'd like to hear. We are also having an alternative solution made.
The challenge for a frame is that it has to cope from children up to very large adults so the height and width must be adjustable and yet strong enough. We don't perceive any height or weight limit for the WizDish. You also have to be careful that your safety device doesn't turn out more dangerous than not having one. The WizDish ought to be well within the envelope of bicycles, trampolines, Heely's etc. that we give our children to play with.

Re: Walking on the spot trackers

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:29 am
by Dantesinferno
HI guys im super excited by reading this thread and ive been trying to find a way to be able to both contact @flassan and @brantlew in the same forum. I thought of a "harness" type idea that would greatly integrate both your devices. "cybereality" thought of the same thing a while back. I am creating a 3d model for the harness and how it would work. I've already ordered my rift aswell. I think we can do this. but we need to work "together."