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Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:25 pm
by Chiefwinston
It was getting pretty late last night when I through in Tron the video game. I have not seen the new Movie thats in theaters right now. I did see the original Tron way way back in the day. I wasn't impressed with the original. So the new one I'll watch on Vudu when it comes out. The Vudu service has worked out the 3D bugs. I'm going to start watching 3D movies through them. But back to Tron the game. First off the 3D only works in story mode. Multiplayer doesn't support 3D. While playing the Story mode I noticed that the cut scenes are not in 3D. The 3D looks okay, not great. The game play looks very week. I'm not very far in the game yet. So all my comments are very preliminary. I played for about 1 Hour. I did not have any ooohh wow moments. But I'm going to play some more tonight. For me this title is not worth $60. I may pick it up some day out of a bargain bin for $10-20. thats what I like about the PS3- I can weed out some games that I'll never finish, without paying full price for the game.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:43 pm
by cybereality
Fredz wrote:The eyeFX 3D adapter from SplitFish was only a hardware hack, it didn't intercept graphic calls. It did work by injecting alternating inputs very fast to the PS2 controller to move the viewer position or orientation to fake two cameras : ... 0-ps2.html" onclick=";return false;

But this trick did only work on a handful of games :" onclick=";return false;
LOL! I kind of thought maybe they might have done something like that but I wasn't sure. How could a game still be playable with all those input events being generated? I mean, wouldn't that interfere with your control of the game?

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:14 pm
by Fredz
I've never tested it myself but according to this other review it didn't have any impact on the controls. I guess the input injection was taking care of the buttons pressed by the player to adapt the movements.

It was also discussed for the Xbox under the same name but with the Tetratel company, unfortunately I didn't find any trace of a release of the product on this platform.

Brilliant idea anyway, even if it didn't work for many games. Approximately 11% of first person perspective video games work well in 3D and 7% work perfectly according to this site : ... r_PS2.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:18 am
by Chiefwinston
I played another 4 hours of Tron last night. My initiial impression still holds. What is impressive is the tools that have been developed to make these games. Tron the game looks visually great to me. Games that are based off of movies have a poor history. This one is no different. But I've noticed these movie based games getting better and better. They don't measure up to gaming standards set by Batman:AA, Fallout3, God of War III, and quite a few others. So about 3 hours in last night I got to my first and only light cycle segment. It was really well done and exciting. Its a bummer that I had to play for 3 hours in dule drum just to get to a good part of the game. And then the light cycle segment lasted about 2 minutes. What a shame. I also, made it to some tank battles that weren't to shabby. but I will not recommend this one to anyone unless they can pick it up for $10-20. I'll play tonight for another 3 or 4 hours. If its like last night this will be the last for me. I mostly finish games before moving on. This one will probably go to the never finished pile along with Avatar and Prototype.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:23 pm
by cybereality
Chiefwinston wrote:This one will probably go to the never finished pile along with Avatar and Prototype.
Am I the only one that thought the Avatar game was actually good? I don't know, I got really into it. Not sure what people didn't like. And Prototype, don't even get me started on that one. Game was impossible. If you could make it past the game-breaking glitches, there were just some parts that you cannot pass (at least I couldn't). I even looked for cheat codes, no luck. I did have fun with it at the beginning, though.

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:07 am
by Chiefwinston
Avatar and Tron suffer the same type of gaming problem. There just levels that you wonder around in looking at cool stuff. Visually these games are first rate. They just become kinda dule as you do the same thing in general in the same looking levels- over and over agian. Usually, collecting something to gain experience points to increase your characters strength and powers. But measured against the Call of Dukey franchise, God of War franchise, the Uncharted franchise, and quite a few others. Avatar and Tron are very week in game play. They should exist at the $10-20 price point, not $60. Prototype was Activision's attempt at stealing some of Sony's gaming dollars. Sony's Infamous was in development for quite a while. Its clear to me by Sony's very polished and outstanding gaming title Infamous- that it was plagerized. That activision was trying to capitalize on someone elses work. Prototype is a ripe off of Infamous. I have both games. Unfortunately, Infamous is not in 3D. There is a nice story twist at the end of Infamous. Infamous 2 will be a first day pick-up for me. Prototype 2 will be a pass for me.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:09 am
by DevilMaster
Does anyone know if Duke Nukem Forever for PS3 will support stereoscopy?

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:11 pm
by Chiefwinston
DevilMaster wrote:Does anyone know if Duke Nukem Forever for PS3 will support stereoscopy?
I haven't heard that it does. I'm thinking I'll probably play that one on a PC just for the 3d support. I'm not really to excited about that one yet. Once it's on the store shelves. Then I'll be excited. I am however, glad to see gearbox take over it's development. Their track record is very good with me. A lot of very good games.

Cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:06 pm
by DevilMaster
I haven't heard that it does.
Is there an official list of PS3 games that support it?

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:56 pm
by Chiefwinston ... -blu-rays/" onclick=";return false;

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:07 pm
by Chiefwinston
I'm leaning towards renting Enslaved: journey to the west and The Fight: Lights out. Both these titles are in 3d. The Fight uses two move controllers, which I have. I'm thinking I'll pick them up after work tomorrow. I'm done with Tron. It's official it's going into the never completed pile. NBA2K11 however, is on my shopping list to add to my game collection. I'll grab it for $20 someday. The 3D in NBA2K11 is very very good. The game play is quite good, also.

Cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:05 pm
by xiphas
hey chief, just wanted to say i am very much enjoying reading your posts on s3d gaming on the ps3 via the vt25.

i have the exact same set up and have also been enjoying the 3d. i am wondering wether or not those "All around" setting you posted back on the first or second page are something you still use, or if you have an updated version of them.. Ive never been into playing with each individual setting for a game or movie, i like the 1 setting fits all.. Also do you have a all around setting for game and another for movies?

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:15 am
by Chiefwinston
Thanks xiphas, there are many killer settings for the VT25. Using default settings will give great results that will be just fine for most people. The VT25 is a profesional level 3D imager. As such I'm simply trying to maximize my experience to the fullest. For me one setting isn't doing it for me. It might also, be why the wife demands that I turn the remote over to her :roll:

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:26 pm
by Chiefwinston
Enslaved: journey to the west is next up. I grabbed it on the way home from work. The Fight: lights out was on my list to grab. but the store mis-filed the game so they couldn't find it. So going by memory I grabed Prince of Persia: the forgotten sands. So Ive rented 2 games for 4 night for $12. yeah sounds good to me. I loaded up Enslaved: journey to the west first. Hmm can't seem to find the 3D on button in the game. So I go online to see whats up. You have to buy a DLC package for $10 from the sony PS3 store to update to 3D. So I said well okay but not real happy about buying a DLC package for a rental game. So I started the ssloowwww down load. It took a total of 2 hours to get the DLC. :cry: So I finally, fired up Enslaved: journey to the west. Wow look at that 3D environment. Its gorgous. Its stunning with great seperation.... And then my character escapes from his prison cell/pod......... WHAT THE #%&#@$ IS THAT. I can't believe my eyes. So I re-boot the entire system. Same thing............

To be cont.....

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:09 pm
by Chiefwinston
Well the 3D is brought to you by Trioviz. I'm going to blame them and Namco Bandi. Hey I'll steer way away from their 3D products. Geez guys I want my rental and DLC money back. I'll give you the DLC back. I'll write these jokers. I have no chance of getting my money back but they'll know It's not acceptable.

Enslaved: journey to the west is a third person perspective title. The problem is with the 3D rendering of your main character who is always just in front of you on the screen. If you were unfortunate enough to have seen Clash of the titans last year. Well thats what your main character will look like with this game. Its that same #$$@7% looking 3D. This game is using some %&%^* conversion process thats not ready for prime time.

to be cont....

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:27 pm
by Chiefwinston
Its really a shame because now that I've already rented it, well I played for about 4 hours. Its actually game play wise quite good. I turned the 3D settings down to its lowest setting so it wouldn't give me a headache. The game itself has good cinematic sequences through out. The game world itself looks real good with this fake 3D. But the main characters suffer horribly. Well so much for this @#$% rant. This game gets the award for the worst 3D for a PS3 game in existance.

Anyone have any aspirin, my eye's and head hurt.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:49 pm
by cybereality
Yeah, I am not sure how viable this 2D+depth rendering is (which is what TriOviz does). Crysis2 is doing something similar and I really hope they make it work.

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:33 am
by Chiefwinston
Yeah this is a different 3D technic than what I've seen with my other PS3 games. This blows- its not even worth bothering with. I won't buy 3D crap like this. I feel bad that I got suckered into a rental and a DLC package. Because it'll only encourages the b@st@rds.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:11 am
by Chiefwinston
Well Prince of Persia : the forgotten sands is not in 3D on the ps3. The prince of Persia trilogy is in 3d. And you have to get it from the ps3 store. It seems to be only available through digital distribution in the US. It's some old games remastered with HD graphics and 3d added. Each remastered game is going for $15. I'm not sure I'm game for that just yet. I'm gonna look around a bit and see what to try next. My choices look to be Aditorium, The Sly collection, The fight lights out, The prince of Persia trilogy, and maybe high velocity bowling. I'm going to try a couple out. Though they look like junior league games to me. The next 2 -3 months look interesting with Killzone 3, Crisis 2, Mortal kombat, and Motorstorm: apocalypse. Those are on my for sure to play list unless they use some crappy conversion 3d process.

Cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:20 pm
by Chiefwinston
Hmmm, I found this un-official list of 3d games. Looks real interesting. 2 titles catch my eye. God of war 3 and Resistance 3. If through some mathematical magic they are able to get good to very good 3d I'm game. If it's some suedo virtual 3d then no thanks." onclick=";return false;

Cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:11 pm
by Chiefwinston
Well I have surveyed the ps3 landscape for the next adventure. There's a small list of junior league games I could buy from the ps3 store. I'm looking for more confirming info regarding ridge race 7 and shuan whites skateboarding having 3d support. I'm not really sure just yet. I also, noticed a new 3d demo came up called killzone 3 single player 3d demo. This is not the multi player beta demo that is available to the general public. You need to be a playstation plus member to download this version. It's 17.99 for 3 months or 49.99 for one year. Hmmm what a rip off. I hate paying for some online feature that I know I'll never use. I'm not an on-line gamer. I'm looking for complex action packed single player 3d games. The kind were your the super hero of the universe. Signing up for playstation plus is like wiping my butt with money. So I have surveyed the landscape and decided to wipe my butt with money. I will download the new Killzone 3 single player 3d demo.

Cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:13 pm
by cybereality
Wiping your butt with money is indeed pretty fun. Everyone should do it at least once.

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:35 pm
by android78
cybereality wrote:Wiping your butt with money is indeed pretty fun. Everyone should do it at least once.
Daily for me!

@Chiefwinston: I understand your frustration with the state of 3D at the moment, I hope it improves somewhat. I really wish the big players (other then nintendo) would hurry up and put out a new console that is 3D by default with dedicated dual renderers... Make games companies jump through hoops to turn the 3D feature off. I don't see that happening any time soon though.
Please let us know, if you do get killzone, is it worth signing up to playstation plus for a month just for that?

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:00 am
by lnrrgb
Chief - i doubt I caught you in time, but if you look around (ps3news), you'll find a way to get the Killzone 3 demo - someone found a workaround to the PSN+ requirement. fwiw

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:25 am
by Chiefwinston
Thanks lnrrgb, I did not get the post in time. So were do we start- how about here.

9 feet 3 inches (9'3")(2820mm). That is the proper viewing distance for Killzone 3 3D single player. If people are reporting ailiasing or pixelated viewing you are to close to the screen. My Panasonic VT25 is 50" in size. If your having less than stellar results. your probably sitting to close. This is very much a different requirement than what is seen with a PC monitors and PC 3D solutions. Yes if your sitting closer it looks like s*!t. At this distance its a beautiful game. I stayed up way to late last night (3:00am). I have to be to be to work by 8:30Am. I'm not a spring chicken anymore so that makes me rroughh around the edges today. haaha- it was worth it. so I'll post more though out the day as permited. Juicy details just ahead.

to be cont........

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:50 am
by Chiefwinston
I played through the single player on veteran (hard). Thats the way I like to play my FPS games. Ive played so many that at lesser settings I can burn through a game.I like my great games to last 2 to 4 weeks in single player mode. First off I have played the 2D version of killzone 2. It took me 7 to 8 weeks to complete. I only have evenings to play and not every evening is a 4 hour gameathon. I loved it. One of the many great PS3 games I've played. We now have killzone 3 in 3D. It looks and plays fantastic. It is a genuine exciting hero of the universe action title with a coherent story. I love the call of duty titles. My biggest grip with that franchise is that its kinda hard to follow and know what and why things are blowing up around you.

too be cont....

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:36 am
by Chiefwinston
This one starts off like any great action movie. This game will grab you right from the opening minutes. Superb choreography and game play. I won't give any spoilers so I'm gonna be vague on game specific events. It unfolds like a great Arnold no-last-name-needed movie. I turn on subtitles to help me keep up with plot developments. Yes this game actually has a plot. The I.A. is great. I don't like turkey shoot games. I want a challenging battle were the enemy ducks, takes cover, and throws grenades. This game has this great challenging I.A. I had many non-stop battles. The game makes excellent use of tracer fire. If your in battle and strafing back and forth you will see this excellent 3D nature to all the gun battles. The 3D of tracer rounds and RPG's is KILLER. If you try the demo and are not seeing this great effect. Check your set-up. I'm running at 100% depth setting. I'll list my VT25 settings later. But the smoke trails and incoming rocket/tracer fire really stand out as excellent 3D.

to be cont......

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:26 pm
by android78
Chiefwinston wrote:It unfolds like a great Arnold no-last-name-needed movie.
Is that because, like me, you can never get the spelling of Schwarzenegger right? ;)

Sounds like it's worth the AUD$20.95 (that currently converts to USD$21.18) 3 month trial subscription just for this demo. Talk about ass wiping money!
Isn't this supposed to work with the move? Anyone tried this, and is it worth me paying the extra $100 to get that too?

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:03 pm
by Chiefwinston
The game play is about 1.5 hrs of play. Then it breaks down into footage I've never seen of the game and just adds more I cant wait for the game hype. This is a AAA title. I played with a move controller. I like the move support very much. Is it worth the cost of the Playstation plus package for $17.99 US?. All games are different experiences for different people. Some will like it. Some will not. So its your money wipe with it if you must. I've already made the decision myself. Its made for quite the entertaining evening. I'll play through it agian tonight for the 3rd and 4th times.

It will be a 2011 game of the year candidate. That I'm pretty sure of.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:59 am
by Chiefwinston
I played the Killzone 3 single player 3D demo about 3 times through last night. It looks like the enhanced seperation trick does work with this game. There's a way to get more seperation than standard. It doesn't work with alot of games. Strangely, it does with this demo. You can get some of that rubbery reality if thats what your into. Thing are coming off the screen. Its hard to quantify how far. But I have them coming off the screen. The running gun battles are real nice (sic, phat, dope). Take your pick.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:51 am
by Chiefwinston
I'm not really sure whats going on with sony and thier 3D driver/ software. We are now at update 3.65. I'm constantly experimenting and tweeking my complete 3D system for maximum 3D wow. I'm not sure wich update did it. But there is a marked improvement in anti-ailiasing. Could any of you out there that are serious about 3D gaming on PS3 take a look at some of your material and let me know if your experiencing the same thing.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:32 am
by Chiefwinston
Hey guys, I have a 1 pair of working wired shutter glasses from I-art corp. It is old equipment for me. I won't be using them any more. Would any of you dedicated 4,800 post posters be interested in me sending them to you. You then hold some type of contest of your choosing and give them away to some one that will make use of them. They will work with windows XP. I would like them to end up in a good home. With some one that will use them. I can box them up and ship them out at my cost. ... es_Eng.htm" onclick=";return false;

I also, have an original wicked 3D driver disk I'll through in. It may be of use it may not.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:27 pm
by cybereality
Nice offer, but I have no use for such vintage hardware. I bet you'll find a taker, though.

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:51 am
by Chiefwinston
Okay I've been doing some homework and I have found the following info. First, Ridge Racer 7 is avialable in 3d in the EU its not in the US. Second, Shaun Whites Skateboarding is in 3D. I've read numerous bad reviews. Still One guy said to pick it up for $10 if you can. That its not worth $60 or $40 not even $20. So I have found it for $10. I'll give it a try when it shows up. I've never tried a skateboarding game. I am open to trying and enjoying different game types. It might be a hidden gem. If killzone 3 3D shows up first though. It could be a while before I can get good gaming time to try it out. Thirdly, a game called Top Darts looks to be in 3D. I'm still trying to confirm that the US version is in 3D. Darts is reall fun with a group of anibriated buddies. I'm still playing 3d Black:ops and the killzone single player 3d demo. and I'm having a lot of fun.

cheers everyone

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:13 am
by Vic
all PS3 games are region-free, that means you can import the EU version of Ridge Racer 7 and it'll work on your PS3.. BUT, you'll need to make a EU PSN account to download the 3D patch if it's not available in the US or where ever you are.

The Killzone3 demo is exclusive to PS Plus for ONE WEEK! From yesterday it's been released free to everyone, I'm pretty sure it says that in the first sentence on the PSN store. PS Plus is still good though, lots of free games and discounts every week or so.

In my opinion the best 3D game is Avatar. If you increase the depth to 70-90% it looks AMAZING. It's as if your TV is a window to another world, the landscape looks like it stretches out for miles, literally. Killzone 3, Motorstorm 3D, Superstardust, The Fight.. nothing compares.

Prince of Persia Trilogy might be an updated PS2 game, but it was one of the BEST games on PS2, especially the first game. 3D or not, get it. Another PS2 remake I HIGHLY recommend coming out in a few months is Shadow of the Colossus which will also have 3D support. It's a must have.

God of War 3 is NOT 3D yet, it may be in an upcoming patch, but currently NO.

If you have a Move controller, Tumble is a good 3D game. It's good even in 2D.

thanks for the heads up about the Enslaved 3D, looks like I'll save my $10 and play it in 2D.

There is a LOT of misinformation in this thread, so if you have any other questions, just ask.. or join a forum with knowledgeable people (eg. anything but this one). Gamespot, IGN, gametrailers, etc.

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:30 am
by lnrrgb
Here is my vote ^^ VIC ^^ is future spam, laying low for now, waiting to strike. If not... then here is my question, what the hell was that last sentence all about? The last sentence of your only posting? Gotta be a spammer! If not, my prayers go out to your soul.... NOT!

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:41 am
by Vic
lnrrgb wrote:Here is my vote ^^ VIC ^^ is future spam, laying low for now, waiting to strike. If not... then here is my question, what the hell was that last sentence all about? The last sentence of your only posting? Gotta be a spammer! If not, my prayers go out to your soul.... NOT!
what the f**k are you talking about? I just provided all that information and you're gonna call it spam? read this entire thread and then THINK about why I said that. I registered just to help some people out and it's pretty damn obvious, if you can't accept that then stfu, for ours and your sake.

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:33 pm
by PalmerTech
Vic wrote: There is a LOT of misinformation in this thread, so if you have any other questions, just ask.. or join a forum with knowledgeable people (eg. anything but this one). Gamespot, IGN, gametrailers, etc.
You should not judge an entire forum based on a few members who might accidentally post some bad info. Pound for pound, MTBS3D is the best stereoscopic gaming resource on the internet, and there is a LOT more misinformation on sites like IGN, where I have seen some awful spreading of misinformation even in pieces written by staff.

And the Gamespot forums are full of idiots. Lots of really smart people, for sure, but lots of idiots, too. I don't judge forums by a few members, though, and I use the Gamespot forums and web site as a frequent resource.

I think if you hang around, Vic, you will see that this is actually a pretty good forum, and on the whole, the members have a better handle on 3D than people in the industry itself. :)

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:05 pm
by lnrrgb
My apologies.... you are breathing. Forums do get spammers, and to get a foothold, they sometimes post "meaningful" opinions to throw off their scent. Albeit, they don't usually end with such flair - bashing the whole group they are trying to delude, but to each their own. I was just trying to ferret out the true intentions of the poster. TA DA!!

Re: My PS3 3D Gaming Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:55 pm
by Vic
I had to reply because of what I read on the last few pages, mainly that the KZ3 demo would be free within a week so no one needs to pay for Plus just for that, but it's a good investment anyway. I won't be rewnewing my subscription but it's worth it if you play a lot of PSN games.