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Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:22 am
by Namielus
I think F4 and F5 shifts the convergence, but there are a readme in the drivers with instructions for that

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:28 am
by Baristan6
jayoh wrote:does anyone know if the driver is still tuned for 5 inch displays? if so, how can it be modified?

unreal tournament and mirror's edge are super zoomed in, and extra sensitive.
Yes it is tuned for a DIY Rift. I have the SDK warp shader working in a test build, but it is not ready yet.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:59 am
by jayoh
thanks guys.

adjusting the convergence works, but its kind of tricky to get it just right. it's touchy!

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:11 am
by jack612
I built Baristan6's version and the head tracking works pretty well in all of the games I tried it in. I'm still having trouble finding just the right combination of settings to get the image to look right but other than that this is pretty promising so far! Nice work.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:08 am
by jayoh
just put some more time in with skyrim. haha, how much fun is that? i accidently mousewheeled down and went into third person and it was surprisingly cool! it worked almost as you think it would, like controlling a camera behind a doll. wild.

i could see a few minor tweaks and third person will be totally viable in the rift. it also seemed to induce less motion sickness for me. i've not been sick, but the front of my head has been fuzzy after some sessions.

just my thoughts as of right now..

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:34 pm
by cybereality
For Mirror's Edge there is an FOV mod floating around that may help with the "zoomed in" problem (it didn't work with the Steam version so I had to find another exe online). The core of the issue is that in order to get the correct aspect ratio, I had to cut the horizontal FOV in half. For some games, like L4D, Skyrim, etc. you can bump up the FOV with a console command and everything is fine. Mirror's Edge does not allow that.

At first I tried to use the driver hook to alter the FOV. This did somewhat work, but then objects would be culled (disappear) at the edge of the screen. It was very jarring to see this, so I took it out. There is still probably a solution, as I know they do similar things for triple-head display setups (Eyefinity, etc.). So there is probably a way to get this working.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:05 pm
by brantlew
A thought I just had. I wonder how difficult it is to reverse engineer the file structures for the assets in some of these games like SkyRim? So you could just open up the graphics data, push it into another engine, and render it perfectly for the Rift. Obviously you wouldn't get all the gameplay aspects of it, but it would be really cool just to walk around the Skyrim terrain in VR.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:44 am
by Bad_Karma
lordvtp wrote:My Order # was 00397

I'm just south of Portland Oregon so California sourced delivery's are pretty quick. L4d2 was awesome aside from hud/crosshair issues but are to be expected from non native support. I've played FPS's long enough not to require a crosshair anyway. Tf2 refines the experience with it's native support, I imagine the vr mode for source will get transplanted or will be able to be transplanted before too long. Dear Ester was both serene and surreal, the lack of head tracking really hurt it though as the game naturally makes you want to peer at stuff. Lack of head tracking on the actual Rift is really the only fly in ointment so far as you naturally expect it to work and when you move your head in the slightest and it doesn't react your stomach reacts in turn. Will try l4d1 and skyrim today and maybe portal...I pretty much have any game you'd want to play... I Rifted for about 3 1/2 hours last night and that was pretty rough for a first time overall!


I'm 1575 and still waiting in sunny Southern Cali...

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:33 am
by Hornet
Hi, please can be used vireio driver for this : ... L_C3VMt4wM

The program for realtime fractal rendering is here, it is in open GL:

It is wery small program but with amazing result, really interesting. I am too waiting - in cold central Europe covered by snow :-(

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:28 am
by pizzy00

2 questions

1. Warping for 7" Dev Kit

Any idea when the warping will be fixed on the driver to support 7" dev screen? Like you and I stated it is zoomed in and not the greatest right now. I am going to not use it anymore until it is fixed. I saw a .fx file that had some inf in it but I am not smart enough to edit it.

2. Head Tracking for Dev Kit

I see someone coded support for tracking but the exe has not been built yet. I see you posted you may get it built today. Even if the head tracking is there I am still going to hold till warping is fixed. I am thinking I should learn how to build these exes on my own so I do not have to wait.

Great job so far. Dirt 2 was really zoomed in to much to play. As soon as I ran through the Tech Demo and TF2, I am hunger for more content. HL2 is great but zoomed in and hard on the eyes to get setup looking good.

I was thinking there maybe another way to scale the screen down to see more content, but can't find anything. I am using an AMD gfx card but the over-scan option for Rift is grayed out.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:12 pm
by lordvtp
Twiddles thumbs, waiting patiently :D

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:41 pm
by jayoh
put in some more time in skyrim testing, using a really high fov helps smash the game content into the usable area of the screen. the warping isn't quite right, but it's more usable in the 150 or so range (instead of the 110). most of the game ui is on the screen now.

i did fade the ui out and just walk around for a while. it kind of works as a hunting simulator in this regard...

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:00 pm
by pizzy00
Here are some screen shots of the warping differences between Vireio and TF2 Valve which is made for the Rift dev kit.

I think Cyber already said this, but you can tell from the screen shots the vertical space needs to be fixed. If anyone knows how to scale or distort these directx9 games that would be great.


Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:09 pm
by lordvtp
uuuugh.... I've been trying to get my hydra and perception to play nice today to no avail. Get junk for source based games...tried using the 1.1 ver which displays right ...but when I use f5 to fix the convergence the games force close! :oops:

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:51 pm
by pizzy00
Where did you get 1.1?

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:59 pm
by lordvtp
Sorry, I mean 1.0.1 :oops:

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:08 pm
by pizzy00
Which Source games you try? I just downloaded 1.0.1 I will test it out. I wouldn't think the warp would not be correct on an earlier version of driver, since dev kit is still shipping.

I just tried 1.0.1 it has the same warp as 1.0.4. Also the F5 converge works when I use it at least on HL2.

I am no coder but you can change the values in the text file SideBySideRift.fx in fx dir.

float2 Warp(float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0)
float2 newPos = Tex;
float c = -81.0f/10.0f; You can change these two number to change warp
float u = Tex.x*2.0f - 1.0f;
float v = Tex.y*2.0f - 1.0f;
newPos.x = c*u/(pow(v, 2) + c);
newPos.y = c*v/(pow(u, 2) + c);
newPos.x = (newPos.x + 1.0f)*0.5f;
newPos.y = (newPos.y + 1.0f)*0.5f;
return newPos;

Changing warp is not some much the issue, but changing vertical space. We need to duplicate it distortion Vavle did to TF2. Otherwise we will have this weird zoomed in look which also throws off the 1 to 1 ratio you want in vr. Being zoomed in vr world is not to fun. You may think it looks pretty cool at first and it does, but then it starts to suck IMHO.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:39 pm
by Baristan6
To manually change the convergence and separation you can edit the profiles.xml in the Perception\cfg dir.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:30 am
by GeneralSAUCE
How does Skyrim work without crashing? DLLs are placed..

Windowed / res?


Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:07 pm
by jayoh
i'm using a custom version baristan6 has been hacking on.

however, make sure you are running both in administrator mode. 1280x800, non windowed. i'm on windows 7, 64 bit.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:13 pm
by pizzy00
Is there anyway way I can download driver without having to figure out how to build it? I just read that cyberreality is not working on this project anymore. Sorry for asking you those questions in an earlier post cyber. I should have read more post. I also read you are working for Oculus, good for you. I am jealous. I need more games lol. I know it is still early so I must. I hope Hawken is out soon. I think I check out the tridef forums for rift stuff.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:48 pm
by jack612
Here's the version I compiled from Baristan6's github: ...

Baristan6, let me know if this isn't cool with you and I'll take it down.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:04 pm
by Baristan6
jack612 wrote:Here's the version I compiled from Baristan6's github: ...

Baristan6, let me know if this isn't cool with you and I'll take it down.
It's fine with me. I would have released it already, but am waiting for Cyberreality to confirm the licence is compatible with Vireio.
The way I read it it should should be ok to release binaries linked to LibOVR, as long as the Rift SDK isn't modified or included in the source.

I have a shader that is mostly working with the DEV kit, and will release it later this week.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:48 pm
by cybereality
Yes, it's totally fine to post the executables. I am working on the license issues now, most likely what I will do is re-license the Vireio software as MIT license, so it's better compatible with the Oculus SDK license. Hopefully I can get to this within the next couple of days. Thanks guys for your support.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:03 am
by jayoh
this is great news!

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:13 am
by pizzy00
Jayoh have you tried the distortion driver? Its pretty awesome zooming in and out of screen with new vertical scale hot keys. The vertical scale is still off, but soon as this is fixed, the screen will be render in correct scale. Super exciting. Did some testing with Skyrim and L4D 2 yesterday. Was awesome. So close.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:32 am
by Mel
pizzy00 wrote:Jayoh have you tried the distortion driver? Its pretty awesome zooming in and out of screen with new vertical scale hot keys. The vertical scale is still off, but soon as this is fixed, the screen will be render in correct scale. Super exciting. Did some testing with Skyrim and L4D 2 yesterday. Was awesome. So close.
Where can I find info about this 'distortion driver'? This is the first I've seen it mentioned. :)

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:53 am
by Baristan6
Mel wrote:
pizzy00 wrote:Jayoh have you tried the distortion driver? Its pretty awesome zooming in and out of screen with new vertical scale hot keys. The vertical scale is still off, but soon as this is fixed, the screen will be render in correct scale. Super exciting. Did some testing with Skyrim and L4D 2 yesterday. Was awesome. So close.
Where can I find info about this 'distortion driver'? This is the first I've seen it mentioned. :)
I'll post the new version here later today, after I take one last stab at fixing the vertical scale.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:14 am
by Unclebob
This may help with Skyrim

Certainly there are 6 files that fix stereo 3d issues as well as the conversion.

May be worth the go.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:27 pm
by pizzy00
I was mainly just testing the warp and FOV yesterday in Skyrim. I was staying in one room in the early part of the game for testing. I went outside and noticed the shadows were not rendering correctly in 3D, even through a I had added info to the Skyrim config from Preception readme.

Once the warp, FOV, scale, are corrected.

I will start going through all of the Skyrim mods for fixing 3D rendering issues like, shadows, third person kill cam. Until then I will find another way to disable shadows.

I wanted to mention the way Skyrim renders your hands and arms in 3D is not correct. Not a huge deal but kinda of throws you off as you are trying to find correct 3D settings in Perception. So I just sheath my weapons or hands.

Side note L4D 2 testing was very cool. I have played L4D 2 for over 100 hours according to Steam. I played in 2D and 3D on my dual 1080p projector Real D Imax hack setup.

Anyway playing VR is so awesome. It is like I am meeting the characters in a whole new way. It almost like hey guys I am in this game with you now lol. Insane. Just standing there watching the characters facial animations is fun/mesmerizing.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:24 pm
by Baristan6
Can someone tell me how this looks on a Rift.
Vireio OculusRiftView Skyrim1 Test1.jpg
Fixed the border

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:38 pm
by pizzy00
Glad I have the Rift at work again today. I just viewed screen shot with Rift. It is an improvement in regards to vertical scale. The scale for table looks correct, not steched and skewed like it was in testing yesterday. I need to adjust separation some more, but don't have the stereo tools on this computer. I will need to test it in game. I will be at home in an hour or so.


Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:14 pm
by K701
Baristan6 wrote:Can someone tell me how this looks on a Rift.
Vireio OculusRiftView Skyrim1 Test1.jpg
Looks fine except on the far left and right edges, where I can see a pincushion effect with a white border due to the way you cropped the image. However I can't see it if I close either eye.

I still pointed it out in case you did it on purpose. In that regard, since the white border is visible maybe you could stretch the image a little more.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:33 pm
by Baristan6
K701 wrote:Looks fine except on the far left and right edges, where I can see a pincushion effect with a white border due to the way you cropped the image. However I can't see it if I close either eye.

I still pointed it out in case you did it on purpose. In that regard, since the white border is visible maybe you could stretch the image a little more.
Fixed the border.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:37 pm
by drgroove101
pizzy00 wrote:playing VR is so awesome. It is like I am meeting the characters in a whole new way. It almost like hey guys I am in this game with you now lol. Insane. Just standing there watching the characters facial animations is fun/mesmerizing.
Lol nice I never thought of this way before, good description! My rift can't come soon enough!

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:01 pm
by K701
Baristan6 wrote:
K701 wrote:Looks fine except on the far left and right edges, where I can see a pincushion effect with a white border due to the way you cropped the image. However I can't see it if I close either eye.

I still pointed it out in case you did it on purpose. In that regard, since the white border is visible maybe you could stretch the image a little more.
Fixed the border.
I can easily see the black border on the bottom without moving my eyes. The one at the top if i move my eyes a tiny bit.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:11 pm
by Baristan6
K701 wrote: I can easily see the black border on the bottom without moving my eyes. The one at the top if i move my eyes a tiny bit.
That is due to Vireio rendering both eyes and the screen at the same resolution. Either loose vertical fov or crop the horizontal off. If someone knows how to change the the screen resolution so that it is not the same as the game, I could get the full vertical fov.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:19 pm
by K701
Baristan6 wrote:
K701 wrote: I can easily see the black border on the bottom without moving my eyes. The one at the top if i move my eyes a tiny bit.
That is due to Vireio rendering both eyes and the screen at the same resolution. Either loose vertical fov or crop the horizontal off. If someone knows how to change the the screen resolution so that it is not the same as the game, I could get the full vertical fov.

how about if you crop the horizontal off and increase the ingame fov to compensate.

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:49 pm
by Baristan6
K701 wrote:how about if you crop the horizontal off and increase the ingame fov to compensate.
Like this.
Vireio OculusRiftView Skyrim1 Test2.jpg

Re: Introducing Vireio Perception (3D Driver for Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:00 pm
by OzOnE2k10
Hi, Mr Cyber,

Just to say that VireIO is sort of working in Project64...
I just used the "Mudlord's Rice Video Build 6.1.3 - DX9" plugin, and copied d3d9.dll from your driver into the Project 64 folder.

The warping seems to be working fine, but it looks like the two images are identical (ie. no depth / parallax separation)?
At least it's playable in "2D" on the Rift atm (duping / warping working). :D

EDIT: Just tried the Anaglyph mode in VireIO, and you only see separation when the camera or objects are moving.
ie. there seems to be the delay of one frame between the left/right eye images, but the result is 2D anyway.

The 6.1.3 DX9 plugin in PJ64 has a few of it's own glitches though - it often flickers etc.

This is a nice start though, looks like it's almost there. :)
I've only tried Mario 64 and Mariokart so far.

I can send you my copy of PJ64 if you need it?
I know emulators aren't exactly a priority atm, but will be a lot of fun to play N64 in S3D.