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Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:44 am
by cybereality
The Zalman is NOT 120Hz. It just just 60Hz, but works with the Nvidia driver in a special interlaced mode. From what I understand the Nvidia 3D Vision would probably be better image quality but with a little more ghosting and a higher price. The main draw of the Zalman is that it works with nearly all the drivers. You can use the Nvidia driver, the IZ3D driver or the TriDef Ignition driver. So you have lots of options.

And yes, I only play games in full-screen mode full-resolution 1680 x 1050. Its the only way to play. Anything less in uncivilized.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:12 am
by victorjr
cybereality wrote:The Zalman is NOT 120Hz. It just just 60Hz, but works with the Nvidia driver in a special interlaced mode. From what I understand the Nvidia 3D Vision would probably be better image quality but with a little more ghosting and a higher price. The main draw of the Zalman is that it works with nearly all the drivers. You can use the Nvidia driver, the IZ3D driver or the TriDef Ignition driver. So you have lots of options.

And yes, I only play games in full-screen mode full-resolution 1680 x 1050. Its the only way to play. Anything less in uncivilized.
So, Nvidia is also good.
I'm almost sure I stay to an nvidia card. But, there are somany 120hz screen. Should be a good price somewhere, viewsonics for example.
I'm really thinking about nvidia..
Or zalman+iz3d, is that really good,

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:00 pm
by Likay
As cybereality says the zalman is compatible with both nvidia as well as the ddd-tridef and the iz3d solution. There are not many if any displaysolutions these days which are as compatible. Peter Wimmers stereoscopic player supports it excellently as well. One notch upwards should be getting a passive polarized rig but that's of course a lot more expensive and hardly suitable as an instep to 3d (unless you're willing or able to spend money of course).

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:57 pm
by victorjr
and wich tech are they using in cinemas?

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:35 pm
by Likay
It depends. Cinemas in general uses single projector solutions. Some older Imaxcinemas alters L/R images several times a second and needs shutters to work.
Most popular nowaday is polarized solutions though. Most of these works with single projectors which alters views similar to a shuttersetup but also alternate polarization with the left/right eye views. A so called silverscreen which maintain polarization when light is reflected is needed for those using polarization. Because of this only passive polarized glasses are needed. Imax uses "linear" polarization while real-d uses "circular" polarization + an antighosting algorithm because of the less extinctionrate-property of circular polarizers.

You can do this at home but then it's cheaper getting two projectors instead of one compatible and use polarized filters for the projectors. There's still need for a silverscreen but in return everybody will be able to view by just wearing passive polarized glasses. It's expensive (two projectors, silverscreen@about 110 euros/quaremetre, ability to get filters etc) but as is today this gives the best stereoimage overall at home. Computerwise the compability is as high as for the zalman but future stereogaming on consoles, stereobroadcasting may not work.

A budget solution is getting a 3d-vision approved projector and use with the nvidia 3d-visionglasses. You must meet the 3d-visioncriteria (min winvista, min 8000series nvidiacard, not ati) for this to work. Only 3d-vision compatible softwares will work with this setup though. No silverscreen is of course needed but each and every viewer needs a pair of 3d-vision shutters.

Anyway: As for an introduction to 3d i really recommend either the iz3d or the zalman display because both of them are quite cheap. I don't have a zalman but an iz3d and can only speak for that (and dual projection. :P ). The iz3d is a very bright stereoscolution compared to others but on the nag side it ghosts a bit. Compability is decent since iz3d drivers are among the best today. Peter Wimmers player also supports it so you can watch movies without problem either.
Anaglyph is in my concern only suitable for showcasing stereo and depth but not really an option in the long race. However compability with anaglyph is excellent as well. :woot

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:15 am
by victorjr
Likay wrote:It depends. Cinemas in general uses single projector solutions. Some older Imaxcinemas alters L/R images several times a second and needs shutters to work.
Most popular nowaday is polarized solutions though. Most of these works with single projectors which alters views similar to a shuttersetup but also alternate polarization with the left/right eye views. A so called silverscreen which maintain polarization when light is reflected is needed for those using polarization. Because of this only passive polarized glasses are needed. Imax uses "linear" polarization while real-d uses "circular" polarization + an antighosting algorithm because of the less extinctionrate-property of circular polarizers.

You can do this at home but then it's cheaper getting two projectors instead of one compatible and use polarized filters for the projectors. There's still need for a silverscreen but in return everybody will be able to view by just wearing passive polarized glasses. It's expensive (two projectors, silverscreen@about 110 euros/quaremetre, ability to get filters etc) but as is today this gives the best stereoimage overall at home. Computerwise the compability is as high as for the zalman but future stereogaming on consoles, stereobroadcasting may not work.

A budget solution is getting a 3d-vision approved projector and use with the nvidia 3d-visionglasses. You must meet the 3d-visioncriteria (min winvista, min 8000series nvidiacard, not ati) for this to work. Only 3d-vision compatible softwares will work with this setup though. No silverscreen is of course needed but each and every viewer needs a pair of 3d-vision shutters.

Anyway: As for an introduction to 3d i really recommend either the iz3d or the zalman display because both of them are quite cheap. I don't have a zalman but an iz3d and can only speak for that (and dual projection. :P ). The iz3d is a very bright stereoscolution compared to others but on the nag side it ghosts a bit. Compability is decent since iz3d drivers are among the best today. Peter Wimmers player also supports it so you can watch movies without problem either.
Anaglyph is in my concern only suitable for showcasing stereo and depth but not really an option in the long race. However compability with anaglyph is excellent as well. :woot

i still don't know, cause now my anaglyph :classic is a really bad solution, seperation adn depth amount must be relly low to work, but 3d is than also minimum.

e minimum recomendes, and will upgrade to the 300 series of nvidia, wicha re going to be powned :shock: .

So, nvidia is also good, but zalman and iz3d are cheaper. Hmmm, difficult. What is zalman for driver using, because I'm not going to use iz3d, cause I really want no, or almost no ghosting.
So nvida, or iz3d+zalmann

ps are the glasses from iz3d and zalmann the same??

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:02 am
by Likay
Nope. Iz3d and the zalman uses different kind of glasses.
You'll also risks some ghosting with the nvidiashutters according to the nvidiaforums but i think this depends on the display used and/or the software.
The zalman also works with the ddd and nvidiadrivers.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:26 pm
by ceashure
cybereality wrote:Don't get the wrong idea. There is ghosting on the Zalman, just like everything else. The ghosting is just minimal and not in your face. You also have to be in the perfect viewing position or else there is a lot of ghosting. But when in the sweetspot it looks pretty decent. Here is a test I did to illustrate the low ghosting:

If its what it appears to be, looks like 0 ghosting to me. So its just a matter of finding the "sweet spot" then? That's no biggy, but I'm curious how far away from the screen this sweet spot is? I'm seriously thinking of giving up my iZ3D for the Zalman.

Do RealD circular polarized glasses (from the cinemas) work with the zalman?


I just read a review about the interlace affecting the in-game text. Have you ever noticed this? In what way does it affect text?

Does zalman use the "two monitors" concept like iZ3D (where there is mouse cursor issues), or is it a single monitor solution? If it's single monitor, that means it fully supports DirectX 10/11? and SLI/Crossfire?

Does it require a Nvidia Card? or only for using the Nvidia 3D Drivers?

The more I think about it, the better it sounds.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:58 pm
by cybereality
Like I said before, there is ghosting on the Zalman but it is very low. I don't want to misrepresent things. The pictures posted were an absolute best-case scenario. In practice you will experience some ghosting but you usually will not notice if you are not looking. The following image is more indicative of the actual experience playing a game. Open it fullscreen and view cross-eyed:
As you can see on the left there is some minor ghosting with the high contrast white on black. In most cases you will not notice this while playing, but its there. You can also adjust the screen so there is less ghosting in certain areas (like either the top or the bottom of the screen). To get the best experience the vertical center of the monitor should be on eye level. You should be sitting between 1 to 3 feet (1 meter) from the monitor for the best experience. Moving from side to side is not a problem. Moving up or down will cause serious ghosting. So you just adjust the monitor or your seat properly before playing.

RealD glasses from the theaters will work, but they are not as good quality (not the exact polarization) as the ones that come with the monitor. However for quick tests, YouTube3D videos, etc. the RealD glasses will be fine. When sitting down for a long gaming session I always use the Zalman glasses, though.

The interlacing basically ruins in-game text (while wearing the glasses). If there are big icons or large text it is fine. For example, the sub-titles in the Avatar game are readable. However some games use small pixel fonts which become almost impossible to read. This is because the interlacing splits the characters up and if they are too small it looks like garbage. Most games, though, do not require that you sit there reading so its not a big problem. If you play a lot of MMOs or other games where text is important, this might be an issue though.

The Zalman is just a single panel monitor (1 DVI) with a special xpol polarizing film attached. Using the Nvidia driver it should be possible to use DirectX10 and SLI if you wish. Obviously the Nvidia driver will require an Nvidia card (8800 GT or better) and Windows Vista/7. Otherwise you can use the IZ3D driver or the TriDef Ignition driver. That is one of the main benefits of the Zalman is that you are not stuck with one driver.

I hope that helps.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:06 am
by victorjr
soo, zalmn+nvidia, hmm,
And If I want, I can use zalman glasses with iz3d driver right?, ot, wait, zalman has his own drivers.
aah, I see

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:18 am
by crim3
Ok, I have my Zalman, at last. And is one of the bests purchases I've ever done. It arrived on Monday, but only had time to plug it and test stereo with the thousand times seen nvidia logo test application. Yesterday I had more time and realized how good it is.

At first sight you can see that the price is somewhat low for the quality of the manufacture. It really seems like something more expensive. Once connected to the computer the colors are bright and intense. I must admit the TFTs have gone a long way.

The 3D is the best I've ever seen :!: :!: Crisp, color-rich, comfortable and smoooooth, very smooth. Interlacing is barely noticeable. Well, the text is somewhat ruined, but graphics are almost full resolution like. You really need to concentrate on the fact that it's interlaced to notice it.
Ghosting is very low and doesn't interferes on the stereo perception. I was used to high ghosting levels when using shutters with my CRT.

Now I'd like to try personally the 3D vision glasses to do a fair comparisson, but it's not possible by now. But based on what I know from my experience (my z800 and my shutters, both page flipping solutions) I can imagine how it is: more definition, but blurry movements and uncomfortable stereo due to the fact that only one eye is looking at the image at a time. I have the feeling that two eyes seeing at the same time is very superior.

EDIT: removing my "complain" about the power consumption. I was wrong, it's only 60W.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:38 am
by victorjr
thanks, zalman, hmm, I will see. anyway, thanks or your comment
I have 1 questions.
1: Is there much popout in games like assassin's creed(my most played game, how does the game looks in 3d). Is there much anyway?

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:35 am
by crim3
There isn't much pop-out in any stereo-3D game unless you force it to happen more than it would happen with the settings. Usually, low separation and high convergence.
Stereo is not about pop-out. What stereo does is to make the screen dissapear and open a continuous world that goes from infinite to the tip of your nose. Screen shouldn't be a reference and vanish once stereo is enabled. Anyway, as the screen is still there and you can see it :), things will pop-out when are close to your face, what doesn't happen too often in any game, except forcing it with the stereo settings as I said before.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:45 am
by victorjr
hmm, a shame. But in that trailer by nvidia, it's al pop out.
But what you described, isn't the same effect I got with anaglyph, possible?, but I will try your settings.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:08 am
by crim3
Yes, sure. Use ctrl+F6 to rise convergence. If it becomes too uncomfortable reduce seperation with ctrl+F3. Look for a balance of separation and convergence that allows a comfortable view with the desired pop-out effect with ctrl+F3/F4 and ctrl F5/F6.

Remember to enable the convergence keys in the nvidia control panel if you haven't done that already.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:30 am
by victorjr
Oowkeee, I see.

But,1; what about that dept amount??
2: IF I choose nvidia, wich screen is nice, cuse I can't found a good review from it.
Damm, I still don't know, zalman is soooo close,

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:09 pm
by victorjr

after a long time, I decided: zalmann.
Only, it uses an nvidia driver, right?
Are al the 2d vision ready games also ready for zalmann, or is that not special at all :woot .
And when I can run a game in anaglyph ( 3 time the same picture) I can run tham to on 2 frames of zalmann???

cheers victor

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:06 am
by crim3
You can use nvidia's driver or iz3d. If you have a nvidia card and vista or win7 the easiest is nvidia's driver. It works well and is free.

If a game works in anaglyph it may also works with the zalman. If you've been playing in anaglyph all these days you are going to get shock by the color-full 3D of the Zalman ;)

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:54 am
by victorjr
But the zalmann driver is different compared to nvidia's, or not?
is it just an extra compatibility with zalmann screen

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:16 am
by crim3
Yes, it's the 3d vision driver, but it's able to detect the zalman and self-configure accordingly.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:45 am
by victorjr
So games like batman,with the great setting for 3d vision, owrks really great?


thanks, zlmann: here I come
edit: Can anybody help me were I can buy it for a good price in europe?, thanks

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:32 am
by victorjr
Ookwe, I got a question for zalmann users,
I think for 99 % that I'm going to buy it, but I got 2 questions.
Cause1: At my current monitor, I got those ugly circles around the darkest place, and every time it's getting slightly ligter, you see that circel, probabbly something about contrast?
But how is that on the zalmann??
and 2: Witch aspect ratio (16:9 ort what??) does the zalmann has.?
Thanks in regards


Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:27 pm
by cybereality
1. The color/contrast on the Zalman is very nice. The image is even all around the monitor without any light or dark spots really. I have never seen any circles, maybe you mean "color banding" which effects gradients. I have not noticed that on the Zalman (although my old LCD monitor did have it).

2. Aspect ratio is 16:10 and is supported by mostly all modern games.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:58 pm
by BasementScientist
Is the xpol on the outside of the monitor, where it can be scratched by cleaning?

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:11 pm
by victorjr
cybereality wrote:1. The color/contrast on the Zalman is very nice. The image is even all around the monitor without any light or dark spots really. I have never seen any circles, maybe you mean "color banding" which effects gradients. I have not noticed that on the Zalman (although my old LCD monitor did have it).

2. Aspect ratio is 16:10 and is supported by mostly all modern games.
1. thanks
2: Damm, cause my most loved game (Assassin's creed) doesn't support that.
Oow, and talking about that, how is the autofocus,.
Cause in the game the animus menu is first person, and than the game switches bacht tothird person. How is that looking on the zalman, cause with anaglyph I get ofcourse a hugh gosting with nvidia driver

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:37 pm
by Likay
You're really walking like a cat around hot porridge! :lol: *joking
Assassins creed is widescreen (16:10 is very close to 16:9) by default and works excellently on the iz3d (which is 16:10 as well btw) so i think the zalman will be just excellent as well. It works on the big screen i have but of course then i have black borders on top and botton (since it's 4:3).
And yes: Assassins creed needs two different presets (one for occasions when you're not in the animus world and the other when in it) if you're using iz3d drivers. I find this better than autofocus but it is up to each of their own taste. I have no experience of newer nvidiastereodrivers though.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:47 am
by victorjr
Likay wrote:You're really walking like a cat around hot porridge! :lol: *joking
Assassins creed is widescreen (16:10 is very close to 16:9) by default and works excellently on the iz3d (which is 16:10 as well btw) so i think the zalman will be just excellent as well. It works on the big screen i have but of course then i have black borders on top and botton (since it's 4:3).
And yes: Assassins creed needs two different presets (one for occasions when you're not in the animus world and the other when in it) if you're using iz3d drivers. I find this better than autofocus but it is up to each of their own taste. I have no experience of newer nvidiastereodrivers though.
Thanks, YES, it's my most played game (till thursday, cause than it's AC 2 time, )
So, there are no black bars at 16:10 to 16:9, nice.

And that presents, oowke, that can happen, than I have to do it myself,

thanks for your respond,
but I got on last question, In 2d, how are texts looking, cause of that double panel inside?

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:04 am
by Likay
Since you only have half interlaced res in 3d the monitor would look similar to an ordinary monitor in 2d.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:23 am
by victorjr
Bought, now waiting 4/5 days, nooooooo :evil:

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:11 am
by cybereality
LOL! I thought you were never gonna make up your mind. Good choice.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:19 pm
by victorjr
cybereality wrote:LOL! I thought you were never gonna make up your mind. Good choice.
Thanks ;),
BTW, how do you change that one eyed hopefully

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:45 pm
by cybereality
victorjr wrote:BTW, how do you change that one eyed hopefully
You just have to stick around and keep posting.

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:07 pm
by victorjr
cybereality wrote:
victorjr wrote:BTW, how do you change that one eyed hopefully
You just have to stick around and keep posting.
I will, don't worry, but Now I can talk with you
Got one last question, what is the best 3d movie player for the zalman, and are there places were you can download movies?

Re: again a nobe with a buy problem ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:20 pm
by cybereality
The best video player is the Stereoscopic Player which comes with the monitor for free. There are not many movies available but there are some older low-budget 3D DVDs you can find. There is also some sample footage floating around like from here:" onclick=";return false;