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Re: Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered?

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:41 pm
by russellk
Losti wrote: Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:51 pm ... ing-fixes/

"some" times ago....!

If there is no reward, even the greatest enthusiast will eventually lose interest in the thing.
I agree, I'm just trying to be diplomatic as the nature of online is that people fall out.
Plus, history repeats itself. The number of people who fixed games then backed away or disappeared shows that burnout is a real thing, whether that's due to time, motivation, lack of reward, only the individuals can comment. I'm sure it's a combination of all three.

Re: Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:39 am
by Lizzard
Losti, I appreciate that you keep doing what you do.
Ralf from VorpX is also charging a once off payment of $46US. The guys who have a problem with your model could go and support Ralf then.
Their opinions have little weight here and many others here whose been through all the drama during the years knows how valuable every person is who has the aptitude, patience and willingness to fix shaders. As long as there is peace among you guys it doesn't matter what the guys on the side line have to say. Cause even if they criticize your model they will pay to play the games they like in 3D. Stereoscopic gaming is not for the average gamer anyway.

The only game I've done some fixing in was Dead Space. Only did the first level with some guidance of Masterotaku. The origin version did not work with the steam headers in shaders. So I compared the shaders to see what Helix did. But after about 10 hours I messed up something in the ini and couldn't figure it out. Lost 10 hours but gained some experience. This was a bit discouraging for a first try. From the little I know about shaders I know its not an easy task. DSS said he used something like 300 hours to crack the code in Dreamfall chapters. Not many people have that kind of patience and passion. The guys who use your fixes are here on your terms. Not theirs. You don't have to defend your stance. Just ignore them. There will always be people who supports you and those who criticize you. In this world you need be a bullet proof terminator. Too many trigger happy do uchebags roaming around nowadays. It just goes to show how insecure and under developed they are.

That model you shared of DHR is exactly what I referred to a few months ago. Start a go-fund project and only make your fixes public once you received a contribution that matches your effort. Time is the most valuable thing we as humans have. A lack of compensation is the last thing the shader hackers need. Just keep it professional. Hire someone who could help set up a financial model. Or collaborate with the developers of each game to release your fix on steam as DLC. That way they could do the marketing for you and help do testing + improvement. Then you divide the profit among every contributor in that model. I'm positive at least a thousand guys would buy it and you would be compensated very quickly. Why has no one worked on a commission basis on steam yet? Which is why I'm ever so grateful to the initiative of HelixVision. If you really want to go somewhere with this it will primarily need to be on the VR platform since its the only place where stereoscopic capable hardware are being developed and sustained. I will keep saying this. Otherwise you will get far less than you're capable of. This community is small enough as it is. Once you bring money into the equation it will leave the hobby phase and reach a business field. With this comes reputation. In your case it might be a bit more advantageous than it was for HelixVision. Because of the diversity of games you have more than one shot. But if you start slow you might do something that hasn't been done before. If it becomes successful it might even encourage game developers to follow suite. All this drama we've had through the years could have been avoided if game developers jumped onboard. Instead it all came down to this community.

Re: Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:54 am
by Losti
Thank you for your suggestions and words. I dont want to make a paying model its too much work to do and too much ungreatefull users refuind things etc. Its also not my intention. Because i dont want to raise expectations icannot fullfill and i dont want to bind my selfe on extense shader hacking. I fix the things i like to, thats all. Thats ok. I cannot post any fix on HelixMod Blog, so i have to use this forum later ^^ NP. everything is cool and YES, users can be very unthankfull and complain on high level, i am used to this ^^

Re: Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:53 am
by Lysander
FREE=NO COMPLAINING. We can ask nicely for help, but we are not entitled to anything that we got for free.

Re: Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:05 pm
by Lysander
This game and Liberation now work perfectly with geo-11 - the damn FPS drops are gone and it's butter-smooth! This is with the updated fix from Losti's channel a while back. Losti, if you're ever bored, the sky in Liberation could use some fixing :P

Re: Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 6:08 pm
by BigErn77
Can confirm AC3 Remastered working brilliantly with geo-11. I never dropped below a constant 60 fps. And the game is still beautiful!