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Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:47 am
by KindDragon
CarlKenner wrote:So how do I use the darn thing????

I can't find any options in the GUI for anything except anaglyph and iz3d. And I can't find any configuration files except "UserProfile.xml" which only has settings for games.

There is no documentation, not even a readme.txt file.

How do I put it in VR920 mode? And how do I adjust the settings?
Reinstall driver and select full installation.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:54 am
by CarlKenner
I did choose full installation the first time.
I just found all the interesting files hiding in C:\Users\All Users\iZ3D Driver
But they only talk about anaglyph and iZ3D.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:18 am
by Okta
Is this ok for a bug report forum.

Mine are these- The auto focus sometimes goes crazy and ups the seperation to over 2000 and wont recover.

These games either wont start or crash with errors and graphics glitches before start in any mode other than anaglyph or iz3d-



Clive Barkers Jericho

Assassins Creed

My system is q6600, 8800gt with driver version 6.14.0011.7783

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:44 am
by BlackShark
i got a minor UI bug :
not sure if it has already been mentionned before.

When you launch a game for the first time with iz3d on, the driver automatically creates a new profile for this game at the end of the list.
But the Control center doesn't detect it and doesn't display the profile in the list. you have to competely close the control center and restart it to get the refreshed list.

Also i can launch the contro lcenter multiple times and it adds multiple tray icons.
I don't know if it was intended but i'd find it more logic and reassuring for iz3d control center to have only one instance.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:48 am
by CarlKenner
I uninstalled, and reinstalled it outside the program files directory (I recommend this on vista).

So here is my VR920 bug report:

As other people have said, on a VR920 the left screen shows the screen (or window contents) squashed and duplicated, so that you see the same image on the top and bottom of the screen. I think the top and bottom of the screen are identical, but it is hard to tell. It displays this perfectly, without any tearing.

On the right screen however, it shows the image unsquashed, taking up the whole screen. The right eye image appears to be the correct image for the right eye and it correctly takes up the whole screen. BUT, when running Portal fullscreen, the right screen has horrible tearing. The correct image is shown below the tear, but above the tear the left-eye image is still shown. The tear-line bobs up and down, but mostly it is about 2 thirds of the way down the screen. Vsync was turned on, and the other screen on that adapter was disabled. I've seen this kind of tearing before, but normally it is in the top 10% of the screen, not 2/3rds of the way down the screen.

The windowed mode Dynamic Test program does the same thing, but without any tearing. The window contents are squashed and duplicated on the left eye, and perfectly correct on the right eye.

By the way, all the 2D logo screens at the start of Portal work properly.

Another important bug is that you are not setting the VR920 to stereoscopic mode at the start, so the user must always turn it on manually on the glasses.
You are correctly turning off stereoscopic mode when you close, BUT randomly sometimes the function will fail and the glasses will stay in stereoscopic mode. That is Vuzix's fault, not yours, but you should still fix the problem by turning off stereoscopic mode, then sleeping for a few hundred milliseconds, then turning off stereoscopic mode a second time.

There is also a problem with enabled-by-hotkey not working. It stays enabled the whole time, regardless of whether you press the hotkey or not.

1. Left screen is squashed and duplicated
2. Tearing on right screen
3. VR920 not put in Stereoscopic mode
4. Stereoscopic mode should be turned off twice with a delay in between instead of once
5. Enabled by hotkey is always in stereo with the bugs above, even when stereo should be off

I can also confirm the "Error named pipe" error mentioned above. "pipe" is a strange name for an error. :D

As it is now, VR920 support is completely unusable. If you can fix the squashed left screen bug then it will be almost usable (but only the bottom 3rd of the screen would be stereo for me in some games).

Let me know if you want me to help fix these bugs.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:56 am
by CarlKenner
The driver works really well in anaglyph mode. I tried it in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and it was absolutely flawless (except for slowing the framerate). I would definately give the game A-level certification. The only thing wrong with it is that some of the cutscenes are prerendered and therefore flat. And the ink on the marauder's map hovers a tiny bit above the page, but I like that effect, since the map is magical after all.
So your driver is good, it is just your VR920 support that has a couple of fatal bugs.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:49 am
by b4thman
I am using these days the driver in stereo mirror horizontal setup, and seem to work well, but with some "bugs" and any problem. I have not tested with a lot of games, but I have noticed in general that the driver works well with postprocessings and different effects, but have several problems with shadows. Also there is an horizontal line displacement (using stereo mirror setup) that divides the screen and make a little displacement of the two images (to explain it, it is something like a "vsync off" effect in only this line). Another important problem is that brightness correction into the games only affect to the 1st screen (the 2nd screen alwais remains with the same brightness). Autoconvergence has not very sense to use, or I don´t know how to.

COD 4 crash to desktop. Performance seen to be not bad in the games I have played.

Also opengl games doesn´t work, but I suppose it is well known and somebody is working on it.

THe overall impresion of the driver is good for me, but I understand that some people expected to see shutterglasses support in this driver. I tested some days ago my ED wireless glasses and I could see stereo3d, using ED.exe and selecting interlaced mode on it. I tested only tomb raider Anny, but no sense for me because I can see only half of the pixels, and I think it is not a solution when using shutterglasses.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:38 pm
by FR3D

what kind of hardware are you using ?
i'm also playing with planar type setup ( 1920 x 1200) pixel and i'm still waiting for a working 3d driver supporting the new amd or nvidia grafix ..

thanks FR3D

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:42 pm
by b4thman
I have an AMD 64 dual core CPU and Nvidia 8800 Ultra (Asus model). I am using Windows XP 32bits (I have Vista 32bits, but I have not tested this driver on it).


Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:03 pm
by iamcanadian
Ok I tried the 109b and it does nothing ,I have uninstalled the nvidea stereo and i have used the 108s before with anaglyph no problems except combat 3 crashes to the desk top. But now no drivers will work in stereo,All i wanted to try was my shutters with iz3d with FSX which others say works great. 109s full install with AVG off. everything is there but it wont even go into anaglyph mode. And when i went to reinstall nvidea s3d they would not work either. I had to unistall all video drivers and reinstall just to get the old 97s to work again. What am I doing wrong? I tried it on 3 different computers too that worked fine with the 108s in anaglyph now they dont work ...mmmmmm

Re: help

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:08 am
by Welder
iamcanadian wrote:Ok I tried the 109b and it does nothing ,I have uninstalled the nvidea stereo and i have used the 108s before with anaglyph no problems except combat 3 crashes to the desk top. But now no drivers will work in stereo,All i wanted to try was my shutters with iz3d with FSX which others say works great. 109s full install with AVG off. everything is there but it wont even go into anaglyph mode. And when i went to reinstall nvidea s3d they would not work either. I had to unistall all video drivers and reinstall just to get the old 97s to work again. What am I doing wrong? I tried it on 3 different computers too that worked fine with the 108s in anaglyph now they dont work ...mmmmmm
What is your Operating system? Is it 64 bit or 32 bit?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:04 pm
by iamcanadian
XP 32 quad 6600- 7900 GTO I am using the 97 drivers for stereo in applications that dont crash like FSX but i did try with newer driver s for the Iz3d. I did try everything that i have learned over the 6 years I have been doing 3d, Im stumped especially when others have it working on FSX which is what i do 90% of the time (3 DLP optomas Matrox THTG)