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Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:39 am
by CraigP
Is head tracking supposed to work when using the mouse? I tried it and it works at the start, but drifts a bit, which I can correct with the mouse, and then just starts freaking out.

EDIT: Seems to have just been an interaction with the wagon movement at the start. Once things settled down it works great.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:52 am
by shiva
defactoman wrote:
Unclebob wrote:If you use an ENB, you need to daisy chain the d3d9.dll together with ENB's d3d9.dll. For example if using RCRN/InjectFX's d3d9.dll you eould rename RCRN/InjectFX's d3d9.dll to something like RCRN_d3d9.dll then open enbseries.ini and change


Can daisy chain several like that....
Do you think this would work with Perception?
Still getting very odd graphical effects, whited out/washed out high contrast screens using the driver.
So this worked for you? I wasn't able to get END Realvision and the Perception Beta9 to work. I could get ENB Realvision working but as soon as I load perception it stops.

So I tried editing my enbseries.ini to this:

and renamed d3d9.dll from realvision to perc_d3d9.dll and it stopped loading it. Am I missing something? As it stands now i'm not copying perception d3d9.dll into the skyrim folder as it seemed to work without doing that.
Actually before I tried UncleBob's tip, my skyrim wasn't playing in stereo 3D, just old 2D with the ENB Realvision enabled
When I tried daisy chaining the ENB's d3d9.dll it effectively rendered the game in stereo 3D so I was all like "yeah, this is awesome, i'm in 3D with my ENB enabled", but actually you're right, perception does disable the ENB
Sorry for the fake hopes

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:31 pm
by Ardhal
Okay, I don't have a Rift so am posting what I've found so far in the hopes someone will try this out.

I am attempting to write a comprehensive Guide to getting Skyrim up and running from a fresh Vanilla install to a VR friendly state. Mostly I've included things already discussed but no one so far has offered an easy or concrete solution to the UI. That's what I have, and it's just some .ini tweaks.

I actually think SkyUI is an incredibly poor choice for VR. The mod is built on the idea of using a mouse/keyboard to play the game while sitting close to a high resolution monitor. These are luxuries we don't have, and I say we should be glad that Skyrim was made to be so ''Console Friendly'' by default. (And you'll rarely hear me saying that...)

My solution, as detailed by the guide I'm working on, is this:


1. Navigate to the [Interface] section of Skyrim.ini located in \Documents\Games\Skyrim
2. Add this block of text and save:


The Larger the number, the closer to the center UI elements will appear. This includes everything from inventory to health, mana, and the compass. 10 is somewhere close below default.

I've been testing values and so far 150 seems great to me, but since I don't have a rift I can't confirm that, only speculate with the perception drivers loaded. Someone have a look for me, pretty please???


Should this tweak fix the UI (what I consider to be the biggest barrier with Skyrim in VR right now), I think the next thing to work on is really going to be nailing down the shaders. bdeferredshadows=0 doesn't seem to fix truly everything, and there are numerous issues with water and skies in the game too. Now, there are mods already out there which fix those things entirely (and extra stuff too like making the UI itself in 3d) but I cannot seem to run Perception along with them. I think the average player will be wanting three D3D9.dll's running all at once:

Helix's Fixes and 3d amazingness
An ENB of the players choice

Anyone have any thoughts?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:48 pm
by Neil
Holy crap! This might be very useful. I will test this out!!!


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:54 pm
by Neil
This is a major improvement!

Do you know if something can be done to get the game menus to appear more center as well? When I hit the tab key, I can't see the magic or weapons lists because htey are outside my FOV.


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:06 pm
by Neil
YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are working on a new driver build. I will include this in the news story.


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:23 pm
by Ardhal
Hahaha, so does that mean it's working well?

It /should/ be moving the inventory screens and such inwards from the left/right - if you need more just bump those values up.

I know that your vertical FoV is better than horizontal, so can you tell me if the compass/health/etc is in a good position? If they can afford to be raised up just change only the Y value rather the X, and voila you should be golden ^^.

Only problem I can see is the health/magicak/stamina bars overlapping somewhat - but that can be fixed with either iHud or something I guess. Let me know! You got me excited now :P


If you're working on a new build, is there any news on this idea of being able to use multiple d3d9.dll's?? That's key to intergrating the UI into the 3d experience and easy fixes for shadows etc..

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:12 am
by laast
Ardhal wrote:
Should this tweak fix the UI (what I consider to be the biggest barrier with Skyrim in VR right now), I think the next thing to work on is really going to be nailing down the shaders. bdeferredshadows=0 doesn't seem to fix truly everything, and there are numerous issues with water and skies in the game too. Now, there are mods already out there which fix those things entirely (and extra stuff too like making the UI itself in 3d) but I cannot seem to run Perception along with them. I think the average player will be wanting three D3D9.dll's running all at once:

Helix's Fixes and 3d amazingness
An ENB of the players choice

Anyone have any thoughts?
To fix sky / stars/ aurora/ moons, you don't need any dxd9 file, just put some modified meshes in your data folder, available here:

Water and shadows are still a problem though. BTW great find for the UI fix!

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:53 am
by shiva

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:45 am
by Ardhal
laast wrote: To fix sky / stars/ aurora/ moons, you don't need any dxd9 file, just put some modified meshes in your data folder, available here:

Water and shadows are still a problem though. BTW great find for the UI fix!
Yeah I'd seen these, but I heard they introduce all kinds of compatibility issues with other mods? (Particularly weather mods), it's not a very clean solution.


Since my last little tip was helpful, I'll give you guys something else not discussed yet:

As we know it's best to play Skyrim on the Rift with the field of view set to 110, to match the Rifts.
However, there is a problem with that. At such a high value, your body begins to clip through textures. If you stand as close as you can to a wall, for example, you'll be able to see right through it. Whenever you run past a tree too closely you clip through the side, and it's really immersion breaking. Worse, at 110 your own arms begin to clip when doing things like casting magic, so you're constantly seeing ugly splits in the textures. Like I say, I don't have the fortune of a Rift yet, but I can imagine these things being very annoying.

The fix:

1. Navigate to the [Display] section of '' Skyrim.ini '' (found in Documents/Games/Skyrim)
2. Add the line '' fNearDistance=13.1 '' (default is 15 but designed for an FoV of 70) ''

By adding this line to the .ini you are changing, basically, how close to a texture your character can get. The lower the number, the further away you can be before any clipping appears. The default is 15, as I said, but that doesn't work very well for an FoV of 110.

I will add - you can't make fNearDistance too low! If it goes too low it will introduce some pretty terrible looking texture flickering that just ruins the whole game. A value of 10.5 would be perfect and remove all clipping, but it makes the game look atrocious, so it's not worth it.

Personally I compromised by making fNearDistance 13.1, and actually dropping the FoV itself down to 105. That sort of balances it out and removes all but the most extreme clipping, which I'm hoping will be so far out in the periphery of your vision while wearing a Rift, you won't notice it.

Again, though, would love to hear some feedback from a person actually with the device!

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:02 am
by cplr
Still not sure what is supposed to be done with F5 to change convergence and Skyrim since F5 quicksaves. This is not a rebind-able key is it? It is not in the menu at least, and I can't seem to find any info on the googles. I'd also love to adjust tracking, but F9 quickloads. I'm sure I am not the only one looking for a solution to this. Can we get all of those settings built into the SHOCT calibration utility by chance?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:15 pm
by lordbinky
Quicksave is changeable hotkey in the controls settings. I set mine to F8, but it scares me that I might hit the quickload (F9) when I want to save...

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:13 pm
by cplr
Wow, I must be blind. Seriously did not see it there, although I looked.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:08 am
by spire8989
All of these posts about fixing the ui and then nothing to be heard... No videos of anyone playing Skyrim with fixed ui or anything, or does it not work so well after all? Skyrim is huge for me and since I dont have a rift yet, I'm just checking this thread over and over hoping to hear how the game works with the above fixes...

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:42 am
by lordbinky
I haven't played with the safezone settings too much, but using 200 got most of the text into readable view for me*. Some fine tuning on those settings will definitely be worthwhile. The main thing that annoying me is the reticle but I haven't gotten SKSE to work so I have not seen the changes from skyui/Minimal HUD yet.

* I'm near-sighted with astigmatism and I'm sadly stuck between using an old prescription safety glasses or current prescription sunglasses :?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:39 am
by Ardhal
This ended up a big post! I want to post it anyway, though, because the forum moves kinda slow and I'm sure there are some excited people out there craving for morsels of info.
spire8989 wrote:All of these posts about fixing the ui and then nothing to be heard... No videos of anyone playing Skyrim with fixed ui or anything, or does it not work so well after all? Skyrim is huge for me and since I dont have a rift yet, I'm just checking this thread over and over hoping to hear how the game works with the above fixes...

I would be posting videos about it, but I don't have a Rift :P. I have, however, still been testing stuff out. I think you only need to have the Y values about 60 for the UI, honestly, and everything is perfectly in view without being much of a problem. X may well have to be 200 - but honestly if you just close one eye when in menu's it should all be easy anyway. How natural that becomes to do during gameplay, however....

While I'm at it, i'll explain all the other things I've been working on and things I've found out:

I've still been trying to learn if we can use perception with other d3d9's, but honestly it looks like something the dev's of the driver may have to add support for. I find no useful information online.
Shadows are still broken for me, regardless of .ini settings chosen. Water and Sky mesh fixes do work, and don't seem to be causing major problems or incompatibilities. Which is great. Roll is still broken, though.

I've come up with a list of mods that will enhance Skyrim in VR. Which I'm still actively working on. That includes changing the font to a larger and more readable format to supplement the UI .ini settings as well as much smaller things I'd recommened like disabling the smoke on loading screens because it reduces load times significantly. (I can't imagine loading screens being too pleasant in VR). iHud is a great mod, but I'm going to advice people to configure it so that the crosshair always stays on screen - we've been hearing that crosshairs can reduce motion sickness in VR.

I think a lot of people will want to suggest the joy of perspective mod for Skyrim in VR. It makes it so that you can see your own body when you look down in first person, as well as tweaking many animations to feel a lot more immersive. It also introduces a slight head bob which, despite being touted as bad at first, I've been hearing people with Rifts saying is a nice effect - it stops people from feeling like ghosts floating around their environments. However, the mod doesn't look like a good idea. It's very buggy, ruins horseback gameplay in first person, and most importantly doesn't work with an FoV over 70 or 80. That's a killer. Maybe someone will invest the time to make a new version that does work for us someday, but the dev of that particular mod seems to have been AWOL for a while now.

Other things I've found people should be doing is disabling Vsync in their .ini's as well as mouse acceleration - but then forcing Vysnc back on in their AMD/Nvidia graphics settings. This significantly reduces mouse lag, which should improve the tracking tenfold. However, with these changes the mouse still seems tied to FPS, so there could still be problems in FPS hungry areas. I'm looking for mods that might resolve that.

Speaking of FPS, the perception drivers are killing it for me at the moment. I think I heard somewhere before somebody saying they actually got more FPS with the drivers on, but that's very far from the case with me. I'm talking getting 70-85fps outdoors and 150+fps indoors without perception, to then having it hover about 30, often dipping far below, with the drivers enabled. FPS is squarely halved, and then kicked down something considerable beyond that. Perhaps this is to be expected, and I'm not complaining, but if this never improves I will consider creating a Skyrim install that is completely performance optimised to try and hit the 60.
Though again, I have no Rift, so I don't know how important 60FPS really is. Though we hear it being vital from many talks.

Other small tweaks to consider, and that do work, is the profile change to make perception work with Syrim Script Extender, which someone posted before in the thread. That's easy and works fine, but again complicates things for using helix 3d fixes/ENBs/other d3d9s . You can indeed use both an Xbox controller and the mouse at the same time, which is great.

Speaking of control methods, I've been looking at Hydra profiles (as that's what I intend to play Skyrim with). I may release my profile if people want it, but it's not quite done yet. I've edited the dual analogue setup to remove the motion controlled mouse on the right controller, turned off the third person mode toggle button, and replaced it with a proper sprint button.
I've disabled the button for toggling walk/run and instead bound the left stick so that if you press it gently it will make you walk, and press it all the way and you will run. I did that mainly to alleviate the feeling of suddenly jolting forward and gliding around too fast too quick when in VR. Now its more of a walk/run motion that seems more natural. It also frees up a button for sheathing/unsheathing weapons. That was originally motion controlled but was constantly being triggered at times I didnt want it. I'm intending to play Skyrim stood up, with the wires dangling from the cieling above me, to allow full 360 degree turning, and this particular motion control wouldn't work in that environment.
Jumping/sneaking tied to motion controlls are tied to lift up and down by default. These should still work fine, but I may tweak them.

Speaking of the Hydra, I did try to contact a guy who was trying to mod Hydra support into Skyrim, so that you had complete control of your weapons. But I never really got a meaningful response, and I'm not sure how far he ever got with his mod. Here, however, is a video of what he had working: ...

Lastly, I have a cursory interest in the new 3-webcam positional tracking software someone just released. Since Skyrim is so moddable, I think it may be possible for us to have it in game. That would be very cool, but I'm not going to look at that until I at least have a rift.

There's more that i've been looking at, but there you go so far guys. For what any of this is worth.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:36 pm
by Tirregius
Ardhal, thanks for the long post. ;)

I've been spending a little time on getting Skyrim looking decent for Rift and Im basically right where you are in terms of FPS and visual artifacts. Am I right to assume you are running and amd gpu? Ive got a 5850 and of course it looks to run deferred shadows regardless of the setting. Im sure this is going to affect other games out there as well, but im a little afraid that it is a result of an architectural limitation with the amd gpus. Luckily im due for an upgrade soon, although that 5850 has held up remarkably well.

With my new 3750k @ 4.2ghz and my gpu able to fly past 60 hz in Skyrim, the vireio driver brings my frame rate into the 30s and 40s. This is not where we want to be immersion wise - not because 30-40hz is all that bad for video but that the "motion to photon" time starts to scrape 75-100ms in all likelihood depending upon how everything is being handled.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:01 pm
by Ardhal
Tirregius wrote:Ardhal, thanks for the long post. ;)

I've been spending a little time on getting Skyrim looking decent for Rift and Im basically right where you are in terms of FPS and visual artifacts. Am I right to assume you are running and amd gpu? Ive got a 5850 and of course it looks to run deferred shadows regardless of the setting. Im sure this is going to affect other games out there as well, but im a little afraid that it is a result of an architectural limitation with the amd gpus. Luckily im due for an upgrade soon, although that 5850 has held up remarkably well.

With my new 3750k @ 4.2ghz and my gpu able to fly past 60 hz in Skyrim, the vireio driver brings my frame rate into the 30s and 40s. This is not where we want to be immersion wise - not because 30-40hz is all that bad for video but that the "motion to photon" time starts to scrape 75-100ms in all likelihood depending upon how everything is being handled.
Yeah I'm on AMD. Its a 7950, and I doubt I'll upgrade it any time soon :P. This is the first I've been hearing of AMD cards always running deferred shadows? That could explain why it's not working in the .ini.... My CPU is an i7 860 clocked to 3.8ghz, for reference. I will try to look into this.

This may be common knowledge already, but it looks to me like the perception drivers simply divide all the frames, giving one to the left eye, and one to the right. For example, when you load up Skyrim it plays a basic pre-rendered intro cutscene. It plays at 24fps and that's solid, it wont go up or down because you're not rendering anything.

But then when you load up perception, it exactly halves to 12fps and now there is perceptable jittering. This will happen for anything prerendered in the game and the same principle is at work during regular gameplay.

As things currently stand, you will want a Skyrim install that's giving you about 130fps, preferably 140. I don't think that's impossible on mid-high architecture, but it will mean a visual loss, doubtless.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:29 pm
by ikedude
Ardhal wrote:
Speaking of the Hydra, I did try to contact a guy who was trying to mod Hydra support into Skyrim, so that you had complete control of your weapons. But I never really got a meaningful response, and I'm not sure how far he ever got with his mod. Here, however, is a video of what he had working: ...
That's my video, still working on the Hydra integration. After playing around with the Tuscany demo I realized how fun it was to try and throw things around, so I decided to add that in. Here's a video

Getting the release point just right is really hard...

Still messing with the relative "strength" of the throws but its pretty fun to just launch shields. I accidentally threw one at myself and saw it did damage, so I went and found a mudcrab and shield-threw him to death, ha.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:37 pm
by cybereality
Wow! Nice. How did you do that?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:48 pm
by ikedude
I'm using Script Dragon which basically allows you to write C/C++ "scripts" for Skyrim.

Right now when you press the bumper for each hand it spawns the item you have equipped. It'd be cool to be able to pick up items, but getting a reference to the nearest objects isn't as easy as I'd hoped. I'm also trying to get some hand models in game but I can't figure out the 3D tools (blender, NifSkope, etc)...

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:54 pm
by Thodder7
Neil wrote:YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are working on a new driver build. I will include this in the news story.

Thats awesome!, My RIFT should arrive soon, and if someone could compile a list of the best mods needed for the rift, and the changes required in the ini, for us amatures, it would be greatly appreciated. :)

p.s. I saw a few mods listed, but I know there has been some compatibility issues, If someone has gathered the specific ones we need, that would be awesome. Can't wait to play this!

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:06 am
by shiva
ikedude wrote:I'm using Script Dragon which basically allows you to write C/C++ "scripts" for Skyrim.
Holy sh*t you can DO that??
That's seriously awesome, haven't done C++ in quite some years but that deserves to dust off the ol' programming books

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:59 am
by Ardhal
ikedude wrote:I'm using Script Dragon which basically allows you to write C/C++ "scripts" for Skyrim.

Right now when you press the bumper for each hand it spawns the item you have equipped. It'd be cool to be able to pick up items, but getting a reference to the nearest objects isn't as easy as I'd hoped. I'm also trying to get some hand models in game but I can't figure out the 3D tools (blender, NifSkope, etc)...
Surely there are some royalty free hands out there? Have a look at some online libraries, wouldn't take anywhere near as long as creating your own.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:05 am
by shiva
Just found out how to make the ENB Realvision work with Vireio, which made me the happiest gamer alive

Until this showed up 3 minutes later. I get alot of NPC & enemies half disappering on each eye, from some angle they become totally invisible (which sucks)

Disabled all shadows.
Any chance a Vireio expert would know where it comes from? I don't get this defect when playing in ENB without the driver

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:01 pm
by Ardhal
Ahh that's excellent! I read earlier in the thread daisy chaining like this doesn't work? You know, this should mean we can daisy chain the helix stuff too - using an ENB as a proxy.

As for your character halving issue - try going into your enbseries.ini at Skyrims install directory and, one by one, turning off the features your ENB offers. (set them to false, not true). DoF, Bloom, etc. Theres a chance its just a small component of your ENB that's messing things up for you. I doubt you want DoF anyway....

I'm going to try this with helix now. It was designed for NVidia 3d vision though, so I doubt it will work flawlessly. But let's see...

Also! How was your FPS with the enb enabled AND perception?

Just tested it for myself. My ENB works and I'm having the exact same problem. BUT! It seems that since the ENB renders shadows in its own way they are completely fixed. I have no problem with water or sky meshes either. Just this wierd invisible NPC issue. Uploading a video in a second. Getting about a constant 30fps outdoors.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:27 pm
by shiva
Ardhal wrote:Ahh that's excellent! I read earlier in the thread daisy chaining like this doesn't work? You know, this should mean we can daisy chain the helix stuff too - using an ENB as a proxy.
Actually, it doesn't work if what you're trying to daisy chain via the enbseries.ini is the ENB's dll
You have to let the enb's d3d9.dll load by himself as intended by the mod, then daisy chain Vireo's own d3d9.dll via the enbseries.ini. And voilà :)
I'll try your recommendations, thanks for the tip!
As for my FPS rate with Vireio and ENB enabled I'm around 20-25 (AMD radeon 7850), but for now I just want to make skyrim as beautiful as possible while still working with Vireo. When the times come I'm getting a TITAN :mrgreen:

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:30 pm
by Ardhal
shiva wrote:
Ardhal wrote:Ahh that's excellent! I read earlier in the thread daisy chaining like this doesn't work? You know, this should mean we can daisy chain the helix stuff too - using an ENB as a proxy.
Actually, it doesn't work if what you're trying to daisy chain via the enbseries.ini is the ENB's dll
You have to let the enb's d3d9.dll load by himself as intended by the mod, then daisy chain Vireo's own d3d9.dll via the enbseries.ini. And voilà :)
I'll try your recommendations, thanks for the tip!
As for my FPS rate with Vireio and ENB enabled I'm around 20-25 (AMD radeon 7850), but for now I just want to make skyrim as beautiful as possible while still working with Vireo. When the times come I'm getting a TITAN :mrgreen:
Right. Yeah, the ENB itself has to be at the top because that's the platform we're chaining other things from. Makes sense. As for upgrading your GPU, bear in mind Skyrim is very CPU bound in the first place and ENBs in particular want more CPU power than GPU. I gained almost 10fps going from a 3.6 clock to 3.8.

Anyway, heres the video for everyone wondering what the effect is like:

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:54 pm
by shiva
Ardhal wrote:
shiva wrote:
Ardhal wrote:Ahh that's excellent! I read earlier in the thread daisy chaining like this doesn't work? You know, this should mean we can daisy chain the helix stuff too - using an ENB as a proxy.
Actually, it doesn't work if what you're trying to daisy chain via the enbseries.ini is the ENB's dll
You have to let the enb's d3d9.dll load by himself as intended by the mod, then daisy chain Vireo's own d3d9.dll via the enbseries.ini. And voilà :)
I'll try your recommendations, thanks for the tip!
As for my FPS rate with Vireio and ENB enabled I'm around 20-25 (AMD radeon 7850), but for now I just want to make skyrim as beautiful as possible while still working with Vireo. When the times come I'm getting a TITAN :mrgreen:
Right. Yeah, the ENB itself has to be at the top because that's the platform we're chaining other things from. Makes sense. As for upgrading your GPU, bear in mind Skyrim is very CPU bound in the first place and ENBs in particular want more CPU power than GPU. I gained almost 10fps going from a 3.6 clock to 3.8.
Good to know, I'll try to boost my CPU and see how it goes
Also, just tried in low quality setting, I'm now around 50-55 FPS, and the best part is with the ENB +all the incredible HD mods people put together to redefine all of Skyrim's textures, it's still beautiful as hell even in lowqual. Can't wait for my damn rift to arrive :mrgreen:
We just need to figure out why NPCs and enemies go all invisible dudes on us and we've got Skyrim and ENB working in Oculus. Can't f*cking wait to try it.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:38 pm
by Ardhal
Holy hell I'm on to something. Watch this while I edit to explain this:

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:44 pm
by shiva
Found it, it's this one you have to put to false in the enbseries.ini:

Imma try and play some more to see if I find any other bugs


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:52 pm
by Ardhal
Found it, it's this one you have to put to false:


Haha, nice work! We seem to have posted at the same time - but I actually found a different fix that should let us have sunrays as well. What are your night skies like?

I was looking into people that got helix's mod (designed specifically for Nvidia 3D vision, mind you) to work with an ENB - when I came across this thread: ... 3&start=20

Turns out - if you set forcefakevideocard=true in the fixes section, it resolves our little issue! I'm not seeing an FPS hit with it either. I just posted a video showing off the effect above, and you can see the age old sky issue crops up with the moon - but that should be a simple fix by either getting the fixed meshes or daisy chaining helix.

How are your skies looking? Any wierd artefacts at all?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:07 pm
by shiva
Ardhal wrote:
Found it, it's this one you have to put to false:

Haha, nice work! We seem to have posted at the same time - but I actually found a different fix that should let us have sunrays as well. What are your night skies like?

I was looking into people that got helix's mod (designed specifically for Nvidia 3D vision, mind you) to work with an ENB - when I came across this thread: ... 3&start=20

Turns out - if you set forcefakevideocard=true in the fixes section, it resolves our little issue! I'm not seeing an FPS hit with it either. I just posted a video showing off the effect above, and you can see the age old sky issue crops up with the moon - but that should be a simple fix by either getting the fixed meshes or daisy chaining helix.

How are your skies looking? Any wierd artefacts at all?
Well done my friend! So there's actually two ways to fix this? that's interesting, I don't know much about Helix, I'm gonna check it out!
Btw what's that sweet command you used to get the whole night/climate cycle going? :mrgreen:
My nights are pretty awesome ^^ no moon bug for me but I think that's because I use a different mod (Bryce Nebula - Heliotrope)

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:15 pm
by Ardhal
Disabling godrays definitley seems like the better fix. I'm not convinced the fake video card fix is the optimal way to go. It might be even lowering FPS after all, and the more I read about it the more sketchy it looks. My sun actually looks a bit better without godrays anyway, and it means more FPS! So I'll stick with that I think.
All that said, if you desperatley want godrays/sunrays - know that fakevideocard is an option.

As for helix? I think we can ignore it completely. I've been doing some reading and, honestly, it was designed for NVidia 3d Vision users and it looks to be causing a lot of issues for people trying with other drivers, like us.

For clarification:

Before Skyrim 1.6 (current is 1.9) shadows were broken in stereo. Thats when the helix mod was created, which was its own d3d9 that fixed those problems. Later it was updated to fix the sky and water issues in skyrim too. Even later still this appeared on the nexus: Which combined all of that stuff AND added an impressive UI component, intergrating the interface into the 3D really nicely.

However, when Skyrim 1.6 Launched bethesda fixed the 3D issues themselves - that's what bdeferredshadows is. It was an optional setting they added to the .ini. So helix became kind of rendundant. (I personally found bdeferred shadows didn't fix anything, but having it set to 1 and also using an ENB, for whatever reason, has fixed everything up nicely. It's possible the ENB is doing by default what helix once did, I'm not sure).

So yeah, just leave it I think. I am interested in the UI bit so I may look into it but for now, meh. Hopefully that clears everything up.

Oh and the console command is ''set timescale to X''. The bigger the number, the faster it goes. You can see me using a value of 5,000 in the videos. ^^

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:29 pm
by spire8989
Sounds like we need another summary of things in Skyrim that need to be fixed and what we have working...

Haven't heard anything about the UI since the safe zone variables posted above, looks like ENB is fixing a lot of the other issues, but I don't have my rift yet, so hopefully one of you guys can give a better summary.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:55 pm
by Ardhal
I can only say so much, I don't even have my rift yet. That said, I'm 99% sure the UI solution I posted earlier is enough. If it isn't, its just a matter of making the numbers bigger.

Now that shiva and I have figured out how to make the enbs work with perception, that seems to have fixed everything in terms of buggy graphics, except, i'm assuming, roll. i.e when you tilt your head, it causes shadows to act wierdly. But I can't test that myself.

Everything beyond that, frankly, is quality of life improvements. Head bob, removing 3rd person animations, movement speed, player height, good control schemes, etc. All of that stuff isn't really 'developing' its just cherry picking mods already out there for a great experience.

I would like to see a higher FPS when using this driver, but that's beyond my reach.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:00 pm
by cybereality
Nice work, guys.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:58 pm
by VadersApp
Hi Guys,

forcefakevideocard=1 in enb.ini and deferredshadows=1 skyrim_prefs.ini disables best of enb´s effects. BUT it does fix shadows. I think most of the new effects are based on deferred rendering.
ALL new effects like Reflections and his own Grass shadows work fine in 3d if deferred rendering is on. Only Skyrims own shadows are at screen depth or jumping around.

Boris and i worked together to fix the 3d vision anomalies a year ago. Boris has added a special folder in which shaders can be put the overwrites the standard shader.

Because he has no stereoscopic equipment his interest in doing 3d fixes wasn´t so high as for adding features. Maybe someone with a lot of shader knowledge can add more/better fixes?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:57 pm
by Teluan
What an amazing thread to read. Internet collaboration at it's finest!

Thank you for taking the time to share your discoveries!


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:36 am
by VadersApp
Seems that checkerboard shader is broken if enb is enabled. Tried other modes they do work, but checkerboard has no seperation.
In latest beta build modes are not correctly assigned so i edited the config file to use mode 60 (checkerboard) verified that it is used by exchanging shader code with side2side code.

It would be awesome if one of the devs would fix the checkerboard shader with enb active.