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Re: Our Project

Post by Krenzo »

Oh right, so what positioning system were you planning on using for the skeletal tracking?
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Re: Our Project

Post by Chriky »

They don't want to talk about the skeletal tracking at the moment. So perhaps they either misspoke about the ability, underestimated some problems with scaling it, or are deciding whether to explain how its going to work or keep it secret and build a better demo for when they relaunch. I have to admit they probably misrepresented its abilities, and I'll assume good faith and assume it was unintentional.

They obviously regret a few things about how they presented the project and the tech first time around so lets give them a chance to take the feedback on board and come back with a better pitch video.


I didn't really give a response worthy of how much time and effort you guys had put it before, so let me just add a few thoughts that other people haven't mentioned.

Firstly, split the pitch video into two. Either two very obviously distinct sections or two actual videos.

The first should be the "dream" pitch. This should purely describe the experience that the players will get at the facility. Using renders and in game footage, describe the players turning up, logging in to their account, putting on the gear and stepping in the game. Give some stats in terms of cost (for users and you guys), time scales, user numbers, profit etc. This is important - MAKE THIS BIT MORE SPECIFIC. It really, really looks crap saying "we can take you anywhere; a desert island, a skyscraper...". Go and watch 20 good game trailers. The gist of all of them is; "We will let you experience THIS". They give an detailed singular impression. Pick a location, pick a theme set it in stone and then design a game experience in it.

Secondly, make a video that purely demonstrates the tech. Watch for reference, tech demonstration videos such as the original UE3 and Source demos, and stuff like Havok and NaturalMotion. Be aware that people will be very sceptical. Be very honest about both the impressive parts and the limitations of your solutions. The best example I can think of of this is Carmack demoing the Rift. He talks at length about how the resolution is quite low, the tracking is orientation only etc and then when he flips it and says "so, all in all this is the best VR experience available" you really believe him.
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Re: Our Project

Post by mahler »

Chriky wrote:They don't want to talk about the skeletal tracking at the moment. So perhaps they either misspoke about the ability, underestimated some problems with scaling it, or are deciding whether to explain how its going to work or keep it secret and build a better demo for when they relaunch. I have to admit they probably misrepresented its abilities, and I'll assume good faith and assume it was unintentional.

They obviously regret a few things about how they presented the project and the tech first time around so lets give them a chance to take the feedback on board and come back with a better pitch video. [...]
So the Yost Engineering company has released a video with some more details about skeletal tracking


See this topic: http://www.mtbs3d.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=15564
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Re: Our Project

Post by jestersdream »

The YEI 3-Space demo looks awesome, though it doesn't really seem very accurate as far as positioning is concerned. I started on working on a similar concept a few years back, but back then the technical difficulties were much to large. It seems like we are getting closer. Me and a few fellow students had the exact same idea of creating a "virtual overlay" in a laser-gaming environment. Back then the Xsens was the most impressive realtime wireless mocap I had seen but was way too expensive (around 50k a suit). We would use this together with a Cybermind HMD. We had contact with both companies and they were willing to work with us. Finally the technical hurdles just seemed to big, so we quit. I still think the idea has a future, but the tech will have to get much cheaper and more accurate. I hope your project goes well. I think a good proof of concept and full technical demo will help you with getting investors.
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