ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by asdfghj »

thanks i didnt ask that .i know hmd. i used before but i dint try 3d gaming and 3d videos. so i am asking how this device can give 3d effect without any extra unit(eg; red cyan glasses...) if it can .
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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by zalo »

He did a good job of explaining it so I'll just reiterate: Yes, the 3D works without any extra peripherals. You only need to be wearing the HMD.
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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by RiftCraver »

(Granted, I'm late to the party – the last reply was back in July –, still, it'd be great if the people who've contributed here so far could give me their perspective on it all. By the way, I'd mostly use the ST1080 for watching Blu-ray Discs, 2D and 3D.)

A few days ago, I had the following back-and-forth with that Game[s] Veda character (whose various "reviews" have been mentioned all throughout this thread) in the comments section for one of his YouTube videos before he blocked me and deleted everything:


I don't get it: Why is EVERYBODY else complaining about grey-for-black and, much more importantly, heavy light-bleeding AND, worst, blurriness in about 20% to 30% of the whole screen area (not just the corners; those users not only dispute your "razor-sharp text" claim, but write text can't be read AT ALL along the top section)? YOU NEVER ADDRESS THOSE POINTS in your "reviews". Also, why on earth would you not use the light blockers for watching BDs and gaming?


everybody is not complaining , only the people who are complaining are complaining. I do not see grey for black or the other issues you mention,I have used 4 ST1080s for 5 months . The ST1080 is not simply a device for watching bluray or gaming it is the first hmd you can actually use, with the ST1080 you can sit on a plane see your background and watch your film ,play your game or do your work looking through to monitors behind the transparent monitor that is the ST1080 all in a 180g device.


So, you're gonna tell me that it feels like sitting in a pitch-black theater, without an irregularly shining greyish border around the image? (i.e., accoding to you, it's not looking like this video:, combined with the kind of bleeding better visible here: I don't care if in-screen blacks aren't truly black, but a light-grey border around a spottily bleeding screen would be an atrocious sight.

And that everything (= the WHOLE screen) on every* unit was "razor-sharp"?

By the way, why would one need FOUR of those? It's not like you could use more than one at the same time... If they REALLY are so faultless as you claim, I'd gladly buy one from you. How about it?


the only thing that feels like sitting in a pitch black theatre is sitting in a pitch black theatre. I do not see the grey border you talk of .You can not compare LCDs to HMDS they are totally different beasts. Neither the HMZT1 or the ST1080 show spotty bleeding that LCDs often do, I know I have a Dell 30 incher too.What you will have to consider though is your source and how it generates black and fills those pixels.Portability+freedom from my face frying 30 inch LCDS is a major draw for me


I won't be selling mine till the 4k version comes out next year. Four units for four people , 2 used for testing with the lightblocker two used for transparent testing , across the iPad , Xbox 360 , PS3 , i7 laptops , gaming desktops doors ... out doors and to compare build and picture quality.. I had 3 HMZT1s too ..


Thanks for your replies. This whole thing still puzzles me. You well know there are dozens of reviews and forum threads out there that completely contradict what you say (and even people disliking the HMZ-T1 say that it's vastly superior to the ST1080 in every respect, except for a light grid that's perceptible on the former). Even the makers THEMSELVES seem to disagree with you by admitting QC and design issues and having begun to differentiate between individual batches for the same product.


Another area where you seem to stand alone: Others claim there's VIRTUALLY NO pop-out during 3D movie playback (to the degree that they went to check the BD player settings, as they thought they were looking at a 2D image; they seldomly speak about depth, though, which I consider more important for a stereoscopic experience) and certainly [except when it comes to ghosting] no match for dedicated TVs, while you say it's great and pronounced.


By the way: The premise for your assessment of the Oculus Rift is wrong: its developer says they're aiming for 1080p+ for the consumer version. Not sure, though, if a reduction of FOV will be possible for movie playback.


I'd really like to buy an ST1080, especially for the resolution, but what good would that be if up to a third of the picture was blurred? Add to that asserted spotty bleeding and a greyish hazy border, and you really got something very bad. So are you able to say to me with a straight face, "Go ahead, order, as while the in-screen blacks and contrast aren't great, there's no blur in any part of the image, there's no light bleeding, there's no milky border around the image, and the 3D is decent"?
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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by brantlew »

You referenced my review a few times. I'll just say that my opinion hasn't changed much of the device since that review. The controller box has become a really annoying piece of equipment that I have to deal with (loose connectors, too big, plugs on different sides) but other than that, it works wonderfully for my mobile VR setup and the light bleed doesn't ruin the experience for me. But I have a hard time suggesting it for non-portable movie use.
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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by Comgenie »

Got a PM from RiftCraver referring me to here. So time for my opinion after having the st1080 a few months now :).

* The light bleeding is a fact. At least at the very first units shipped (Mine was in the first batch). It is disturbing with dark scenes but for regular movies you won't really notice it.
* I've got lucky with the blurryness. Maybe its different for each person or each unit. The text is clearly visible for me all around the screen. Only the corners are a bit blurry.
* Personally I never remove the lightblockers. I did just to try it out but after that, never removed them again. So I don't know how good it will work for movies and such.
* There is a black/gray border around the image. But the border is not lighter than any black content displayed on the screen. I don't even notice it anymore when watching movies.
* The 3d effect is there, not really pop-out but still 3d content is good. It just depends on the source, some movies are not that great and most players require some adjusting of the 3d strength. But it is there and it is good. Playing around with those settings will get you far (and dizzy, sometimes if you increased the 3d strength too much :P). Ofcourse this is just an opinion from me. I personally prefer the natural 3d look and not the overdone 3d effects with stuff flying to your face. It's anoying :P.
* The FOV is nice, but not as much as a big cinema. For me it does not really feel like you're inside a game. More like looking at a big screen where you play your game on.
* I've used the ST1080 mostly for 3d movies and mostly at home. Tried using it while traveling but the cable-mess was annoying. (My mobile + htc hdmi adapter + st1080 controller unit + battery unit + st1080 + 4 cables in between)
* NVidia recently added support for the ST1080. Almost all pc games can be played in 3d (if you have the right nvidia hardware + 3dtv play). I really started using the st1080 more after that :).

My honest opinion about your purchase:
It is a fun device. Order it when you can easily afford it. There are shortcommings and it somehow feels like a beta product. Maybe you'll get disappointed if you expect too much out of it. Although it is one of the better 3d devices out there, it is clearly not the magic product everyone is waiting for. If you can live by that it's nice to have. Otherwise, spend your money on something else you really want ;).
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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by brantlew »

One last thing. Even though I have blurred corners it really is a non-issue for gaming and movies. It's only when you try desktop usage at 1080 that the focus is a factor.
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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by RiftCraver »

Hey, thanks, guys. I hope you didn't feel pestered that I PMed you (and a few others who participated here). I'm very thankful for your not only technical but also usage-centric and, above all, honest and therefore helpful assessments (I seriously don't know what to make of that Game[s] Veda guy – overenthusiastic? Easily satisfied? Uninformed? Propagandist plant? Lucky recipient of the perfect unit?...).

Also, it's good to hear that there really seem to be units out there that don't suffer from heavy blurring, and that even for those that do, it isn't much of an issue when watching movies.

One more thing: you can't really calibrate that thing, can you? If not, do you think colors and contrast are somewhat close to conforming to the standards for Blu-ray Discs? In practical terms, do flesh tones look about right (no pink or orange skin?), and, while there's no real black, is there clear delineation / differentiation of objects within dark scenes, or do things get swallowed up in an indistinguishable mash of dark grey so that you can't really make out what's happening on-screen?
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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by WiredEarp »

@ RiftCraver:

I think if you want to use a ST1080 to play Bluray movies, you might be better off with a HMZ-T1/2, simply because they have awesome OLED screens. I was very impressed by the picture quality of them.
I'd assume that the ST1080 would be more washed out and have greys rather than blacks, simply due to the display tech not being as good as OLED. Of course, then you are limited to 720P resolution
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Re: ST1080 Update: First Shipments arrive in May!

Post by brantlew »

I agree with WiredEarp. If this is strictly for movie watching, then get the Sony because the extra resolution on the ST1080 is not going to make that much difference. I switch to 720 about half the time on my ST1080 anyway just because it makes games go faster and text easier to read.
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