Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V3.60] - CONFIG TOOL INCLUDED

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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Shift-E »

awesome job Losti improving on the universal fix (and everyone else that helped), these are so useful to anyone interested in indies or more obscure AA/AAA titles.

I was wondering if there was a way to disable a dot reticle in the center of the screen if I knew the VS or PS shader? I know I need to edit the shader itself, but is it different for every UE4 game or is there a string I can search for and edit it? I can't disable the whole shader unfortunately as it removes other HUD info that is necessary. If its unique for each UE4 game, then don't worry about it - I was just curious if there was a common pattern to look for.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

Tried Operencia with the new UE4 UF2 and absolutely perfect 3d, at least until the water dungeon which had some minor wrong shadows here and there with the previous fix, fantastic job Losti and co.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

Do you have used just the uv2 or my fix from the Blog that is based on ? But without auto convergence i think.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

I've used this: UNREAL_Engine_4_UNIVERSAL-FIX_2_V1.14

With this fix Operancia is perfect in the first and second level (village and water dungeon), not a single issue. It shows as operencia fix on the green overlay from 3d vision, even though I used the universal fix.

The previous fix ( ... n-fix.html ) worked great but had a few minor shadow issues, particularly on the water dungeon and the forest level, but it was almost perfect so I didn't care to report about it since you were pretty busy with other stuff.

So I suggest that you could update the old operancia blog post with a link to the UE4 UF2 fix, since it works so well.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

AHH OK the UE4 UV2 1.14 is perfect and the currrent blog fix is a bi broken, now i understand.

I dont know why because its based on the UE4 UV2 V 1.0 and there where no real changes for shaders .... but may be i cant remember. Good to know ill update the blog soon, thanky for reporting!

I think ill make a mixture and check the things again for a auto corrrected HUD in the menues. Can you give me a savegame for the level thats broken with current blog fix?
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

Shift-E wrote:awesome job Losti improving on the universal fix (and everyone else that helped), these are so useful to anyone interested in indies or more obscure AA/AAA titles.

I was wondering if there was a way to disable a dot reticle in the center of the screen if I knew the VS or PS shader? I know I need to edit the shader itself, but is it different for every UE4 game or is there a string I can search for and edit it? I can't disable the whole shader unfortunately as it removes other HUD info that is necessary. If its unique for each UE4 game, then don't worry about it - I was just curious if there was a common pattern to look for.
If there is no unique shader for crosshair/reticle you have to identify the texture and its hash that draws it and do a texture override and some changes in the ini and the shader itselfe. Ill guide you how to do this...FIRST OF ALL how to add DEPTH to a shader that is not present in the fix:

Guide on how to add depth to HUD elements that are not included in a fix

I will describe here how you add depth to HUD / UI elements. It is important for you to know that this does not only work for UE4 games, but other engines may need further corrections if the effect is already at a certain depth, for example. This tutorial therefore only works properly if it is an effect that is at screen depth. In many cases, a sahder doesn't just render a HUD / UI element. It may happen that despite a static depth, some elements that the shader renders appear more or less deep than others. This is often the case for UE4, so you have to live with it because everything else can be very time-consuming or impossible. However, the difference is often small, unless you use very high depths over 50%, because it can be annoying.

0. Exit the game
make sure the game is not started

1. Enable shader Hunting for 3D-Migoto
3D-Migoto is the tool on which all DX11 fixes are based and is set up with every fix you install. ShaderHunting is the basis for the identification of shaders, which are responsible for the rendering of effects. The shader in question is identified during shader hunting. In the case of HUD / UI shaders, this is ALWAYS a vertex shader (at least in 99% of cases). But you should know that a HUD / UI VertexShader also has a PixelShader. It is therefore important that you always search for the vertex shader for the hunting of UI shaders for UE4, and not for the PixelShader. With UE4 and many other games, the PixelShader only controls the display, colors, effects etc. The depth is "set" via the VertexShader.

2. Activate Shader Hunting

To activate ShaderHunting, open d3dx.ini in the directory by installing the fix. Open d3dx.ini in a txt editor and search for "hunting = 0" (without "") in the file and changes this line to hunting = 1
save the file
Start the game.

3. Shader Hunting
In order modify a shader, the so-called hash must first be identified and the shader has to be saved. Hash = A sequence of numbers and letters that is unique for each shader. Get to the point in the game where you can see the HUD/UI element you want to change in depth. Use the NUMPAD5 button to cycle through the vertex shaders until the HUD/UI effect disappears. Often you miss this and the effect comes back to when the next one is switched through. You can switch off the previously switched off vertex shader with the NUMPAD4 key. If you have identified the vertex shader and turned it off, then you have the hash of the shader in the upper left corner and the effect is not present anymore. NOTE: Often more HUD/UI elements will be disabled not only a single one. To apply depth to special textures/elements, please read the next tutorial after you have finished this one!

Save the vertex shader by pressing the NUMPAD6 key. You will get a green message that the shader is saved. NOTE: If there is a orange message that the shader compiling was wrong, and the shader was saved as ASM, you need a fix in ASM language (not HLSL). I do not have seen this in UE4 games, so i will skipp the ASM fix part here! Open the directory in which you have installed the game fix. Enter ShaderFixes folder here and sort by latest. Your just saved shader should be appear at the top. It should be called like this: 4570126e312f169d7-vs_replace.txt. "_replace.txt" indicates that the shader is saved in HLSL language. If you have a shader that is called "-vs.txt", its ASM. Than you CANT use this tutorial for fix it!

4. Modify Hunted Shader
Open the "-vs_replace.txt" just saved in a txt-editor, preferabely with HLSL language synthax. I am using Sublime Text and this plugin: (please do not ask me how to install, its done for me by my brother ^^

You need to add the decalartions for the AUTO-DEPTH now, that this shader behaves like the rest of the present shaders using AUTO-DEPTH Hud by UE4 UV2. NOTE: This is only working for UE4!!! This will NOT work for any other game engine!! NOTE2: This declarations often be written in a custom shader like crosshair.hlsl. I for one add this for any shader separately to be able to modify it individual, that could be usefull for crosshair related shaders.

NOTE3: If you want to apply static depth to a shader that is NOT UE4 (e.g. for another game not using UE4-Engine) siply skip this step!!!

Search for this lines in the shader:

Code: Select all

// 3Dmigoto declarations
#define cmp -
Texture1D<float4> IniParams : register(t120);
Texture2D<float4> StereoParams : register(t125);
COMPLETELY replace this 4 lines by this lines:

Code: Select all

///////////////////////////////////HUDFIX AUTODEPTH///////////////////////////////////
// 3Dmigoto declarations
#define cmp -
Texture1D<float4> IniParams : register(t120);
Texture2D<float4> StereoParams : register(t125);

// Depth buffer copied to this input with 3Dmigoto:
Texture2D<float> DepthBuffer : register(t110);

//define 70 matrices copied from CB1 from light shader to CB13
//used for auto depth crosshair with universal formula for UE4 by DJ_RK
cbuffer camera : register(b13)
    float4 cb1[70];

static const float near = 0.00001;
static const float far = 1;

float world_z_from_depth_buffer(float x, float y)
    uint width, height;
    float z;
    float4 r0;
    DepthBuffer.GetDimensions(width, height);

    x = min(max((x / 2 + 0.5) * width, 0), width - 1);
    y = min(max((-y / 2 + 0.5) * height, 0), height - 1);
    z = DepthBuffer.Load(int3(x, y, 0)).x;
    if (z == 1)
        return 0;

//skip original formula for autodepth calc and replace with DJ_RKs universal Depth calculation formula for UE4 Games.
//return (far*near/((z)*near) + (far*z));
//let the shader find the right matrix

{ = cb1[51].xz * float2(z,z);
  r0.z = cb1[51].y + r0.z;
  r0.w = -cb1[51].w + r0.w;
{ = cb1[53].xz * float2(z,z);
  r0.z = cb1[53].y + r0.z;
  r0.w = -cb1[53].w + r0.w;
{ = cb1[57].xz * float2(z,z);
  r0.z = cb1[57].y + r0.z;
  r0.w = -cb1[57].w + r0.w;
{ = cb1[61].xz * float2(z,z);
  r0.z = cb1[61].y + r0.z;
  r0.w = -cb1[61].w + r0.w;
{ = cb1[65].xz * float2(z,z);
  r0.z = cb1[65].y + r0.z;
  r0.w = -cb1[65].w + r0.w;

  r0.w = 1 / r0.w;
  r0.z = r0.z + r0.w; 
  return r0.z;

float adjust_from_depth_buffer(float x, float y, float numsamples)
    float4 stereo = StereoParams.Load(0);
  if (stereo.x==0) {return 0;}
    float separation = stereo.x; float convergence = stereo.y;
    float4 CrosshairDepth2 = IniParams.Load(int2(27,0));
    float old_offset, offset, w, sampled_w, distance;
    uint i;

    // Stereo cursor: To improve the accuracy of the stereo cursor, we
    // sample a number of points on the depth buffer, starting at the near
    // clipping plane and working towards original x + separation.
    // You can think of this as a line in three dimensional space that
    // starts at each eye and stretches out towards infinity. We sample 255
    // points along this line (evenly spaced in the X axis) and compare
    // with the depth buffer to find where the line is first intersected.
    // Note: The reason for sampling 255 points came from a restriction in
    // DX9/SM3 where loops had to run a constant number of iterations and
    // there was no way to set that number from within the shader itself.
    // I'm not sure if the same restriction applies in DX11 with SM4/5 - if
    // it doesn't, we could change this to check each pixel instead for
    // better accuracy.
    // Based on DarkStarSword's stereo crosshair code originally developed
    // for Miasmata, adapted to Unity, then translated to HLSL.

    offset = (near - convergence) * separation; // Z = X offset from center
    distance = separation - offset;         // Total distance to cover (separation - starting X offset)

    old_offset = offset;
    for (i = 0; i < numsamples; i++) {
        offset += distance / numsamples;

        // Calculate depth for this point on the line:
        w = (separation * convergence) / (separation - offset);

        sampled_w = world_z_from_depth_buffer(x + offset, y);
        if (sampled_w == 0)
            return separation;

        // If the sampled depth is closer than the calculated depth,
        // we have found something that intersects the line, so exit
        // the loop and return the last point that was not intersected:
        if (w > sampled_w)

        old_offset = offset;

    return old_offset;

/////////////HUD FIX END declarations ///////////////
Now you have to identify the output shader for which the depth correction is to be applied. That is very easy. Just search for "void main" (without ""), here you can see all input and output registers listed below each other. Depending on the shader, the list can be longer or shorter.


Code: Select all

void main(
  float4 v0 : ATTRIBUTE0,
  float2 v1 : ATTRIBUTE1,
  float2 v2 : ATTRIBUTE2,
  float2 v3 : ATTRIBUTE3,
  float4 v4 : ATTRIBUTE4,
  float4 v5 : ATTRIBUTE5,
  uint2 v6 : ATTRIBUTE6,
  out float4 o0 : SV_POSITION0,
  out float4 o1 : COLOR0,
  out float4 o2 : ORIGINAL_POSITION0,
  out float4 o3 : TEXCOORD0,
  out float4 o4 : TEXCOORD1,
  out float4 o5 : TEXCOORD2,
  out float4 o6 : TEXCOORD3,
  out float4 o7 : TEXCOORD4,
  out float4 o8 : TEXCOORD5,
  out float4 o9 : TEXCOORD6,
  out float4 o10 : TEXCOORD7,
  out float4 o11 : TEXCOORD8,
  out float4 o12 : TEXCOORD9)

Code: Select all

void main(
  float4 v0 : ATTRIBUTE2,
  float4 v1 : ATTRIBUTE3,
  float4 v2 : ATTRIBUTE0,
  out float4 o0 : ATTRIBUTE2,
  out float4 o1 : ATTRIBUTE3,
  out float4 o2 : ATTRIBUTE4,
  out float4 o3 : ATTRIBUTE5,
  out float4 o4 : SV_Position0)
And here in the examples you can also see that there can be differences regarding the output shader that is responsible for rendering the position. This is important for correcting the correct shader later. The output register which is responsible for the shader position can be recognized by the following lettering "SV_Position0". In the first example, this is "o0" (Line: out float4 o0 : SV_POSITION0). In example two this is "o4" (Line: out float4 o4 : SV_Position0). Please note the register name for later!

Next you have to initialize the stereo parameters, as well as the parameters for the constant ones. This is also easy. There are also several variables defined that you can use for individual adjustments of the depth. But more on that later. Just look for the line "float4 fDest;" (without ""). After this line there is an empty line before further instructions appear in the shader. Click in this blank line and insert the following here:

Code: Select all

float4 stereo = StereoParams.Load(0);
float4 tex_filter = IniParams.Load(int2(2,0));
float4 HudDepth = IniParams.Load(int2(20,0));
float4 CrosshairDepth = IniParams.Load(int2(21,0));
float4 AutoDepthSwith = IniParams.Load(int2(22,0));
float4 MenuIndicator = IniParams.Load(int2(23,0));
float4 AimIndicator = IniParams.Load(int2(24,0));
float4 InventoryMenuIndicator = IniParams.Load(int2(25,0));
float4 LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth = IniParams.Load(int2(13,0));
float4 RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth = IniParams.Load(int2(14,0));
float4 UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth = IniParams.Load(int2(15,0));
float4 LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth = IniParams.Load(int2(16,0));
NOTE: Just an Information for you:

float4 stereo = StereoParams.Load (0); initializes the stereo parameters. From now on, the variable "stereo" can be used in the shader. This is divided into 4 "sub-variables"

stereo.x ... separation
stereo.y ... convergence
stereo.z ... eye
stereo.w ... free, not used

float4 HudDepth = IniParams.Load(int2(20,0)); loads the values of d3dx.ini that were set for x20 into the variable HudDepth.x
float4 InventoryMenuIndicator = IniParams.Load(int2(25,0)); loads the values of d3dx.ini that were set for x25 into the variable InventoryMenuIndicator .x
and so on.

What name you use for for example "InventoryMenuIndicator" ... is up to you. You only need to use the name with a .x later in the shader.

Now you just have to enter something at the end of the shader to adapt it to the depth behavior of the HUD / UI shaders of the UE4-UV2. Please search for "return;" (without""). This can be found at the end of the HLSL shader and before the commented out ASM shader code. BEFORE this line you add the following, but NOTE:

This is the example for the case that the output register (you have identified in step 8 here above) is o4. If your output register is o0, you need to change all the o4 in the following code to o0. OR If your output register is o2, you need to change all the o4 in the following code to o2....and so on. For o4 in the following forumla please use the correct output register name (see Step 8). DO NOT MISS ANY OF IT!!! its writen more than one time as you can see!

NOTE: Some AutoDepth HUD crosshair/HUD Elements may needs a higher value in the line "o4.x+=adjust_from_depth_buffer(0,0,5000*1)*o4.w;" than 5000 if you use very high convergence vales (often its convergence approximately beeing > 400). You will notice this if the crosshair or the HUD Element that have auto depth is much too fare away from the object and pops extense out of the screen. Than raise this value to 10000 or 15000 and max 20000. The higher the value the higher the performance impact, so don't use too high vales here! Only use this if you have problems and AutoDepth not beeing cool indepth.

Code: Select all

  if(LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x = LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x = RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x = UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x = LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
if(o4.y > -LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x && o4.y < UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x && o4.x > -LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x && o4.x < RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x)

NOTE: In case you just want to add static depth, without AutiDepth (for other games ... remember you have skipped Step 7 here) just add this, NOTHING MORE!

Code: Select all

==> HUD Depth is controlled by HudDepth.x variable that is defined before and refers to x20 in the ini file. If HudDepth.x (means x20) = 1.0 its 100 % depth (FullDepth) ... 0.5 means 50 % depth ... and so on. Means if you set x20 = 0.5 in the ini, e.g. for a key, the depth of the HUD/UI element will be 50 % off from screen in depth. If you use negative values, it pops out of the screen.

5. Add shader to d3dx.ini and aplly fix

Save the shader in your txt editor

open d3dx.ini

scroll down to the end of the file

add this at the end of the d3dx.ini, please use as hash the hash form the shader you just have edited!

Code: Select all

vs-t110 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\DepthBuffer
vs-cb13 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\_gGlobalParam
;set disable_scissor = 0 if your health or stamina or whatever bars are not moving, NOTE: HUD should be near screen depth than to avoid clipping!
disable_scissor = 1
;analyse_options = dump_tex mono stereo dds
;checktextureoverride = ps-t0
NOTE1: for "NUMBER1" in the line [ShaderOverride_AutoDepthHUD-NUMBER1] please use any name, number or whatever you want, but do not use something thats present in the ini. Means the save way is to use [ShaderOverride_AutoDepthHUD-NUMBER1] or [ShaderOverride_AutoDepthHUD-NUMBER2] or [ShaderOverride_AutoDepthHUD-NUMBER3] ... and so on. Please note that ANY new shader you add needs a unique name for the line [ShaderOverride_AutoDepthHUD-NUMBER1] but DO NOT CHANGE this: [ShaderOverride....]. For "...." you can use whatever you want.... BUT ONLY ON TIMES IN THE INI !!!

NOTE2: For any other game or fix than the UE4-UV2 please DO NOT ADD this lines:

Code: Select all

vs-t110 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\DepthBuffer
vs-cb13 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\_gGlobalParam
save d3dx.ini

Press F10 in the game or restart it

The HUD/UI elements that was @ screen depth should now follow the depth of the rest of the HUD/UI that is in depth and should react to auto convergence and/or HUD/UI depth changes using "/" Key.

set hunting=1 in d3dx.ini to 0 if everything is cool, press F10 or start or restart the game and enjoy the game ^^
Last edited by Losti on Sun Feb 16, 2020 1:01 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Golden Eyed Wiseman! (or woman!)
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

If there is no unique shader for crosshair/reticle you have to identify the texture and its hash that draws it and do a texture override and some changes in the ini and the shader itselfe. Ill guide you how to do this...

Guide on how to get access to specific textures to fix its depth / use another depth / disable it

1. Is the shader fixed general in depth??
If the HUD/UI effect is in depth but you need to modify a speciffic part of it like the crosshair, you can continue here. The effect or texture that you want to move to a different depth must already be in the depth if you have used a HUD depth. Otherwise, the shader is generally not yet adjusted in depth. The UE4-UV2 has over 20 Hud shaders that are already customized for you, so that you have given everything you need to change certain elements (textures) of the shader individually. If the effect is not in depth, you must first identify the shader and give it a general depth, since it apparently is not yet included in the universalfix. Please read this tutorial: ... 88#p167688 to learn how to do it.

2. Install GIMP 2 with DDS plugin
You need GIMP to view the DDS files from frame analysis of 3D-Migoto:

Download GIMP2 and install it: ... etup-3.exe

Download GIMP2 DDS Plugin and install it: ...
(Copy the content of the archive to the GIMP2 plugin folder, e.g. here: c:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins

3. Identify shader carrying the texture you like to modify

Make sure the game is not runing! Open d3dx.ini and set hunting=1, the frame analysis is automatically enabled but only in Hunting-Mode!

Start the game and hunt the VS-shaders until the texture or element you like to modify dissapears. Use the NUMPAD5 button to cycle through the vertex shaders until the HUD/UI effect disappears. Often you miss this and the effect comes back to when the next one is switched through. You can switch off the previously switched off vertex shader with the NUMPAD4 key. If you have identified the vertex shader and turned it off, then you have the hash of the shader in the upper left corner and the effect is not present anymore. NOTE: Often more HUD/UI elements will be disabled not only a single one.

Save the vertex shader by pressing the NUMPAD6 key, this is the easiest way to copy its hash. You will get a green message that the shader is saved. ALT+TAB out of the game and open the directory in which you have installed the game fix. Enter ShaderFixes folder here and sort by latest. Your just saved shader should be appear at the top. Copy its hash (e.g. 4570126e312f169d7)

In d3dx.ini scoll down to this line:

Code: Select all

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AUTO DEPTH HUD SHADERS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
This is the section for the HUD-Shader-Overrides. Here you can find all HUD-Sahder that have already been adjusted for you with the installation of the UE4-UV2. If you have fixed a shader yourself, then at the end of the d3dx.ini you added lines similar to those you can see in this section. Now search your shader you just have identified carrying the texture you want to modify in depth. Now you can see thomething like this:

Code: Select all

vs-t110 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\DepthBuffer
vs-cb13 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\_gGlobalParam
;set disable_scissor = 0 if your health or stamina or whatever bars are not moving, NOTE: HUD should be near screen depth than to avoid clipping!
disable_scissor = 1
;analyse_options = dump_tex mono stereo dds
;checktextureoverride = ps-t0
uncomment the analyse_options by removing the ; infront of the line:

Code: Select all

vs-t110 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\DepthBuffer
vs-cb13 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\_gGlobalParam
;set disable_scissor = 0 if your health or stamina or whatever bars are not moving, NOTE: HUD should be near screen depth than to avoid clipping!
disable_scissor = 1
analyse_options = dump_tex mono stereo dds
;checktextureoverride = ps-t0
4. Use Frame Analysis
Reenter the game. In order to use the frame analysis, you have to press F8 when the hunting mode is activated in the game if you can see the texture or the effect that you want to change in depth. If you don’t see the effect or texture, it’s usually not saved. MAKE SURE THE EFFECT IS VISABLE, MEANS THE SHADER IS NOT DISABLED BY HUNTING, just jump to another shader (NUMPAD4 or 5) that you can see the effect! Press F8 now !! ==> In dependency of the shader and the game it can take up to 1 min !! When frame analysis saves are done, you will get a green message at the top of the screen that tells you that the frame analysis things are saved in a folder.

5. Search Texture-Hash with GIMP 2
ALT+TAB out of the game and open GIMP2. Navigate to the frame analysis folder that just was created and enter deduped folder here, is an example:
E:\Games\The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan\SMG019\Binaries\Win64\FrameAnalysis-2020-01-04-125202\deduped

Sort the files here by SIZE, starting with the lowest file size at the top. Than klick at the smallest file and watch the preview in GIMP at the right site. You may have to wait a bit until the preview is beeing created. You may have to click @ the preview window to show a preview. Some files cant be previewed, ignore those! Use KEY-DOWN to view the next texture. Search for a texture that matches your texture you need to modify in the game.
NOTE: This can look a bit different because of some transparency etc.. It can also have another color or other elements, but the main element of the texture you are searching for should be seen here, ignore some differences in drawing of it compared to the real texture in the game!

Lets assume this one is showing your texture you are searching for:
Copy the hash or just write it down: 5dbdc2d9

6. Identify correct Texture-Hash by log.txt from Frame Analysis
Open the windows explorer and navigate to the frame analysis folder like in GIMP2 but don't enter the deduped folder, this is an example:
E:\Games\The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan\SMG019\Binaries\Win64\FrameAnalysis-2020-01-04-125202
Here you can find a log.txt, open this in notepad or any other txt editor

Search for the hash you have identified in 5.2 (in the example here it was 5dbdc2d9). You will get several places in the log where you can find this hash. The line that is of interest here is the line containing the path to the file of the texture, that was named in our example. In the case of the example its this line:

Code: Select all

000505 3DMigoto Dumping Texture2D E:\Games\The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan\SMG019\Binaries\Win64\FrameAnalysis-2020-01-04-125202\ -> E:\Games\The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan\SMG019\Binaries\Win64\FrameAnalysis-2020-01-04-125202\deduped\
What matters here is the hash behind the "000505-ps-t0=". Please note that the number before the "-ps" and the number after"t" can be different. So just look what hash is written down AFTER this: "-ps-tANYNUMBER". ANYNUMBER can be 0 or 1 or whatever. Its important to remember this number !! The Number before the -ps doesn't matter! OK what you can see in the line from the example in 6.1 is: The HASH from the file name is different to the hash you can read after "-ps-tANYNUMBER=". This is very important. The hash from the file name CAN be the same like the hash after "-ps-tANYNUMBER=" BUT it can be different. The HASH that is of interest for us is in any case the hash behind "-ps-tANYNUMBER=".

==> Means: copy 6d8dc8dd from the line from the example in 6.1
==> Remember the number of the texture register, in the example its t0 (0) <- its t0 in 90 % of the cases but dont wonder if its another number here than 0 ^^.

7. Prepare Texture-dependend for the Shader
Go back to your d3dx.ini and your lines for the shader you have grapped the texture hash from the frame analysis.
Just a reminder, i am talking about this text block:

Code: Select all

vs-t110 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\DepthBuffer
vs-cb13 = Resource\ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini\_gGlobalParam
;set disable_scissor = 0 if your health or stamina or whatever bars are not moving, NOTE: HUD should be near screen depth than to avoid clipping!
disable_scissor = 1
analyse_options = dump_tex mono stereo dds
;checktextureoverride = ps-t0
In case the texture register of the TextureHash was t0, you only have to remove the semicolon from the following lines here:

Code: Select all

checktextureoverride = ps-t0
In case the texture register of the TextureHash was t1, you have to remove the semicolon from the following lines and change the t0 to t1

Code: Select all

checktextureoverride = ps-t1
NOW you are ready to access the texture and its modification in depth in the shader not chaning the rest of the shader depth!

Below this (or at the end of the d3dx.ini) you now have to add a texture override for the texture hash you have identified above. In our example this was 6d8dc8dd, means please add this:

Code: Select all

For more than one texture you want to change in depth or disable, please just add it like above in a new texture override. Just change the name, e.g. use [TextureOverride_MyTexture2], [TextureOverride_MyTexture3] and so on.

8. Aplly Texture-dependend Depth to the Shader
Open the shader file (from the example its 4570126e312f169d7-vs-replace.txt).

Scoll down and you see those lines here:

Code: Select all

  if(LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x = LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x = RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x = UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x = LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
if(o0.y > -LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x && o0.y < UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x && o0.x > -LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x && o0.x < RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x)
The decalration for the texture access is already writen in the lines above this. So dont cate. For an explaination: This line will load x2 from the d3dx.ini (float4 tex_filter = IniParams.Load(int2(2,0));) to the variable tex_filter.x. This will have the number 2 if the texture hash is active and zero in any other case. So we can do a texture speciffic handling now!

In case you want to have another depth for the texture you have found via frame analysis, please uncomment this lines from the pattern above and change it in this way:

Code: Select all

  if(LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x = LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x = RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x = UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
  if(LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x == 1.0)
    LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x = LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x*1.1;
if(o0.y > -LowerHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x && o0.y < UpperHUD_Y_ScreenDepth.x && o0.x > -LeftHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x && o0.x < RightHUD_X_ScreenDepth.x)
tex_filter.x!=2.0 ==> This means, if X is NOT 2, than do the operation below ==> means normal usage fo the universal fix auto depth and depth if auto depth is not enabled.

After this block you can now add:

Code: Select all

NOW this will add a static depth for the texture, that is -50% off the rest, NO AUTODEPTH. If you need more depth, than add values more than 1, e.g. o0.x+=stereo.x*HudDepth.x*1.5; is +50 % to the rest of the HUD-depth.
If you want to have AutoDepth but a less depth than the rest, you can use this, or any lower value for multiply than 0.92

Code: Select all

You can make the depth a bit more dynamic using a variable for the multiplier and define a key in the d3dx.ini. For the UE4-UV2 there is a a definition called "float4 MenuIndicator = IniParams.Load(int2(23,0));". This is x23 and its free in this fix! Don't care about the name of it, it doesn't matter!

You can use it for a key definition in the key section in d3dx.ini and adjust depth of your texture dynamically.

Just search for this in the d3dx.ini

Code: Select all

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Manual Decal Fix Option;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
and before this line you can add your key like this, please note that for "YOUR KEY" you can use a key from the MS key definitions ( ... s.85).aspx). This example cylces the values for x23 from 0.1 to 0.2 and 0.3.

Code: Select all

x23 = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3
To use this in the shader you have to use this here if you want to mod the depth buffer depth:

Code: Select all

or this one if you want to mod the static depth of your texture:

Code: Select all

NOTE: Please make sure you are using the right output register, like you can reed in my other tutorial, it can be o1 or o2 and so on, this is ONLY an example!

9. Disable a Texture
If you just want to disable a shaders element (texture) its simple. Do all the stepts above until section 8 (without sub sections) and add this

Code: Select all

to in the shader before those lines:

Code: Select all

NOTE: Please make sure you are using the right output register, like you can reed in my other tutorial, it can be o1 or o2 and so on, this is ONLY an example!

11. Reload and Test and finish up
Return to the game, press F10 to apply your changes. Test the things and finish this up by setting hunting=1 in the d3dx.ini to zero.
Last edited by Losti on Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:23 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

Losti wrote:AHH OK the UE4 UV2 1.14 is perfect and the currrent blog fix is a bi broken, now i understand.

I dont know why because its based on the UE4 UV2 V 1.0 and there where no real changes for shaders .... but may be i cant remember. Good to know ill update the blog soon, thanky for reporting!

I think ill make a mixture and check the things again for a auto corrrected HUD in the menues. Can you give me a savegame for the level thats broken with current blog fix?
Save file of the water dungeon: , if I remember correctly go upstairs, and there was a shadow issue. Water dungeon was mostly ok, it was the next level, the forest, that had a few more shadow issues. When I reach that level I can share the save file if you want, but hopefully it's flawless now with the new universal fix.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

skyrimer wrote:
Losti wrote:AHH OK the UE4 UV2 1.14 is perfect and the currrent blog fix is a bi broken, now i understand.

I dont know why because its based on the UE4 UV2 V 1.0 and there where no real changes for shaders .... but may be i cant remember. Good to know ill update the blog soon, thanky for reporting!

I think ill make a mixture and check the things again for a auto corrrected HUD in the menues. Can you give me a savegame for the level thats broken with current blog fix?
Save file of the water dungeon: , if I remember correctly go upstairs, and there was a shadow issue. Water dungeon was mostly ok, it was the next level, the forest, that had a few more shadow issues. When I reach that level I can share the save file if you want, but hopefully it's flawless now with the new universal fix.
Would be cool having the save for the forest, THANK YOU
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

Losti wrote:
Would be cool having the save for the forest, THANK YOU
Here: It works flawlessly in the forest with the latest UE4 fix too.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

skyrimer wrote:
Losti wrote:
Would be cool having the save for the forest, THANK YOU
Here: It works flawlessly in the forest with the latest UE4 fix too.
Nice thank you. Ill check the fix @ the blog and than the latest version i need to track down whats wrong in the first one only for me to know ^^
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

Just released V 1.15 coming up with the following changes:

1.15 - ... fix-2.html
- Added additional Halo Fix on demand. KEY CHANGE!! Read this in Trouble Shooting section "Enable additional Halo Fix"! Replacement for LCTRL + NUMPAD3
- Fixed missing ComputeShader fixes for versions later than 1.0 that I have missed to add!!
- Improved AutoConvergence and AutoDepth Hud compatibility for games
- Added new Clipping-Fix as RegEx (ShaderRegex_66_Clipping3)
- Added tutorial how to fix missing HUD shaders (visit trouble shooting section: "HUD-Element is not in depth even with enabled HUD-Depth")
- Added tutorial for individial HUD texture fixes like disable crosshair only (visit trouble shooting section: "You need to change depth for a HUD-Element or disabvle it because its not cool??")
- OSD updated for the new things, even "fixed!" the wrong key config displayed for separation and convergence changes
- Added a hint how to disable the OSD for your next game start in section "Notes on the user interface/HUD – OnScreenDisplay (OSD)"
- Added a hint in the "Performance" section in bold red letters for those of you that are not patient enough: you may need to wait up to 5 min if you run the game for the first time!
- KEY CHANGE: NUMPAD * will now add optional mouse courser depth, this may be suitible for some games like Darksiders Genesism this key will not cycle Depth presets anymore!!!
- Auto-Convergence maximum values are now adjustable until 1400 convergence via the given keys
- New depth preset keys, range from convegence 20 to 1400
- ......NEW KEY: "." will raise up convergence preset
- ......NEW KEY: "," will lower convergence preset
- I have corrected the keys named in the section "Cycle Depth Presets"
- Added a NOTE to the section "Instructions to install the fix" for the case if you can't find this folder structure: …\GAMEDIRECTORY\XXXXXXX\Binaries\Win64\
- Added a entry in the Troubleshooting Section: "Game does not start in Stereo, even if you set fullscreen in the game options"
- Added tool for to apply suitible AA settings as well as changes for less motion sickness, you do not need to apply this things manually anymore! This tool also checks installation consistency (z_Install_AA_and_MotionSickness_fix.cmd), I have added this hints refering this tool to the section "Some words about existing problems and hints to cure" and "Instructions to install the fix"
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

Amazing update Losti!
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

I am currently working on an improved finding of the config folder for the z_Install_AA_and_MotionSickness_fix.cmd script :-) Because some games will not be catched.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »


extended the "z_Install_AA_and_MotionSickness_fix.cmd" script with over 1000 lines for more success in finding the games config folder to apply AA and AO improvements, NOTHING MORE!!!
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by RAGEdemon »

Amazing stuff - Wow!

Do you ever sleep Losti? :)
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

Yeah sometimes I wonder that too XP
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

RAGEdemon wrote:Amazing stuff - Wow!

Do you ever sleep Losti? :)
Sure, from 10 PM to 5 AM in general :woot

I think that the time i have spend in BATCH scripts i should have better spend in learning C++ or C# that would save some time for those stupid scrips in batch, but i am a child of the 80th, I LIKE BATCH thats what i was grwon up with ^^ But in germany we say something like this: "Von hinten durch die Brust ins Auge" using batch compared to a suitible programming language ^^)
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

skyrimer wrote:
Losti wrote:
Would be cool having the save for the forest, THANK YOU
Here: It works flawlessly in the forest with the latest UE4 fix too.
Thanks mate, i have updated the OPERENCIA fix @ the blog based on the latest version of the UE4-UV2 that fixes remaining shadow and clipping issues you have seen and bring back the HUD from the OPERENCIA fix version 2.0
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »


extended the "z_Install_AA_and_MotionSickness_fix.cmd" script with over 600 lines for more success in finding the games config folder to apply AA and AO improvements, NOTHING MORE!!! / fixed some EXIT Errors / fixed missing cleaneup of temp files
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

I've tried Operencia 3.0 fix and it's flawless btw, and it's great to see that you keep improving the UE4 UV2 Losti.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

skyrimer wrote:I've tried Operencia 3.0 fix and it's flawless btw, and it's great to see that you keep improving the UE4 UV2 Losti.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

Next Update will be V 1.6 adressing some water reflection fix that is not applied currently, that i was working on yesterday.

This will be the last update here for a long period of time. You have to deal with it or fix the issues by your own.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

I have loving found a fundamental error made for the special reflection shaders that leads to NOT APPLIED water reflection fix for shaders using 2 of 3 possible matrices. A loving thing i missed while copy paste and adjust CB numbers. Means every game having water reflections and needs this wasnt fixed yet with V 1.152 or any version before. But may be there was no game using the 2 CB variations. But found 2 games that uses so i was able to saw that there was a fault here. Compared the RegEx variants thet should be the same and only alters in CB numbers and found the mistake.

I am working on an update and compare the things now twice....
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

I am still working on Version 1.60

Additions so far achieved:

- Volumetric fog fix (not working for any game, e.g. Sinking City needs another correction i currently not able to find but working for Draugen, Finding the Soul Orb and for The Pit, so its universal. May i find a solution for Sinking city shader later)
- approx fix for water reflections if the current implemented fixes will not be applyied, my hope is that Masterotaku will find a suitible solution!
- fixed a writing error in a SpecReflect RegEx leads to incorrect reflections in some games
- added fix for prevent flase pos RegEx fix ref. reflections e.g. in puddles
- fix reflections in puddles for some games not beeing catched before
- new clipping fix fixes remaining clipping e.g. in Spyro

- i will write a tutorial if you have some false pos Object fixes
- nedd new keys and OSD entries for the new experimental fixes
- UE4-UV2 config tool !!!
Last edited by Losti on Wed Feb 26, 2020 12:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

Great to hear that you're still working on UE4 UV2 improvements, huge thanks for this Losti.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

I am working on a little config tool for all the troubleshooting things that can be done in the d3dx.ini if something is not cool, lets make this as much smooth as i can for you with 1.6 that should stay for a longer time !
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

Still working on this (config tool, rest is finished up and proven), the damn ERROR handing is killing time! I think everyone that ever have done some programming things will know this. Means if i tell you PRESS 0 or 1, what happens pressing 3 or any other things ^^

No offense, this will need another 1 or 2 Weeks for me!

Annyway, i like the ASSCIIIIIIIIII style ^^ This is something well know from my childhood :-)))

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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

That's really cool, it reminds me of the old ms-dos days, really intrigued on how it works.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

skyrimer wrote:That's really cool, it reminds me of the old ms-dos days, really intrigued on how it works.
Thats why it is DOS basically ^^

i think all the time i spend solving things in BATCH would have been more faster solved in C++ or C# even starting from beginning but....PUHHHH i am really not used to ^^

The new Config toll will also skip the need of the different 4 versions with HUD or NO HUD and so on, all the things can be choosen in the tool so so no more versions to create, thats also a great improvement for me because this is time consuming prepare 4 versions ^^

The loving "style" will kill time .... but hey, i like it ^^ lol

And the loving error handling....but i WILL finish this up and this is the best for you to stay with it ant the best for me to REST!!!

Because ALL the things i habe fixed in some games can be done by YOU!!! But i think many of you where overwhelmed with the troubleshooting text wall @ the blog. So the tool will make things easier. IF THAN anyone is not able to try to fix things by his own, its from my hands ^^

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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

I loving like what we are able to do in batch even if this legacy ^^

Thats fun ^^ all the thingschecked by batch script ^^

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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

Update for today, i think ihave finished up the menue and the readout from the config files, i have huge plans for the Troubleshooting options here but i dont know if this can work with bach but if it will work it will be very cool to fix more things that are currently provided to fix in the blog post...let me see but for sure the current trouble shooting ini changes can configurated with this tool in the future. Its fun to write. A current preview, the new version with the config tool will also let you create all of the 4 versions curretnly online like NO HUD, NO AUTO CONV and so on on demand. Ill also add an option for disable the AIM-keys if they are not needed in the game ... and so on :-)

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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

looks great, but should it be "onscreendisplay at game start" ?
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

You mean the writing?
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

Yeah, is that spelled correctly? Just a minor detail XP .

I'm really intrigued by this, I never touch this kind of config options but having a GUI for that will really help a lot.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

skyrimer wrote:Yeah, is that spelled correctly? Just a minor detail XP .

I'm really intrigued by this, I never touch this kind of config options but having a GUI for that will really help a lot.
You can doo some writing erro hunting if you want i can give you a preview but it think @ the end it doesnt matter ^^

This is the current main menu, all the things are implemented now, i need to do some more things in the TS menu, the next screenshot ^^

Main Menu:

Troubleshooting Menu:
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

OK i am near to finish this up, it depends a bit on the CORONA virus and the situation causes by it @ work....may give me another WEEK!

I am sure some of you will be overwhelmed by the HUGE text and options but its ALL explained IF YOU JUST READ and take some time to understand and you NOW have all the things that has to be done before manually provided in this config tool. If you expect a CLICK AND GO solution in case of troubles (that is not possible), you better got to continue playing in your app generation sand box :-)

Sounds arrogant? May be but I DONT LIKE this the CLICK AND GO "APP" GENERATION....Certainly not if it is something that officially no longer exists. SURE i support it by providing a config tool but in this case its OK, because its a bit more to do in some cases of Trouble here than simply change a value for whatever and i cant expect that everyone are able to manage this, ist simply too much Information and possible options.

So this will be the main Screen:

This will be your starting options to choose:
(PS: 3D-Mode Options to change will be added here, not finished yet)

This will be the Troubleshooting Options:

The MAIN script currently exceeds 3000 lines in batch, i think i should finish this up now :) Working on this since nearly 4 weeks ... its time to bring this to an end and send a FARE WELL to the world :-))))))

I need to fix some issues and implement the rest of the functions that are left now!
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by skyrimer »

Well that's going to be a great way to say goodbye, looks really promising.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by Losti »

Since except of you skyrimer nearly NO ONE give any THANK you for existing fixes fixed with UE4-UF2 and the new tool i will provide and if this may be usefull or not.

Nearly everyone is just WAITING ... WAITING until something will happens...... YEAH the shader hackes will do it, if I write a response or not.....

I was in the hope of some Feedback or whishes to make it as cool for you as i am able to :-)

Ill create the tool for my own satisfaction, because its cool to so see how its working! But the week response will also tell me one thing for sure: GET OFF!!! Skipp this because its "a waste of time" ......

Skyrimer ... if you need anything beeing fixed, just call me and ill arrange some time for this. Thank you :-).

DR_RK is left with a limit of time for shader hacking and Masterotaku, both much more talented than me.....but be aware to kill its motivation!!! They are the last one active !!!
Last edited by Losti on Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Improved DHR Unreal 4 Engine Universal fix [Released-V1.

Post by TonyBirt »

@Losti Apology for the lack of my reply in this forum but I have thanked yourself and DJ-RK monetarily for the latest fixes. My opinion is HelixMod free site should be abandoned and maybe Shaderhackers could sell to individual users fixes for games they are interested in fixing?
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