Wiimote for body tracking

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Wiimote for body tracking

Post by Lookforyourhands »

Hey everyone. Hope you're having fun waiting for your Rift to arrive... I know I am :p
Anyway I was just wondering if anyone out there has or knows of a Glovepie script (or
any other tool) that will allow one to use a wiimote to track simple
body gestures such as ducking, jumping, and strafing left and right. In theory
u should just be able to strap the wiimote (with motion plus) to your torso and have the gestures
tied to keyboard keys. It might work better than kinect for body tracking, and I know
I've seen something like this mentioned here before but has anyone actually had any luck with it ?
Thanks !
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Re: Wiimote for body tracking

Post by Lookforyourhands »

Found this cool mod for Crysis called Wiisis!
Someone has converted Crysis to work with the wiimote ! Full gesture control and everything.
I wonder if someone can extract the glovepie script from this or something ??
It would probaly work awesome for other games!


Wiisis supports many different gesture controls, including:
◦Jumping by flicking your Wii Nunchuk up
◦Crouch by tilting your Wii Nunchuk down or prone by tilting it even further.
◦Punch or zoom in with your weapon by motioning your Wii Remote forward
◦Pick up objects by lifting your Wii Remote up
◦Throw a grenade by lobbing your Wii Remote over your head

Wiisis supports many other unique features, including use of the Wii Sensor Bar (not required) for higher-precision aiming, utilization of the remote's rumble ability, and extra game features such as Retain View Mode for aim assistance.
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Re: Wiimote for body tracking

Post by Lookforyourhands »

Found a bunch of scripts for FPS online, just grabbed the lines of code that I wanted and put together my own

This allows for crouching and jumping. (Also vibrates when you fire)

Strapped the wiimote onto a belt to keep it level and at my waist.

Works VERY well, much better than expected.

Sorta lean/crouch forward to change to downward angle of the wiimote.

Jumping doesn't require you actually lift your feet off the ground, I was able to thrust up and just stand on my toes
and the wiimote detected jump.

Playing around in Mirrors Edge was very fun, and very cool. Now if I could just implement strafing !

Here's the glovepie script. I'm gonna post a video later.

// Wiimote Rumble When You Shoot (or click anything lol)
if mouse.LeftButton = true then
wiimote1.rumble = true

if mouse.LeftButton = false then
wiimote1.rumble = false

// Crouch by pointing the wiimote down
key.leftcontrol = wiimote1.pitch < -22 but not wiimote1.a

//Swing Wiimote up to jump
if wiimote.SwingUp then
keyboard.space = true
wait 30ms
keyboard.space = false
wait 500ms
end if

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Re: Wiimote for body tracking

Post by Lookforyourhands »

Hijacking my own thread lol..

Anyway I learned it works better with the wiimote
attached to the leg, below the knee.. Although I guess it's
placement will depend on the script one uses..

There's gotta be someone out there who's done this before..
Come on dont make me learn how to write scripts in Glovepie :p lol
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Re: Wiimote for body tracking

Post by cybereality »

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