TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by WiredEarp »

Exactly CyberVillain. So when you give those same people extra perks as well, it is a bit more discouraging for casual players who may only play 30 minutes a week...

Sure I can rent a private server (what exactly IS the price?) but I dont really want to, I mean its not like I haven't paid for the game already, or that my PC's dont have enough horsepower. Paying just to:
a: support someone elses antipiracy model
b: get a service I used to get for free (without any improvement in said service)
just rankles a bit.

The SSDthing is just another thing I can whinge about. There has been no improvement really in gameplay in this respect since the early 1942 days. There are always lots of players who grab the vehicles first (I love my SSD I do have to say ;), then once dead run to the respawn spot and spam enter. Its really high time they implemented a system whereby you suffered a delay before you could pickup the same vehicle if there was someone else in the immediate area, or a system where you had to buy your vehicles counterstrike or Tribes style.

3D could actually be considered a cheat in that you can use the 3D crosshair (which I have to say works very well these days, well, until it stuffs out after a certain amount of time) which you may not get with certain guns etc otherwise. Of course, for 2d players they can just have a mark on their screen, so I don't consider that line or argument particularly logical.
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

Yeah well, you cant design a game around the casual player can you now :D
Yeah, I also liked the day when you could have a real LAN party, the problem is though that the a private hosted server cant be ranked, and everybody that playes BF3 wants to rank ALL the time they play :D

It depends on the provider offcourse, we pay 150 dollars for 6 months for a 32 player server...

But with the depth it still takes more time to aim down the sights, if you close one eye its better, but it would be really cool if they games can start fully supporting stereoscopic modes and let us see the scope through only one eye

edit: Hmm, closing one eye wont work by the way, since there will be an alignment error... So proper stereoscopic aiming cant be achieved before the game industry starts to real support it..
WiredEarp wrote:Exactly CyberVillain. So when you give those same people extra perks as well, it is a bit more discouraging for casual players who may only play 30 minutes a week...

Sure I can rent a private server (what exactly IS the price?) but I dont really want to, I mean its not like I haven't paid for the game already, or that my PC's dont have enough horsepower. Paying just to:
a: support someone elses antipiracy model
b: get a service I used to get for free (without any improvement in said service)
just rankles a bit.

The SSDthing is just another thing I can whinge about. There has been no improvement really in gameplay in this respect since the early 1942 days. There are always lots of players who grab the vehicles first (I love my SSD I do have to say ;), then once dead run to the respawn spot and spam enter. Its really high time they implemented a system whereby you suffered a delay before you could pickup the same vehicle if there was someone else in the immediate area, or a system where you had to buy your vehicles counterstrike or Tribes style.

3D could actually be considered a cheat in that you can use the 3D crosshair (which I have to say works very well these days, well, until it stuffs out after a certain amount of time) which you may not get with certain guns etc otherwise. Of course, for 2d players they can just have a mark on their screen, so I don't consider that line or argument particularly logical.
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

SO far so good, the PS3 Eye has a very weak IR filter so no modding required. I just taped a floppy disk that only lets through IR light and it worked right away, I tried with a remote control because I havent recevied my TrackIr Pro Clip yet :/

By the way if you guys wanna use the PS3 Eye with free track follow this guide as it does not work out of the box" onclick=";return false;
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by Synexious »

CyberVillain wrote:SO far so good, the PS3 Eye has a very weak IR filter so no modding required. I just taped a floppy disk that only lets through IR light and it worked right away, I tried with a remote control because I havent recevied my TrackIr Pro Clip yet :/

By the way if you guys wanna use the PS3 Eye with free track follow this guide as it does not work out of the box" onclick=";return false;
Someone on avsforum said the blue LED on the HMZ can be used for FreeTrack/TrackIR.
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

I will probably have to tape that over not to confuse the software (if its bright enough to get through my normal light filter)...
Btw, with one led you only get 2 DOF rotation and xy translation is decoded as rotation
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

The TrackIr Clip has arrived at my local post office, will pick it up after work.. :D
I really hope this gonna rock!
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

Ok, im up and running, its not perfect, the floppy disk blocked to much IR light.. So im right now testing in a dark room with no filter.. I downloded gloviepie and it can intercept the freetrack signals using TrackIr interface..

But I have no idea on howto emulate a mouse the correct way, anyone has a gloviepie script that works? thanks
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by bobv5 »

Freetrack has built-in mouse control. In the options somewhere.
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

bobv5 wrote:Freetrack has built-in mouse control. In the options somewhere.
Tried that but it doesnt work very well...
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

actually it works pretty well, but its two things i dont like. first its very, very unsensetive.. I can only move the camera in game a few degrees when i move the head all the way.. Second I only want to capture the mouse when i hold down alt gr but that button cant be mapped in free track, and freetrack does not support that only capture mouse when holding down a button..

In glovepie i can do a if statemen like this

if(Keyboard.RightAlt) {

The problem is I do not know how to emulate the freetrack mouse behavour with glovepie code
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

This one works pretty well.. I found a VR920 script and modified it to fit my need

Just change the freelookKey to the one you use in BF3. The problem is that while the freelook key is pressed BF3 locks all other inputs so you cant control craft while freelooking :/

Code: Select all

var.freelookKey = Keyboard.RightAlt
var.sensitivity = 20000

var.yaw = RemoveUnits(Smooth((TrackIR.Yaw), 2))/90*var.Sensitivity
var.pitch = RemoveUnits(TrackIr.Pitch)/90*var.Sensitivity

if(var.freelookKey) {

if TrackIr.Pitch <= -83 then fakemouse.directinputY = -2*var.sensitivity
if TrackIr.Pitch >= 83 then fakemouse.directinputY = 2*var.sensitivity

fakemouse.DirectInputX =
fakemouse.DirectInputY =
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

I removed the smoothing code because free track already has a low pass filter on the output and a second one only increases the output lag without increased smoothness... Also removed most of the sensitivity crap since free track has a nice output curve configurator...

Code: Select all

var.freelookKey = Keyboard.RightAlt
var.sensitivity = 20000

var.yaw = RemoveUnits(TrackIR.Yaw)/90*var.Sensitivity
var.pitch = RemoveUnits(TrackIr.Pitch)/90*var.Sensitivity

if(var.freelookKey) {

fakemouse.DirectInputX =
fakemouse.DirectInputY =
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

Took a little clip today when trying out my BF3 config.. It works ok, BUT, since freelook disables flight control its use are very limited :/

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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by brantlew »

Looks great. I love those silky smooth motions from optical tracking. I can't reproduce that kind of responsiveness with inertial/magnetics. Well - haven't tried the Sparkfun yet, but it looks promising. I'm going to repost my Sparkfun message over to this topic.
brantlew wrote:"The Sparkfun looks awesome. I've been meaning to cook up a driver for the Sparkfun for bridging its signals to GlovePie. It looks like one of the best inertial/magnetic trackers around (just needs software support), and it would give everybody another tool to play with. Just trying to find the time. That effort will probably converge with my other project at some point so hopefully in Feb or March I can get to it.

PS. Unless I can source this project to someone else... Anybody interested? I can supply existing C# code for bridging commands to GlovePie. If we open-source it we can even push the code over to Carl for future native GlovePie integration.
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

I would love to get my hands on the C# code to interact with Glovepie... I dont own the Sparkfun, but it looks promesing and its Cominterface looks easy enough.. If the Glovepie interface is nice and easy it wont take many hours to get 3DOF readings out of the com port and into Glovepie
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by brantlew »

CyberVillain wrote:I would love to get my hands on the C# code to interact with Glovepie... I dont own the Sparkfun, but it looks promesing and its Cominterface looks easy enough.. If the Glovepie interface is nice and easy it wont take many hours to get 3DOF readings out of the com port and into Glovepie
ok, I'll package it up and get it up sometime in the next couple days. GlovePie integration is really easy. I'm almost embarrassed to put up the source and call myself a contributor. There was another guy that did a Sparkfun tracker a while back. ... t=Sparkfun That could simplify the front end implementation.
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

Yeah, I've been snooping around that thread, whats keeping me from buying one (Except from the price off course) is that im more of a software engineer then an hardware engineer :D

edit: I have not read the entire thread have mars3554 mentioned anything about the problems you are describing with magnetic head tracking devices?
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by brantlew »

Well the Sparkfun video looks pretty damn good. You can see a little bit of lag but nothing too bad, plus the calibration seems really stable. My Vuzix tracker would be off by 5 or 10 degrees if I went through those same motions. So all in all the Sparkfun looks really good to me. I think from a theoretical standpoint you can't really achieve the same performance as with an optical tracker but IMUs have so many other great properties that they are worth pursuing.
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by brantlew »

Ok my little GlovePie integration tutorial is up. Told you it was easy :D ... 67&start=0
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

Going to check it out when I got time, just ordered the IMU and the USB cable / virtual com port
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by brantlew »

Awesome! Good luck and keep me posted with your progress.
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

Done implementing user definable Input / output adjustment curve


Much nicer than the one in Freetrack if you ask me :P
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

Got my sparkfun today, its much smaller then I imagine :D Thats a good thing.. Didnt have time to fix it today, will fix it tomorrow and probably write a C# test program for it this weekend...
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by michael » unit shipped today :mrgreen:
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Re: TrackIr best product for my upcoming Sony HMD?

Post by CyberVillain »

michael unit shipped today :mrgreen:
Nice! You can use FreePIE to control it if you want :D

Right now you need to be able to compile it, but in a near future we will put up alpha binaries

Let us know if you also have drift problems like me.

What FTDI device did you get? The cable or the break out board? Beware that the USB cable is 5V
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