AUO 'deadzone-free' laptop and tablet auto S-3D displays!

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AUO 'deadzone-free' laptop and tablet auto S-3D displays!

Post by Silversurfer »

By Darren Murph posted Nov 3rd 2010 12:31PM


Hello, future! We had an inkling that glasses-free 3D was the next big thing when we had a gaze at Intel's display back at CES earlier this year, but it seems that AUO is out to overcome the largest hurdle when dealing with lenticular lens 3D technology: viewing angles. Today, the outfit has revealed the world's first deadzone-free naked eye 3D notebook panel at FPD International 2010, and as the lengthy title indicates, this solution will enable you to view 3D content sans glasses and without positioning yourself carefully in front of the screen. Purportedly, AUO's tapping into SuperD's naked eye 3D wizardry to create a 15.6-inch laptop (1080p) and 10.1-inch tablet (WXGA) panel, and there's even an eye-tracking mechanism that's baked in to capture viewers' eyeball movements. Zanier still, both 2D and 3D modes can operate concurrently on the same display, and the viewer can switch back and forth between the two modes without having their brain implode. The company's pushing a mass production date of Q3 2011, which means that the last CES this planet ever sees should be quite the interesting one. ... lays-reco/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: AUO 'deadzone-free' laptop and tablet auto S-3D displays

Post by Silversurfer »

have they really discovered the holy Grail of glasses free, sit where you like S3-D viewing? if so I need to find my financial brokerto get me some shares in this outfit.

Has anybody seen these prototypes in the flesh?
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Re: AUO 'deadzone-free' laptop and tablet auto S-3D displays

Post by Fredz »

This technique doesn't solve the position problem for multiple viewers, it uses head tracking so it can only work for one person.

Active autostereoscopic displays have been known for more than a decade now, see for example the Varrier or the autostereo projects.
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Re: AUO 'deadzone-free' laptop and tablet auto S-3D displays

Post by cybereality »

Yeah, it sounds like they use headtracking to "solve" the viewing angle problem. Could be a decent solution for one person, but its still kind of a hack. Wouldn't work for multiple viewers.
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