Sky 3D enlists Stephen Fry to explain the technology

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Sky 3D enlists Stephen Fry to explain the technology

Post by Silversurfer »


With the official launch of Sky 3D to UK home viewers just days away, the broadcaster's bringing in the big guns. Sure, we've tried explaining the latest in 3D technology ourselves, but it requires a special touch to claim to have invented 3D and still come off as infallibly polite at the same time. For that, you need a professional, and who better than Stephen Fry? If you weren't first in line at the shoppes to buy a 3DTV this video probably won't turn you into a believer right away -- checking in to your local pub for a pint and a Premier League game is a more effective route -- but it's an entertaining preview all the same. The video is embedded after the break and in case this alarm clock showing up on the site, twice, wasn't enough of a clue, we'll feature nearly anything with Stephen Fry involved, especially when he kicks it off by saying "Hello, Engadget." ... ead-of-it/" onclick=";return false;
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