3dvision shutter glasses to display 3D content in 2D (video)

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3dvision shutter glasses to display 3D content in 2D (video)

Post by yuriythebest »

3D Vision hack uses active shutter glasses to display 3D content in 2D (video)

Stereoscopic display sharing -- or using one monitor to show two separate programs simultaneously -- has piqued quite a few people's interest lately. Both Microsoft and Sony have been developing ways to do this, and now there is a post on the 3D Vision Blog outlining how to modify your NVIDIA 3D Vision glasses to accept either the left or right image from a 3D display. You'll be opening the glasses up (careful!), soldering things like shutters and IR receivers, bridging this and that, but by the time you're done you'll be able to watch TV in the way that nature intended, beautiful, glorious 2D! (You can see it in action after the break.) Now, if only we could figure out how to watch color TV programs in black and white...

the only situation in which this would be useful:
You are rich and have many 3d vision glasses and a friend who likes to watch you game but also he has eye problems or doesn't like 3d.
Oculus Rift / 3d Sucks - 2D FTW!!!
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Re: 3dvision shutter glasses to display 3D content in 2D (vi

Post by Likay »

It's hardly a new invention... lol
I've been doing this myself with the projectors. It works visually great gaming on one while displaying a movie on the other. However the mixed sound is an issue.... :lol:
There is a practic usage for "monoglasses" though: I've noticed that small children often prefer watching stereoscopic media without glasses (stereopsis not developed yet). In that case they can use glasses with either two lefteyes or righteyes for a monoview.
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