Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

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Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by JoelFB »

Hi guys,

I hope it's ok to post this here, wasn't quite sure which forum would be the correct one.

Anyhow, we are adding NVIDIA 3D Vision support to our PC game Trine. We haven't really found many, or in fact any, testers for the 3D Vision patch on the Steam forums, so I figured I should come here and see if any of you would be interested in testing the patch and tell us how it works on multiple systems. We've tested it with one monitor (Viewsonic FuhZion) and on the Acer H5360 projector, and it's worked fine, but obviously you never know... We will also see if it's possible to add iZ3D support in the future too, but right now the focus is on 3D Vision.

I have a thread over at the Steam Forums but I think it's better if we keep the discussion here instead.

If you already own Trine on Steam, here are simple steps to beta test the new 1.08 patch:

- close Steam
- open the Command Prompt, either by finding it in the Windows Start menu, or by using the Run prompt and write "cmd" and press enter
- browse to the Steam folder, e.g. write cd "C:\Program Files\Steam\" (or if you're on 64-bit Windows, it's "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\" )
- write "steam.exe -beta trine0624" and press enter, which should launch Steam. It will now update Trine to this beta patch.

Just a quick warning, please note that you should not test this patch unless you are comfortable with the minor risk of e.g. savegames getting corrupted (they shouldn't, but stranger things have happened before - please take backups if you can).

As an obligatory mention, I should probably say that the game is 50% off right now thanks to the Steam Summer Sale, but considering the nature of this whole thing, I am also prepared to give out a few free codes if you have a 3D Vision system and can provide some feedback (even just a "works great" is enough, although the more details the better). So if you want a free code, reply here or send a PM and I'll set you up. (Note that I'm going to bed right after posting this, so it might take a while to reply back.)

Anyhow, I hope it was ok to post this here, and I hope there's some people interested in this. :) Let me know!

- Joel, Frozenbyte team, developers of Trine
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by Dom »

Hi I just seen your topic post and I will help you make sure it working right I just don't know if you need to use my system specs as a testbed for your game. I seen you are working on Trine 2 I heard many good reviews for Trine especially for the sounds and dialog. Anyways my computer specs are this:

amd athlon ii x4 630
asus am3 motherboard
nvidia gtx 285
nvidia 3d vision
Steam account
dlp projector @ 85hz 3D pageflip
3d ready monitor samsung 2233RZ 22 inch

I will have to see how much the game costs now and thats great its on sale 50 percent is quite a savings but I just spend all my money on a new blu-ray optical drive, movie and cpu processor. Will you need me to test your 3d ready game patched with my current hardware. I am a real honest person and won't lie or deceive you any bit what so ever. I have a good eye for 3d and I will forsure let you know if theres any pop-out, volume dimension and clarity with full settings or such and lower. Did you guys put in an options choice in game to select the refresh rate to 120, 100 or 110? My System specs In HTML


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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by JoelFB »

Yeah that's fine, and the system should be fine too (depending on the resolution though, obviously 3D takes a bit of power). Anyhow I'll send you a code in PM. :)
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by Dom »

Hi sorry it took so long for me to respond back, my modem has from isp connection troubles and i could only pull 76KB/s download from steam. So just to update I got your PM and installed Trine and installed the patch just like how you outlined in your first post.

When I was in the options windows I was expecting an option for 3d vision or something but regardless I continued to select the resolution of 1680x1050x32 at "High Texture Detail Level" , Fullscreen = on , Extra Gamma Effects = on, Render Glow = on Distortion Effects = on ,High Quality Video = on , Sounds Enabled = on, Use EAX = off , Enable multiple mice and keyboards = off , and play the game itself.

I enabled 3d vision glasses with the latest driver to date Forceware Version 257.21 as I have the latest 3d vision cd pack.

Just to start off by saying the dimension/volume is second to none. I used "MAX" separation and a few seconds on the convergence to get 3d into place. There is no quality loss of clarity all the stairs, trees, paths that go inwards, bridges that fall down, the leaves/vines that wrap around the posts and walls and the characters themselves all have a 100 percent 3D effect to the maximum without really any ghosting missaligned shadows or effects. The movement or physics in the game give the 3d effect even more since it looks so life like and fluid. I did not record the frames per second but I had no problem with loading or running in 3D at all, it was very smooth playback game rendering.
This test was running with "Anisotropic Filtering = Disabled and also Antialiasing = Disabled". This gives the best clarity and overall effect with max separation and a somewhat laydown of convergence for volume and pop-out.

I also ran this test with "Anisotropic Filtering = 8 and also Antialiasing = 4x samples". This gives a perception of blur or tearing when in Stereo3D but the good thing is it seems to give way beter pop-out of the screen effects. In the start level past the third screen I beleive the tree that bends out and curls a bit was really sticking out of my screen by about a centimeter or so. Using these setting did not slow down my frames per seconds and was very smooth render playback. I also used the exact same option as listed above. So just to say I think you guys did a great patch and it works real well, I actually got inmursed into it with the characters movements and the scenery. I don't know if you guys can make this better but I recommend making the "background" hills, trees, rocks ect have more detail and way more volume and lighting especially. It will give the user something more to look at like if you had birds flying in and out or something, more background volume I think would be really breathtaking and sureal.

If you need me to test any other settings just let me know. Its real good just the way it is too. My System specs In HTML


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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by tritosine5G »

I'm in , all default yet. H5360, GTS250 SLI, Phenom2 , 2GB ram.

Thief intro was flawless with ad hoc settings (depth/ convergence), but with the wizard intro , the moon gave doubling immidietly, now Im finetuning D/C for the moon to appear single time, but Im having a hard time.

Its hard because I used to use close objects to determine the right amount of convergence, now I cant find such object and im totally ad hoc.

Also, H5360 (with EDID override) has a hard time finding itself the proper resolution, it bounces back and forth with black screen for a while. Metro2033 played this for a while as well, but it eventually fixed itself or IDK .

..oh I can't actually alt tab back at all, "input not supported" back and forth stuff again in serious amounts :(
Ok, it works now, this back and forth extent is reduced to 3 tries . So I can safely alt tab. Also achieve good pop out in the scene where the skeleton warriors first appear, that wooden something in the middle is popping out of screen like 1.5 meter. Good for an adhoc setting I guess :) /SNIP Let me rephrase, VERY GOOD :mrgreen:
-back and forth extent (screen resolution retries) is actually 0 retries now, it fixed itself just like Metro2033 did.
ok guys, this is fun. Just noticed the wondercube size is variable as well, and Im starting to like the game a lot :)
Giving it a break now.

oh, also forgot about something:

Depth & C was reset between 2 alt tab-s. IDK this is because of the hacked depth registry setting ( H5360) which I turned off becuase of this test, also used CTRL F7, or it just won't save it, because of steam or something.
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by Recostar »


I Have Nvidias 3D Vision Bundle and would be willing to provide feedback on your game.
Atm i do small previews and reviews of games in S3D on Nvidias 3D vision bundle at my youtube channel here,

If you would like me to take a look at your game I would be glad to.
I use MTBS game analyzer to rate the games.
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by Recostar »

I tested the game before the Beta Patch to fully understand what has been changed.

Ssystem Specs
GPU- BFG GTX2600 Maxcore
Main Board- P5E
Nvidia 3D Vision Bundle -Driver V257.21

Game Settings Custom Detail

Resolution -1680X1050
Texture detail- Very High
Anisotropic Filtering- X2
Antialiasing - X2
Full Screen
Extra Gamma effect
Distortion effects
High Quality Video
Sound Enabled

Before Beta Patch

-Back ground is wrong depth (Mountains,Moon,Stars)
-Shadows are not rendered correctly
-Characters weapon target is in 2D
-Glare or Glow effects are being shown in 2D
-Light reflections off some metal objects are incorrectly displayed at 2D and in some places are reflections from different objects.
-controller tutorial is at 2D.

Beta Patch installed

-Background is rendered correctly
-Shadows are now shown Properly
-Characters weapon target is now in 3D
-Glare and glow effects are all being shown in 3D
-Light reflections off metal objects are correctly displayed in 3D and positioned correctly.
-Controller tutorial Hud is still being shown in 2D.

The Beta Patch has made some major improvements !! . I will continue to play threw right to the end of the game and if i notice anything else I will add it here.
I hope this helps.
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by JoelFB »

Thanks a lot guys. We'll take a closer look at this feedback and findings tomorrow. :)
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by cdemont »

This game looks incredible with 3D Vision. One thing I noticed was that while underwater there is a full-screen water ripple effect that is rendered in the foreground that I found to be somewhat distracting while trying to focus on scenery behind it.
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by Likay »

This is a great way of developers being able to test their content!
To the devs of Trine: Are you interested in how other solutions than nvidias behaves as well? Usually the anomalies in stereo-3d are shared regardless of 3d-solution/drivers but sometimes the iz3d/tridef and nvidia drivers behaves slightly different from each other. Are you interested in a "unversal" good stereoimpression?

Mb: Asus P5W DH Deluxe
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by Okta »

Downloading demo, might have a look with iz3d driver and Samsung plasma when i get a chance.
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by JoelFB »

Thanks to everyone who tested the patch! There seems to be no major issues so we're going ahead and releasing the patch as it is. We'll look into some of the reported feedback and see if there's something we can do (afaik we can't do anything about e.g. the Steam overlay and the alt-tab issues). We've already made a couple of minor tweaks that are not included in the patch, and we'll make these available later (mainly just stuff for the tutorial level, e.g. the controller images are nicer and so on).

We will release a new demo with 3D Vision support sometime in the coming weeks as well. (The current demo does not work properly in 3D, there's lots of issues.)

And yeah we're also looking into iZ3D and we'll probably support that sometime in the summer, once we get enough information/drivers etc.

Anyhow, thanks a lot guys! I hope you continue to have fun with Trine in 3D, and feel free to post further feedback. :)
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by Likay »

This sounds really positive! Thanks for the info!
Mb: Asus P5W DH Deluxe
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Gb: Nvidia 7900GT + 8800GTX
3D:100" passive projector polarized setup + 22" IZ3D
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by WheatstoneHolmes »

Trine looks great on iZ3D monitors!

Thanks for taking an interest in our favorite subject, 3D! :woot

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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by user662 »

The patch works almost perfectly on my computer:

Geforce 8800m SLI
Dual core 2.8ghz
Vista Ultimate
H5360 Projector

The steam popups are visible only for one eye. For the default depth/convergence settings i recomend having the most most foreground objects at screen depth when the camera is at the most zoomed in level. This gives some nice occosional popout, while not to distorting so you can have a lot of depth as well.

Thanks for making a great game 3D ready. You really have an unique selling point by beeing the only coop game on the market with perfect 3D performance. A great way to share a 3D projector or 3D HDTV with friends. I hope you have the budget to make the PS3 version 3D compatible as well.
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by MykC »

Hey Joel, we just got a new S3D setup in our office that uses 3D Vision. We'll make sure we take sometime to give it a decent play through.
CPU / Video: i7 860 / Geforce 470
Memory / Storage: 8GB DDR3 1333 / 128GB Falcon II SSD
Monitor: Acer GD235hz + Nvidia 3D Vision
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Re: Trine game looking for NVIDIA 3D Vision testers :)

Post by rahuxx »

Well i think you can convert any game in to 3D with nvidia 3D vision, so nothing special in it.
If you can add native 3D support then it can be more challenging.

Do not misunderstand me.
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