Plans for 1080P 3D DLP projectors?

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One Eyed Hopeful
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Plans for 1080P 3D DLP projectors?

Post by Ryan »

I see that 1080P 3D DLP TV sets are already on the market, and are actually quite inexpensive compared to a lot of the other 3D solutions, offering really good bang-for-buck on the screen size and resolution that they offer. But, far more appealing to me would be the same technology in a front-screen projector!

Does any one know if there are any plans to carry this technology over into the projector market? All of the current 3D projector setups are limited to XGA/85hz or the radically overpriced, and low resolution DepthQ.

I've e-mailed TI/DLP directly and have yet to hear back about this exciting possibility...
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Post by chrisdfw »

I was about to ask a similar question.

I see that the Optoma HD80 is a 1080p DLP projector and is the cheapest 1080DLP at $2700 US. I looked everywhere and could not find out if it will support anything over 60hz. It does have a 6x color wheel so if it could then even at 85hz the colors would be pretty good. I have a bad feeling that it is stuck at 60hz only though.

I would love it if someone could get their hands on one and test it out at different refresh rates. You would actually have to test it with something using 3d drivers to make sure that if you sent it something at 85, 100, or 120hz that it actually uses that refresh rate and doesn't just convert it down to 60hz.
One Eyed Hopeful
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Post by Ryan »

Here's Texas Instruments' response to my inquiry:

Thank you for contacting DLP? Products. Since Texas Instruments does not manufacture the actual projector, it is up to the manufacturers to determine which products to offer based on their product road maps. TI works with each manufacturer to provide support for any of their product offerings and should a manufacturer determine to introduce a 3-D enabled front projector, TI will certainly support that initiative.

You may wish to contact several projector manufacturers and ask them this same question. Perhaps they can offer more specific information.
I've just sent e-mails to Mitsubishi and Samsung asking if any such plans exist. I'll let you guys know if I find out anything. Right now I'm stuck without a 3D solution, and don't want to spend $1000 on a 22" monitor, despite iZ3d's apparent aptitude for excellent S-3D drivers -- especially if these projectors could be just around the corner! We shall see, but for now I am stuck with lowly 2D.
One Eyed Hopeful
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Post by Ryan »

Not quite the answer I wanted to hear from Samsung, but maybe they're just covering so that I'll buy a TV set from them ;)

Here's what they had to say:

Thank you for submitting an inquiry.

Hello Ryan,

At this time we do not have any 3d DLP projectors. There are no plans at the moment either.

Thank You,
Samsung Electronics
So if anyone wants to shoot them a line to advocate for S-3D 1080P projectors, you can reach them here.
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Cross Eyed!
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Post by chrisdfw »

I think the problem is the way you are asking the question. They probably wouldn't commit to calling it 3d because that involves other manufacturers shutter glasses before it is 3d.

We need to know if they will produce a DLP projector capable of synching to, and displaying without modifying, a 120hz or 100 hz vertical refresh rate instead of the standard 60hz. Many DLP projectors of 1024X768 and lower resolution can do 60hz and 85hz (with slight color changes). There are no 1280X720 projectors that will do over 60hz that I know of.

If you really want DLP to do 3d I would recomend the Sharpe XR10x that I use at 85hz. There is almost no flicker and I don't see any color difference. You can get one from Amazon or Ebay refurbed for under $600. They also work great for displaying HDTV. CSI, ER, Nip Tuck, BSG, are all amazing on my wall in HD from DirecTV satelite.
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