Samsung 3D DLP and Philips 3DTV review

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Samsung 3D DLP and Philips 3DTV review

Post by Jahun »

Ok, this is just a small review, after seeing these 2 types of upcoming 3D TV's today. Maybe I'll add a tad more later.. Civ 4 is asking for some stereo attention :)

Samsung 3D DLP:
Saw a +- 50" version. As expected it looks very much like my normal 2 projectors!

nice stereoscopic!
good out of screen and inside screen effects
didn't notice the shuttering at all on the screen
Full HD res!

Dull and washed out colors, especially if compared to normal LCD and plasma screens.. so for normal viewing it will be less bright and colorfull
The shutterglasses were alot thinner and a bit more stylish than they used to be, but still noticably larger than normal glasses
You need glasses

Philips 3D TV
Saw a 20", 42" and 9x 42" wall version. Looked alot like any LCD screen, and 2D viewing was nice and colorfull

No glasses!
Colors and brightness perfect
3D! albeit by far not as deep as Samsungs...

Not true stereoscopic.. more sort of a very early version of holographic.
Artifacts around strong depth differences
Dead zones in which you see double. This downside was alot less of a problem as I guessed beforehand
Won't be on the market untill 2009 or so, and will be noticably more expensive than a 3D DLP solution

To sum it up: The Samsung has the most perfect stereo experience, at the cost of glasses and colors. Philips is the more flashy and new technology, and may be great for someone with both money and not too picky feelings about stereo 3D.

Look into the future:
The Samsung way is done, that's it there is not much to do beyond this. The Philips way is just starting, and the technology leaves alot of room for improvement. The path they are taking, if you extrapolate the technique (and ignore the gimped type of 3D info the TV set takes atm), leads to holography. Which obviously rocks :)
One Eyed Hopeful
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Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:29 am

Post by CraziFuzzy »

The Sammy uses TI's new checkerboard 3d mode, which so far, isn't supported in the NVidia Stereo Drivers. Once it is there though, the new Samsung RPTV's wil be the single greatest Stereo3D solution available.
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